
Chapter : 02

The werewolf, with his supernatural power, cut through the forest at an impressive speed. Its clawed paws hammered the ground, raising clouds of earth behind it. The branches of the trees shook violently as the creature passed, as if the forest itself was trembling in fear. The leaves rustled and the birds flew away, squawking, disturbed by the menacing presence of the werewolf.

For his part, Alex ran with fierce determination, skillfully dodging the roots and rocks that littered the ground. His ragged breathing mingled with the sound of the werewolf’s footsteps, and his eyes stared intently at the dark figure that narrowly escaped him. The moonbeams filtered through the waving branches, fleetingly lighting Alex’s path. Each step brought him a little closer to his formidable opponent, and despite the pain that racked his body, he refused to slow down.

The forest itself seemed to participate in this frantic race, the trees bending and tilting to allow the two adversaries to continue their confrontation. The wind whistled between the trunks and the bushes swayed as if to encourage Alex in his quest. It was a true chaotic dance in the heart of nature, where Alex’s determination and the werewolf’s ferocity were measured in a wild ballet.

The werewolf, with a fierce roar, whipped around to face Alex. Its yellow eyes shone with a malevolent glow, and its sharp fangs gleamed in the light of the moon. A menacing growl escaped its gaping maw, as it prepared to face its opponent again with savage determination. Suddenly, he lunged at Alex and bit him.

The werewolf, once he had bitten Alex, let out a wild howl that shook the entire forest. Its sharp teeth were stained with the blood of its victim, and they seemed to sparkle with an evil glow in the moonlight. Each cry of the werewolf shook the branches of the trees, causing dead leaves to fall and shaking the sturdy trunks.

The werewolf’s guttural, bestial sound echoed throughout the forest, like an ominous warning to anyone who dared to approach. The nocturnal animals fell silent, and even the wind seemed to hold its breath in the face of the imminent threat. The terror that the werewolf’s cry inspired was palpable, and it permeated the atmosphere of the forest with deep anguish.

Meanwhile, Alex felt his strength leaving him little by little. The werewolf’s bite had injected powerful venom into his flesh, depriving him of his physical abilities. Every movement caused a searing pain, and he fought to stay conscious in the face of the threat looming over him.

Alex’s limbs were trembling from the venom, and his vision was gradually blurring. He felt numb, as if his body refused to obey his commands. Despite his fierce determination, he knew that his strength was inexorably betraying him.

The forest still echoed with the werewolf’s cries, but the sounds seemed to gradually fade away as the monster moved deeper into the darkness of the night. Alex struggled to remain conscious, aware that he had to find a way to get through this ordeal. Breathing short, Alex watched the creature disappear before his eyes.

___ Why am I like this ? he asked, closing his eyes.

In the village, the atmosphere was back again. Each villager had joined their half-destroyed mother. Some were happy to find themselves safe, while others mourned the loss of a loved one to the mysterious werewolf.

___ He wreaked much more havoc than expected ! shouted the villagers.

Isaac, returning to his companions, gave the exact account of what he had seen.

___ Did you follow him ? asked one of the hunters.

___ Follow him ? Follow him ? replied Isaac. Do you want me to put myself in danger ? Or do you think I’m strong enough to face this monster ?

___ Why are you one of us ?

___ You can not understand. I had to go backwards to follow the scenarios. I witnessed a scene that left me stunned. My biggest fear is whether Alex is okay.

___ He is right. Instead of staying here yelling at each other or trying to denigrate the other, we would do better to go find our leader.

___ I’m just afraid for him.

___ Alex has always been one of the best among us. Even if he dies, he will still be the best.

With that said, they all returned to the forest, shouting Alex’s name out loud. The forest was dancing.

However, despite their relentless search through the dark, dense forest, their voices echoing through the trees, they were unable to find Alex’s trail. The forest seemed to come alive with the sound of their calls, but there was no sign of their comrade. The dancing shadows of the trees seemed to mock them, and the darkness of the night made their search futile. The hunters felt lost in this natural labyrinth, and a heavy anxiety hung in the air. Still hoping to find clues, they continued their search until dawn timidly appeared on the horizon.

___ Let’s return to the village, we will rest and iron.

___ He is right.

Exhausted, the hunters decided to return to the village to rest in peace.



To be continued…

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