Love? What is love?
It wasn't by loving someone that I got into one of the best universities in California.
I believe that love is a distraction.
Those who love become hostage to someone who may or may not take care of their heart, but most of the time, love destroys it.
I never wanted to stay in that position, for fear of creating an emotional dependence on someone.
My name is Celine, I'm 18 years old, and I'm a virgin.
Not that anyone has ever tried to bed me, but I don't think I should donate to just anyone.
I'm white, I have green eyes, I have freckles, and my hair is natural red.
I get the attention of boys everywhere I go, and I'm constantly being harassed by them, which created a kind of defense in me.
Some guys call me ice girl, others call me naughty preppy, and really I'm just a girl willing to protect her own heart.
I am single, by my own choice.
The day I decided to date someone, he put his hands on my boobs in the first week of dating, and when I asked him to stop, he told me that boyfriends have sex, and we should have sex, and when I decided to break up, he had the audacity to call me frigid.
I'm not frigid, I just don't treat sex with banality.
Today is my first day of law school, I want to be a lawyer like my parents did, not because they forced me to, but because I developed a love for this profession.
Indeed, this is the only reliable love.
As soon as I arrived at the university, I was paying attention to all the girls, very well dressed, super made up, with gigantic heels, and many of them walked as if they were on a catwalk.
Not that I was badly dressed, but I wasn't wearing parade clothes either.
I was looking for my room, when a man walked past me, his perfume impregnated my nostrils.
He was white, tall, male, looked very young, and had an angelic smile.
His hair was beautifully styled, and he had a perfect goatee.
As he walked down the hall, a lot of girls walked along with him, calling him smelly, handsome and another called him a hot teacher.
- So he's a teacher? How much debauchery. I thought.
You can't deny it, he's very hot, but apparently, he's a womanizer, and it's precisely this type of man that makes me want to stay single.
He stopped and chatted with some girls, and I continued my search around the room, until I stopped in front of one.
- It's this one.
Before I entered, the womanizing teacher also arrived in the same room.
Some girls who were inside the room started to come out to greet him, and I had to move away so as not to be trampled.
As soon as I entered, there were a lot of boys and few girls, because the others were at the door pulling the ass of that teacher.
I looked for a place to sit, that I could follow the class perfectly.
Gradually the students entered and sat down, I just didn't understand how they knew him, if we were still in the first semester, then the room should only be for freshmen.
I looked at my paper and asked the girl next to me if I was in the right room.
“Relax, there are a lot of veteran people here who repeated it in his article, I am one”.
So it was explained why they already knew him.
They spent so much time hitting on him that they forgot to pay attention in class.
“Good morning ladies, my name is Kyle, but everyone calls me Ky.
I am a professor of Constitutional Law, and I hope that you can see me as your friend, not just as a professor, and I am here to solve all your doubts.
I see we have a lot of new faces here, so welcome.
The senior girls started to clap, and the freshmen joined in without really understanding why they were being beaten.
I stood still in mine, not wanting to believe those claps were for the teacher. But for what?
I shook my head in the negative, and looked up at him, and I was startled when I saw that he was staring at me.
People stopped clapping, and he looked back at the class and thanked them, then looked back at me, like he was scrutinizing me.
- Oh, spare me. Do you want me to clap too? I thought.
I looked at the floor and laughed at my own thought when he spoke to me.
Kyle: Hi, what's your name?
I looked at him and answered without fear.
- Celine.
Kyle: Do you want to share with the class the reason for grace?
- Sorry teacher, but I have the freedom to laugh without having to give explanations to someone.
At the same time, the murmurs in the classroom began.
Kyle: You're right, just as I have the right to teach you or not, can you please leave.
- I will not withdraw, until you give me a plausible justification for it.
What are you going to say in the direction? That you wouldn't let me watch your class because I was laughing out loud, or was it because I didn't clap for you?
The atmosphere became tense inside the classroom, and the teacher was completely unresponsive.
- Is there no justification? Well then, I'll stay, and you can teach your class please, because I came here to study, it wasn't to inflate your ego.
He looked around the room, and then back at me.
Kyle: Alright Miss Celine, I'll let this one go, because we haven't had time to get to know each other yet, maybe when you get to know me better, you'll be more welcoming and polite.
- I'm only interested in knowing your teacher and not you.
I noticed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and his gaze passed over my entire body, he walked to my chair, under the attentive gaze of the students, and spoke in the foot of my ear.
Kyle: That's what we're going to see Miss Celine.
He turned his back on me, and continued with his class, while I felt my skin crawl.