« To the bar ! » Vicky yells. « Layla’s paying. »
I roll my eyes, but we don’t waste another minute. First, we buy drinks with Ray’s money. Then to prove we were here, Vicky takes hundreds of pictures on her phone, uploading them to Facebook and Instagram until her battery dies.
After drinking our drinks, we take to the dance-floor, leaving our jackets behind the bar with the bartender we befriended. Soon, we’re dancing as crazily as everyone else. Despite my earlier dread, I’m now enjoying myself as I move my hips to the beat.
It’s good letting go. It’s good forgetting about everything. School… Kyle…
Time gets lost, and soon we’re not alone. As Vicky predicted, Tasha attracts a group of admirers. She and Vicky are now making out with two of them in the middle of the floor but I keep my distance.
I’m not ready for that. Well, not with any of these guys.
It’s in that moment I feel a wave of heat wash over my body. I stop dancing, my body swaying. Looking around the club, I suddenly get an overwhelming sense that someone is watching me—
« Layla, here ! » Tasha distracts me, putting a shot-glass filled with green liquid into my hand, urging me to drink with her.
I knock it back and swallow. It tastes disgusting and burns all the way down but I needed something.
We continue dancing, but when we get too hot, we follow the guys to the bar where they buy us drinks. Not that I asked when one of them hands me one. I’m just thankful.
After a while of drinking and laughing, I end up dancing on my own. Tasha and Vicky have disappeared with those guys, and just as I realize this, an arm grabs my waist.
I gasp with shock. Turning, my eyes widen when I see a tall, disgusting-looking guy has hold of me and is grinning down at me.
I push him away, but he doesn’t take the hint and grabs me again.
« Dance with me ? » he breathes against my neck.
« Get off ! » I try to push him back, but he steps closer and bends his head, forcing his lips on my neck. The moment he makes contact, my stomach churns with both sickness and fear. I search frantically for Tasha and Vicky, but I can’t see them anywhere.
Where the hell did they go ?
« Come on, baby, shake that ass for me. »
« Let go, dickhead ! » I yell through clenched teeth, digging my heels into his foot. He howls out in pain and I can’t believe my luck when he let’s go.
Taking the opportunity, I whirl away form him and run through the crowd to get away. But as I look back, I see him coming after me.
I can’t breathe as I push my way through the crowd, relieved when I spot the women’s toilets. Heart pounding, I rush inside before he sees me, running into a cubicle and locking it.
« Oh no, » I gasp when I go to grab my phone, only now remembering I left it in my jacket at the back of the bar. « Shit. »
Resting my head on the back wall, I let out a deep breath. Sweat peppers my brow and I think any moment I might pass out from the heat.
Why is it so hot ?
Working on calming myself down, I reassure myself that he’s nothing but a drunk asshole and I can handle it. Besides, he’s probably gone and moved onto his next victim.
Shaking it off, I eventually open the door, going over to a large sink. After turning on the tap, I wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror. After fixing my hair and taking a deep breath, I dry my hands and leave the bathroom.
But just as I’m about to walk back into the club, I’m pushed up against a wall. Fear consumes me as my back hits brick. To my horror, it’s the same guy from before. As if he was waiting for me.
« I told you no, » I shout when his hands touch my body again. Alarm bells blare loud inside my head. I can’t push him off no matter how much I struggle and push him. The music blocks out my screams, and people that walk by don’t notice.
I panic and buck my hips. « No, let go. »
The guy is ripped away from me so suddenly, I almost fall over. I’m left standing alone, trembling on the spot.
« Are you deaf ? She said let go, » the deepest voice growls out. My attackers’ eyes widen, and he visibly swallows, nodding anxiously.
« Sorry, boss. »
Boss ?
My head turns to look at the person the deep voice belongs to, and I’m not prepared when my eyes meet a pair of dark, gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen in my life. Enough to knock the breath right out of my lungs.
I can’t stop staring at the man in front of me, the intensity of his eyes burning through me. He’s tall, obviously very built, and wearing a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. His formal attire makes him look like someone important, and the way that guy just took off, I bet he is.
Security, maybe ?
I’m not sure. It’d make sense. I mean, he did just save me. Even though, as I look at him more, he doesn’t fit the profile. No badge. No walkie-talkie. His black hair is styled nicely, falling over his eyes, but not enough to cover them. He has handsome features—a straight nose, a strong jaw, and full lips. Like someone you would see from a men’s magazine.
Thank God the club is dark to hide how much I’m blushing like an idiot, looking at the way he stands with his hands in his pockets, staring right back at me. His eyes trail down my body, a small crease forming between his brows.
Attempting to get a grip, I dampen my lips with my tongue and finally think about what just happened. I was groped by some random asshole in a club and my friends have disappeared. Not only that, I don’t know where Ray is, I don’t have a phone, and I’m positive I’m drunk.
« Um… » I mumble, trying to break the silence. I drop my gaze from his, muttering, « Thanks. »
« You should be more careful, » he says gruffly.
I can’t help but look at him again. He’s still staring at me in a way that sets my blood on fire. The music blares and people dance around us. But right now, it’s just me and him in the room. Or that’s what it feels like to me. He’s probably just doing his job and my intoxicated mind is making this more than it is.
« Yeah, » I say, not sure if he can hear me. « Thanks again… I’ll, um, go now. »
I go to move but he steps in front of me, blocking me. My stomach flips. He’s closer now. Close enough, I smell him. Cologne. Something else. Something sweet and masculine at the same time. Whatever it is, it smells amazing.
« Excuse me, » I stutter, heat burning my cheeks. He surprises me by smiling then.