
Chapter : 04



The night was calm, the moon shone brightly in the starry sky. Lying in bed, Alex slowly fell into sleep. His mind wandered, exploring the distant lands of his imagination.

Suddenly he felt like he was having a strange dream. He was in a dense, dark forest, surrounded by giant trees whose branches stretched menacingly towards the sky. A cold wind howled through the leaves, and animals fled in all directions.

Alex was alone, lost and terrified. He felt an invisible presence watching him in the shadows, and his heart was beating wildly. Suddenly, he saw a humanoid figure standing in front of him. The creature was immense, its eyes glowed with a piercing yellow glow, and its sharp fangs were visible in a terrifying grin.

Suddenly, a searing pain pierced his body. He screamed in pain, and his vision blurred. The world seemed to distort around him, and he felt his body transform. Its hands mutated into powerful claws, its legs transformed into muscular paws, and its head was covered in thick fur. In a matter of seconds, the man had disappeared, giving way to a massive and ferocious werewolf.

When the transformation was complete, Alex was no longer a man. He had become a werewolf, a fierce and savage creature. He let out a long howl at the moon, and his eyes shone with a wild light.

The fight began immediately. The two creatures rushed at each other, fangs and claws drawn. The shock of their bodies shook the earth. The werewolf, larger and more powerful, attempted to attack with ferocity, but the humanoid figure, agile and cunning, dodged its blows with supernatural grace.

The trees were breaking under the force of their assaults, and the ground was digging under their paws. Their roars filled the forest with a wild cacophony, and the wind blew violently around them.

The werewolf attempted an ambush, but the humanoid figure had disappeared. He peered into the darkness warily, his keen senses on alert. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him and turned around just in time to avoid a fatal blow.

The duel continued for hours. The two beings seemed to be in perfect harmony with their environment, using every tree, every rock as an asset in their fierce struggle. They were like dancers dancing a dance of death, competing in a ballet of violence and grace.

Finally, the werewolf managed to catch the humanoid figure by surprise. Their eyes met in a burst of fury and determination. The werewolf was about to inflict the killing blow when suddenly, the humanoid figure dissipated into a black mist.

The werewolf remained there, alone in the middle of the silent forest. His breathing was short and ragged. He had survived the fight, but at what cost ? His opponent had disappeared without a trace.

When Alex woke up, he felt different. His body was stronger, more vigorous. He got up and walked towards the mirror. His face was still that of a man, but his eyes shone with a wild gleam he had not known before.

He touched his face, and his fingers brushed a scar he had had since childhood. The scar was gone. Alex examined the rest of his body and noted with amazement that all his old wounds, those from hunting and daily life, had disappeared.

___ What is happening ? he asked, his voice trembling.

Excited, Alex rushed to his mirror hanging in a dark corner of his cabin. As he looked at himself, his eyes changed color. He closed them, then opened them twice, but the strange color persisted. Fear seizing him, he felt his heart pounding in his chest.

___ Am I dreaming ? he asked, terror creeping into his voice. First this dream where I turn into a werewolf to fight this mysterious beast, then my wounds disappearing, and now my eyes changing color… or have they disappeared ?

His anxious gaze fixed on the mirror, but to his horror, he found that the color of his eyes had remained there.

He sat down on his bed, got up abruptly, then sat down again. Thoughts swirling in his head, he felt a growing anxiety knotting his stomach.

___ I can’t be one of them, he doubted.

Doubt and terror were visible on his face. He got up again, approached his table and grabbed a knife. With trembling hands, he closed his eyes and cut into his skin. To his horror, the wound closed before his eyes. He did the same on his face, but the result was the same : the wounds disappeared visibly.

After these terrifying experiences, Alex closed his eyes again and slowly opened them. To his relief, his eye color had returned to normal.

___ I refuse to admit that I am a werewolf, he concluded.

At the same time Isaac knocked on his door.

___ Who is it ? he asked.

___ Isaac, it’s time to train, replied his comrade.

___ I’m coming, Alex agreed. With these words, Isaac left.

Alex got up, quickly got ready and joined his comrades who were waiting for him.

___ There you are, said one of them.

___ Where were you ? Alex asked.

___ I’m trying to learn a little tactics from what you taught me to our juniors, replied another comrade.

___ Very well, I’ll take over. Isaac, take your slingshot and attack me, Alex ordered.

Isaac stood up, took his slingshot and threw himself at Alex, who skillfully dodged his blows. Suddenly, Isaac’s slingshot hit him in the shoulder, leaving a wound.

___ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, Isaac apologized.

___ No it’s nothing, you defended yourself well. I’m out. See you tonight, Alex replied.

To avoid arousing suspicion, Alex quickly left the group. On his way home, he heard his colleagues talking about him.

___ I have the impression that Alex has changed, someone said.

___ Exactly, the way he was dodging things made my mouth really water, added another.

___ His fight against the werewolf left signs in his blood it seems. What amazes me is the way he turned around, another colleague commented.

Alex didn’t understand anything. How could he hear his colleagues’ words ? He kept his head down all the way home. Once home, he took off his shirt and found that the wound caused by Isaac’s spear had disappeared.

___ I am becoming something else, I understand absolutely nothing about these changes in me. I should be very careful, maybe the werewolf’s bite left some fearsome things in me, but that doesn’t mean I’m one of them. Impossible, I can’t be a werewolf, he whispered.



To be continued

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