« Don’t you just look gorgeous ! »
She knew that voice. Where had she heard it ?
That’s the voice you dream about, darling
She moaned sleepily and then her eyes flew open.
That wasn’t her conscience. Because her conscience never spoke in a deep baritone voice.
She yelped and sat up clutching the sheets to her chest.
« What are you doing ? »
He walked in with a tray filled with pancakes and what smelled like coffee.
She grinned like a kid getting a gift on Christmas.
He placed it in front of her and backed away.
« I’ll let you get dressed. »
« This is not my room » she noticed.
« It’s mine. » He said as he exited the room.
« How did I end up here ? »
« Just get off that bed. We’ll talk once you’re all freshen up. »
She sat there trying to remember what happened last night when Sean walked in again.
« Sorry. If I keep this here, I don’t think you’ll get out of that bed. »
« But –« she liked the breakfast-in-bed thing.
« There’s more from where this came from. » He waggled his eyebrows and damn he looked cute.
Sydney was out the bed and in the bathroom in a matter of seconds as soon as he closed the door behind him.
Grabbing a silk robe from the hook in the bathroom she walked over to the living room and sighed at the smell of food.
Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, a huge stack of pancakes.
Sean ate his scrambled eggs quietly while she happily munched on her pancakes.
« How did I end up here ? » She said around a mouthful
« You don’t remember ? »
« I was dead tired. I remember talking about… something. »
« I remember you snoring. »
She narrowed her eyes. Sean neatly spooned his eggs. He even ate without making any noise and swallowed before saying « And drooling on my shirt. »
« I did not. »
« Yeah, you did. » he pursed his lips but a little chuckle escaped his lips.
She threw her napkin at him.
« Hey, no throwing napkins around. »
Sydney rolled her eyes.
« So why are you here ? »
« I did tell you that, didn’t I ? Hmm. » He looked up at the ceiling as if remembering something and then he snapped his fingers. « Ah ha ! I did. But… » He shrugged.
« But what ? » She asked curiously.
« You were too busy drooling. »
This time Syd straight up raised her spoon.
« If I get even a bit of maple syrup on this Brioni, you won’t like what I do. »
Sydney lowered her spoon and Sean gave her a smug smile. She neatly placed a small piece of pancake dripping with a helluva lot maple syrup and flicked her wrist.
The piece landed on his chest pocket of his blazer and slid down.
Sean’s eyes widened in horror as it finally registered as to what she did.
« Oh woman. » He looked up, his eyes dark and a smirk on his face that scared her.
« You. Are. So. Dead. »
He got up, shrugged off his jacket and when he rolled his sleeves up, she knew what he was going to do. With a squeal she stood up and ran. Ran over to the couch behind which was the door to the bedroom. Before she could even take another step ahead, Sean had a grasp on her robe.
« Sean. » She squealed as she felt him tug.
He tugged her and she stumbled directly in his arms. His arm wound around her waist and he twirled her around to face him.
« Got ya ». He whispered.
He looked so freaking sexy with his hair disheveled, two of the buttons of his shirt open, his sleeves rolled up. This was what he looked when he wasn’t being Mr. Perfect.
When he smirked at her she shook the thoughts away and shook her head, trying her sad-puppy eyes.
When that didn’t deter him, she vigorously shook her head
« No. No, no, no « and she squealed as he tickled her sides
« Seaaa-« she squealed again.
« I told you, you wouldn’t like it. »
« Stop it. » She screeched.
But he didn’t let her up. When covering up her tummy didn’t work, she tried batting his hands away.
Before she knew it he had stopped.
« Thank god. » She wheezed and looked at him to find him staring at her.
She followed his gaze to her chest to see that the robe had fell open and her breasts were just shy of popping out of her robe.
Grabbing the lapels, she tugged them close
« Y-you.. » he sputtered as he got out of his reverie.
They both didn’t knew that they had ended up on the floor, him straddling her waist.
« I-I didn’t-«
« Sean. » She said calmly and he looked at her, his cheeks turning pink.
« You look cute. » She giggled.
He rubbed the back of his neck.
« I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. »
Sydney didn’t correct. Didn’t tell him that he did mean to have fun. Didn’t tell him that deep down he really wasn’t sorry. And neither was she . She felt that this was the first time ever, Sean had let go of his perfect demeanor. He looked so cute that she couldn’t help but keep staring at him.
She studied him and he cocked his head as if he was trying to figure her out.
He still hadn’t registered the fact that he was straddling her. In fact he looked pretty comfortable right there and Sydney couldn’t help but chuckle.
« What ? » His eyebrows furrowed
After a minute he seemed to understand
« Shit, I’m sorry. «
As he went to stand up, Sydney felt weird. More like warning bells started ringing.
If she let Sean go now, he would retreat. He would because he never acted this way. The fact that he had let go of his control told her that Sean found her comfortable enough to let go of his control. But she also knew that this man would later ponder on this thing and keep her at arms length henceforth. No matter what, Sydney didn’t want that to happen.
In an attempt to stop him, she let go of her robe and grabbed him by the lapels of his shirt.
« What the-«
Before he could say anything, Sydney pulled him down on her and kissed him.