
2. Just How Fast Life Changes

Theodore's Pov

That motherfucker actually had the audacity to think he would get anything out of this deal? How fucking foolish! I'll make sure to bring him to the lowest pit of hell after giving him a taste of what it feels like to mess with me.

I was Theodore Maxwell!

How in the hell could he think even for a second that he could escape my wrath for trying to cheat me! Of course, he couldn't even achieve his goal to begin with. His team is just like him. Sloppy and inefficient.

So one call was all it took for all the investors in his company to take their money out. That's what power is and I like to make good use of it. I like to flaunt it. I like to make sure people know what it can do to them. And that call was all it took that pussy to come running to me, begging for help. I scoffed at the fact he was trying to sell me the benefits of investing in his company. What a bloody fool he was; he did not even know I was the one who brought him to meet his fate in the first place.

So I agreed to a meeting with him, looked uninterested throughout and agreed only on two conditions.

One, he would sell 60% shares of the company to me, making me the owner and him the shareholder. Yes, I basically bought his company and made sure he knows his worth now. I'm not sure what he has told everyone else, but I'm sure he would still be claiming that he is still the only owner. But we could change that in no time. One call to the media houses and it will be all over the state.

Second, I thought why not make good use of his one and only daughter? I'm sure how fucking loved and spoiled she would be. I'll take my good time to ruin her. But I'll have a better time when I get the rest of my inheritance transferred after fulfilling my father's stupid will. Get married. Poor him, he thought I would never settle down for the rest of my life, given that I was already 'married to my business', or so he quoted before passing away. He wasn't wrong though. Why settle down when you don't necessarily have to? Plus, oh God! Women. They get on nerves. Especially those who look innocent, are the ones who are in for the money. It was hard to find loyalty, compassion and love in today's world. My mother, after all, didn't set a very good example for me anyway. I don't even know where she might be right now, doing what with whom. Neither do I care. She made it her first priority to take herself out of the picture after stealing a decent amount from dad. As for me, it didn't matter if I got love or not. I had money.

But I guess I could blame her for the stone-cold person I am today. It wouldn't be wrong. But then, I think I like to be this way. Correction: I love being this way. I love terrorizing people, intimidating them to an extent where they go as far as pissing their pants. It gives me the satisfaction that I am better than them. Which I am, mind you.

"We are here," the driver informed us, and only then did I break out of my thoughts to give my newly wedded wife a glance. There was no doubt about the fact that she took me by surprise with her beauty. The burgundy hair and the hazel eyes were an easy way to charm someone. There was no way someone could walk past her before turning their heads the second time just to have a glance at her. I was glad at least that motherfucker didn't produce an ugly offspring like himself. But personalities could be uglier, right? We have yet to find out.

She was looking out the window, probably admiring the view of the house. Again then, my place could also make people turn their heads twice just for another glance. And here this woman was going to live in it for free.

I didn't bother waiting for her and got out of the car without looking back. I had work to do. A very important one where I sign everything that belonged to my father to my name. Fuckign finally.

"Is everything ready?" I looked at my butler, Anders, waiting for me in the hallway.

"The lawyer is waiting for you in the office sir," he bowed down before saying. Lawyer? Why? I thought the process was pretty simple and everything should have been in my name right now that I have fulfilled the last demand of my father. Guess I'll have to see for myself.


Alina's Pov

I sighed, getting out of the car with a heavy heart. Honestly, I wasn't surprised at his behavior. I saw it all coming. It's just that the little part of my heart which believes in humanity, wanted to feel at least a little welcomed here. Guess I don't deserve it.

"This way, ma'am," one of the guards pointed at the main door of his mansion. I gave him a small nod before following him in. The moment I stepped foot in, I was hit by the lavish glassy interior, promising that skills, time and money were heavily put into the designing of this place. But was I excited to be living in this mansion?


I somewhat expected his villa to be this extravagant, so it was no surprise. A housekeeper came to my assistance as soon as she saw me.

"Evening ma'am. I'll show you to your room." She said politely.

"Where's Mr. Maxwell?" I asked out of curiosity. What was so important that he had to literally run away like I was the plague?

"He'll be busy for a while in his office, ma'am," She answered, while gesturing to me to follow her. And I did until we reached where I was supposed to live for the rest of my days here in this house. I had imagined by the looks of Theodore Maxwell and his actions, I wouldn't be living in his room. I was only proven right when I entered what seemed like the simplest yet elegant guest room with a color scheme of white and lilac.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to do much. Actually Mr. Maxwell only informed me in the afternoon to prepare a room for you ma'am." She said, looking at the floor.

"That's fine." What more could I say? The room wasn't even bad for me to complain about anything.

"I'll bring your dinner up here."

"Why not invite me to have it with everyone else?"

"Mr. Maxwell likes to have dinner alone. Without any disturbance." Of course, I was nothing but a mere disturbance in his life. I gave her a simple nod before she left.

Sighing, I sat in the middle of the bed not knowing what to do further. Just how quickly can a life change for a woman when she gets married? And it's only for the worse when you get married to a man like Theodore Maxwell.

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