

Mira POV

I was uneasy and was breathing a bit faster as my whole body screams in pain. Hearing each individual bone crunch, makes me sick to my stomach. I know what is happening to me, but I don't know why it's happening right now. It isn't time for me to change until am sixteen! I'm only fifteen and I'm turning into my wolf! I look up to try to find comfort in the moon but there is nothing but darkness. I feel my gums ripping apart and my new teeth breaking through.

I snarl when I hear something uncomfortable behind me, I whip around to rip whatever has disturbed me apart. But calm down once I see it is my father, The alpha of my soon-to-be pack. I feel my fur breaking through my skin and my hands slowly turning into paws.

Every sound heightens with every passing second, and every smell strengthens ten fold. My father walks up to me and touches my now furry head,

He lets out a feral growl, making my entire body vibrate. My eyes suddenly change color to a golden yellow, indicating that am am actually turning to my wolf.

My new wolf yips happily, knowing she's now been accepted into her first pack.

Then I notice there was no more pain, it's like every ache I had never existed I huff in relief and accidentally sit on my tail wrong I whisper and scoot my rump around until am no longer sitting on my poor tail.

I look into my father's golden yellow eyes and see a true leader... the leader I'm going to follow. My new ears lay flat in my head and I whimper as I quickly lay on the ground in submission. He stands there above me with unblinking eyes, scanning the forest line. Then he starts a Mind Link with me. I can now hear everything he is thinking and he can hear everything I am thinking. This is really now nothing is personal until I learn to control it. He growls verbally and then, with the mind Link, tells me,

"find your way back to the rest of the pack. Tell them We have company in the Southeast forest." I hesitate from fear of being alone. He stares at me with anger radiating from his eyes,

"But can't you mind link them?" I ask through mind link.

He growls and towers over me threateningly, making me to take a step back


"They are all asleep. They won't hear me if I try to,. Now go." He says.

"Now!" He screams out

I statued at the sudden rage in his voice. I quickly turn around and run toward the Northwest forest, where the rest of the pack is. On all-fours, I run quicker than I've ever ran before. My tail pinned between my legs from my Dad yelling at me, I fly passed the trees with ease. The faster I run, the more I enjoy myself. But I have to concentrate on the mission my dad gave me. I see the lights from pack house glowing through the trees. So I had to reduce my speed so I don't get hit by a tree then start a Mind Link with my brother, George.He shouldn't be sleeping by now....

"George! Dad needs the pack!" I scream in his mind.

Within seconds, George came through the door to find me, weak and tired, and to his surprise, am a wolf.George shakes his head,

"What's going on here, Mira?" I whimper in frustration.

“Hey George listen! Dad needs the pack! There are intruders on the southeast border!" His eyes were widely opened but then an authoritative look appears on his face.

His legs out a feral howl that makes me flinch back at the volume of it. Yeah

What in the world is he doing?

I then realize he is alerting everyone inside the house and around the territory. I watch George’s eyes turn golden yellow. And within seconds, he has transformed. Then I see everyone that was in the house, rush out and change just as quickly. The sound of clothes ripping comes from every where then Wolves come from the forest and stand behind the beta, ready to go to battle. Ty looks at me, and growls.

"Stay here!" He growls lowly, knowing I want to follow him.

I growl, Who the hell is he to order me around telling me what and what not to do? George’s head turns around and he growls angrily. He heard that. He hates me cursing... Stupid Link! I hear George chuckle a little, he heard that too!! I decide its best if I turn my Link off for now. Let's see if I can figure this says you just have to put up wall...Suddenly I hear someone snarl from behind me, it is Sam, the pack's Beta.

"If you dare turn off your mind link, I swear I will rip your ears off and shove them down your throat!

You need to stay connected to us in case something goes wrong. " He shouts in the mink link.

Someone needs to be calm...

I have no choice but to keep it on. Though the alpha's daughter, I still start out at the bottom of the pack. Sam is only three years older than me but he has already taken his father's place as Beta

Oh Sam is so good he gets to take over the beta position at eighteen! Ugh...

Sam shows his white teeth at me which makes me flinch. His eyes glow like embers as he glares my way. Crap.

"listen to your brother! Or you'll have to deal with me!" He snaps at my paws but I'm too quick, I dodged it.

I expertly stile over my own paw of course...I'm still trying to get used to my new form. I glare at him, but only for a moment. Reluctantly, I submit to Sam and his Authority. If I don't he will probably hold true to his threat and I just got these ears..

"go inside." Sam waits for me to obey but he has another thing coming.

But I stand there, my paws stuck where I was. But I'm the alpha's daughter! He has no right to order me like a pup! I snarl at him, showing my distaste at his order. He actually thinks I'm going to obey just like that?! When my father could be in danger! The fur on his back stands up and he starts to growl at me. I try to stand strong but I unintentionally whimper from his body language toward me.

"Pussy." He says through mind link

“Bastard.” I retorted back in the mind link

I step closer to him and try to bite his shoulder but he easily dodges and takes a chunk out of my left ear. I howl in pain, feeling the throbbing sensation start. My blood rushes into my eye which made me not to see anything at that moment so I lower my head and show my neck in submission. I've been defeated and it feels like crap. I really am just a pup aren't I...I step back then turn around and head to the house. At the door, I turn around to see they have all vanished into the night. Wow. No one was even concerned about the alpha's daughter. Best pack ever. I sigh in annoyance then walk inside the house and push the door shut with my snout.

I smell freshly cooked chicken on the stove and I see that everyone had been watching football on our flat screen tv. I roll my eyes, I've never liked football, they just fight for a ball and whoever makes it to the goal with the ball the most wins. I slowly walk to my room and once again shut the door with my snout. I hop on my bed and stare out my window, waiting for them to come back.

After I calm down, I feel my body change back into my human form. It hurts, but not enough to make a fuss about.

Luckily when I shifted my wounded ear healed instantly. The unfortunate part though is that when I shift back into wolf form, half my ear will be gone I got angry. Son of a bitch!

I hate you, Sam.

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