Collapsing in the chair, Chloe thought about her plan and how fun it was going to be bringing down enemy number one a notch or two. She had waited a long time for this type of opportunity and now that it was here, she was ecstatic. Watching the player’s ultimate fall from grace was going to be so priceless.
Turning back to the class that was about to begin, she started to dig through her book bag for a pen. She was rudely interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a throat clearing. At first, Chloe decided to ignore it and pulled out her notebook, readying herself for the class. The same person cleared their throat again, more insistent this time and very annoying. Carefully, she laid her pen on the desk and looked up at the culprit – Justin. Somehow she knew it would be him standing beside her desk. He was scowling with his hands crossed over his chest.
Amused, Chloe only lifted her brow in question, “You need something ?”
Justin dropped his hands by his sides and tilted his head to the side, looking devilishly handsome, for a player.
“As a matter of fact I do,” he stated, “You’re in my seat.”
“Really,” she snorted, “Is that so ?”
Standing up, Chloe began to look all around the desk. She even went as far as to lift the chair upside down and looked over it before turning it right-side up again, then sitting back down on it.
“Because I don’t see your name on it.”
The two of them now had the attention of the whole class watching the scene play out. No one ever spoke to Justin Pinnix like that. He narrowed his eyes on her and flared out his nostrils ; even his cheeks were tinted red with anger.
“Oh, is somebody getting a little bit upset ?” She teased with mock sweetness.
Chloe made sure to milk the ungodly sugar coating act as far as she could, while dramatically batting her eyelashes and cocking her head to the side, grinning up at him.
Pausing for just a second, she let her grin slightly falter and sat up straighter in her seat. She took her time while crossing one leg over the other.
“Too bad, so sad,” she snapped, “Now get lost,” she added with true conviction and turned away from him, effectively dismissing the annoying guy from her presence.
Justin seethed. He was madder than a cornered rattlesnake and the rigid stance of his body was the perfect indicator. The edge of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, as he silently debated his next move.
Who in the hell was this chick ?
For once, he was at a loss for words. He didn’t know what to say. Huffing rather loudly, making damn sure that she heard him, he turned around and started to walk off.
A couple of Ooo’s and You got dissed’s were whispered throughout the room, but Chloe didn’t give a flying flip. She was too busy enjoying her very first victory over Justin and muttered under her breath, “That’s what I thought.”
Faster than she could blink an eye, Chloe suddenly found herself being physically lifted up and out of the seat, and then placed to the side. Justin sat down in her place and gleefully handed her notebook and pen over to her.
“You were saying,” he asked quizzically, looking up at the stunned girl with that damnable grin of his.
Chloe lost all sense of pretense.
How dare he ? How dare he lift me up and move me ? Who does he think he is ? She was fit to be tied as the old saying goes. She angrily shook her head back and forth and glared at ‘Mr. Thinks-I-am-all-that-and-then-some’.
“Who the hell do you think you are ?” She quipped, her hands rolling into fists on the side of her hips.
He surveyed the room around him, before opening up his arms wide as if it was obvious, “Don’t you know ? I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to this school.”
Chloe merely grunted at that remark. “Oh yeah ?” She challenged.
“Yeah,” he replied in the affirmative.
She glanced behind her and saw that they still held everyone’s undivided attention. They obviously wanted to know what the new girl would do when being confronted by the all mighty Justin Pinnix. Quirking a smile, she now had an idea.
Sauntering forward, she slid onto his lap with all the grace of a prima ballerina and wrapped her long arms around his neck. Leaning into his ear, she blew out a little puff of hot air so that it fanned lightly over all the right places. She felt a sense of utter satisfaction when he shuddered. Now that Chloe was certain that she had his attention, she whispered in his ear, “You may have been the best bucko, but guess what… I’m going to be better.”
She backed up so that she could look him in the face and smiled confidently at him.
His previous cocky demeanor seemed to have lost some of its earlier steam.
“Who are you ?” He asked so low that only Chloe could hear him. His forehead was creased as he searched her face, watching her as if she was some type of strange puzzle that needed to be solved.
Chloe lifted her hand and patted his cheek. The boy didn’t have a clue.
“I, my friend, am your biggest adversary. So what do you say Mr. Player, won’t you play with me ?”
Exactly who does this new chick think she is ? Doesn’t she realize who I am ? Hasn’t she ever heard of the old adage that to be somebody, you have to know somebody ? Well, dammit, I’m the somebody that she needs to know ! All of these thoughts ran rampant through Justin’s head during class. He didn’t get it. He really could not comprehend what this girl’s problem was.
The bell rang and Justin quickly stood up. He watched the new girl gather her things and rush out of the classroom. She had told him that she wanted to play games with him. If it was playtime that she wanted, then playtime was what she was going to get. Justin Pinnix knew for a fact that he was the best there ever was and probably the best that ever will be when it comes to the socialites that walked the halls here at Northeast High School. And that’s just stating the honest to God truth.
Two hours later, Justin silently seethed because he was still thinking about that girl.
« What’s up man ? You look like you’re deep in thought or something. »
He glanced over to his best bud, John, who had no problem keeping pace with him. They were both heading back to the locker room after running laps on the track for P.E. John wasn’t there when he had the initial confrontation with the new girl so he hadn’t seen what actually went down between the two, but he had most definitely heard about it. It seems like everybody and their mama has heard about it by now, Justin thought dryly to himself. He shook his head and grunted in hopes of avoiding the inevitable question. He was most definitely not up to talking about it…yet.
It completely baffled him how this one girl in particular had the ability to both infuriate him and then intrigue him at the same time. What made it even worse was the fact that he didn’t even know her name. How crazy was that ?