« And I suppose that you’re expecting me to leave ? » He asks with his smirk still stuck to his face. Informs at him. What angle is this guy playing at ?
« Unless you plan on taking me from him because if so, by all means please do. » I laugh bitterly and his eyes darken as he growls. He’s pulling to up to a stand and pulling a large shirt over my head within seconds. Damn, he’s fast.
« No one is taking you from me. » He growls at me and I suck in a sharp breath of air in shock. Oh double shit. « And if you ever offer to leave again I will punish you severely. » So this is Alpha Lupine ? Why does he have to be super hot ? That doesn’t even make any sense. The ones with black hearts get the pretty faces for some reason and I’ve never understood it.
« You said you wouldn’t hurt me. » I point out.
« Who said anything about hurting you. » He smirks. « Trust me, baby, when I’m done, you won’t be trying to leave. You’ll be staying with me for a long time. »
« Um, » I try to think of something to say but struggle more than I care to admit. « I don’t even know your name. » Really ? Out of everything I could have said I say that ? Of course I would.
« Alpha Theo Lupine. » He says and the title holds so much power that it makes me shiver in the shirt he gave me. « But you and only you get to call me Theo. »
« Alrighty. » I drag out and he raises an eyebrow before turning around and turning back in the direction he came from. I stand still and don’t move towards him.
« Are you going to follow ? » He asks, not even bothering to turn around and face me when he asks. I roll my eyes.
« Are you taking me back to Kaiden and the rest of my pack ? » I ask in return and he stops walking away as he tenses up. He doesn’t turn around to face me.
« No. »
« Then there’s your answer, Alpha. » I cross my arms over my chest as he finally turns to look at me. I don’t care who this guy is. I will not go with him willingly.
« You want me to carry you again ? » He raises an eyebrow at me again and I laugh bitterly.
« I want you to let me go but what I want obviously isn’t an option here. » I spit and he’s leaning over me, growling softly at me in less than a second.
I don’t grace him by looking up. I stare at his chest in defiance. Maybe if I become the most difficult mate to have, he’ll get frustrated and let me leave. There’s a very high chance that is definitely not happening.
« You speak like you don’t understand who I really am. » His voice is strained with his barely contained anger.
« No, I know who you are. I did just watch as your men slaughter helpless children in front of their mothers so I’ve got a pretty good idea of who I’m dealing with here. » My tone cuts even my own ears like knives and he looks at me unfazed.
« And yet you still speak so disrespectfully. » He marvels, his eyes dark on mine.
« I don’t respect you. » I scoff. « You don’t even scare me. » It’s obviously a lie but I’m begging that he won’t focus on it right now. He growls deeply at me before rushing forward and as his hands make contact with my skin, my whole body tingles. Whoa. That’s different. He’s still growling as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, holding my legs to his body. I scream and struggle against him while pounding my hands on his back but damn, he’s way too strong.
« Stop. » He demands in his alpha voice and my wolf whines lightly but I do as I’m told. I go slack in his arms and he seems to almost relax. A monster like him doesn’t deserve to be relaxed. Not even a little bit.
« Go fuck yourself. » I growl out and he chuckles, starting to walk with me still slung over his shoulder.
« But that’s your job, baby. »
« You’re disgusting. » I snap.
« And you’re beautiful. » Oh no. He is not going to win me over with flattery. No way.
« Well you’re a monster. » I sound like a kindergartener that can’t come up with a comeback that even sounds good.
« And you’re mine. » He retorts and runs a large hand down the back of my bare calf. I kick at him and he snarls.
« I will never be yours. » Is all I can manage to hiss and he stops walking. Uh-oh. I’m in trouble now. He sets me down only to immediately push my back against a thick tree’s trunk. His mouth is too close to my own for my own liking.
« Listen up, little girl. » He growls looking way past pissed. He passed being pissed a long time ago. « You will always be mine. You are my mate and I will not stand by and let you treat your own mate such ways. You belong to me whether you like it or not. I said I wouldn’t hurt you and I won’t but keep acting like this and see how far it gets you. »
« Well maybe if I’m lucky, someone will come by and take me off your hands so you won’t have to deal with me acting in such ways. » I spit and he roars with rage. So that’s what gets his panties in a bunch ?
« No. One. Is. Going. To. Touch. You. » He barely says through clenched teeth. « You are MINE. » He picks me back up and starts carrying me again, obviously getting his point across. I feel the tears welling up in my eyes yet again. I sniff to make them go away and he tenses.
« What ? » I ask, barley restraining the tears.
« Don’t cry. » His voice sounds almost…pained. For some reason, that sets me off. I sniff again as I try to silence my sobbing. « Ah shit, no, baby girl, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. »
« Just leave me alone. » I sob and he whines. The big, bad alpha actually whines.
« You have to stop. » He presses and I try to do as I’m told but I fail. This is all so pointless. If he doesn’t kill me then what ? Am I supposed to fall in love with him Beauty and The Beast style ? Like hell that’s happening ! « We’re almost home. You can lay down and sleep. I’m sure sleep will help. » I sob again.
He doesn’t even understand. I don’t want to sleep in his home. I want to go back to my pack and sleep next to Kaiden. He must sense that my thoughts have turned to him because he growls at me.
« You are mine and I will not say it again. » He says to me angrily and I roll my eyes. Right.