

‘You have reached your destination’ The GPS robotic lady told me. Checking my watch, I saw that I had five minutes to get into the building. Quickly getting out of the car -and locking it- and I began my long journey into the building to the reception lady that was- not literally- waiting.

« Excuse me. » She looks up at me, after hearing my voice with a grim smile plastered on her face.

« How may I help you ? »

« Um, I’m here for an interview with Mr.Hale ? »

« Oh three people have just arrived. Please make your way to elevator and press 15. »

« Level 15 ? »

« Yes ma’am. This is a very tall outstanding building. » She sounded bored. It’s probably because she has to talk to strangers everyday ; I don’t blame her.

Giving her a smile of my own, I thanked her before looking around for the elevator. Once spotting it I carefully walk over to it, pressing the up button.

It took a while for it to come down and when it opened at least five people stepped out. Stepping in, I didn’t have time to share with people as I clicked on the button to make the doors close faster.

It moved smoothly, better than my apartment building and I smoothed out my outfit trying to control my breathing from how nervous I felt.

It was too late to go home that was for sure. « How may I help you ? » The next receptionists asked once I stepped out of the elevator.

« I’m here for an interview with Mr. Hale, I believe. »

« Are you Embre Daniels ? »

« Uh… yes ? »

« Your meeting with Mr. Hale is in two minutes please wait until Miss. Witmore is finish-« She was cut off by a lady walking out, looking ultimately pissed off.

She must be Miss. Witmore.

« Miss Daniels. » I watched as she walked passed me and to the elevator and as if she could still feel my stare and she turned and glared at me. « What are you looking at ? »

I casted my eyes downward.

« I’m sorry about that. » The receptionist tried to excuse the women’s behavior but it wasn’t her fault. « His office is straight ahead. »

« O-Okay. » I stuttered out. « I look okay ? Right ? Not too overdressed ? »

« You look fine, you’re the first one to come in looking professional. He will probably take a liking to that, you’ll do great. » She encouraged me.

« Okay. » Seeing the door halfway open, I knocked before letting myself in.

His office was plain and simple. It was a nice view from outside as I saw the surrounding buildings around his. The color was different as he had a lot of different colors, such as brown, black, white. I noticed a couch that was sitting with a table with a few papers laying on top.

My eyes drifted to his main desk, seeing that he was present there, looking through files on his desk. And hearing the sound of his door close his head didn’t turn up in the slightest to see who came in.

« Sit. » He ordered, while he turned in his chair a degree to open a cabinet and pulling another near stack out before placing it on his desk.

Well look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but following directions because I needed the job. I took the few steps needed to get the two chairs, and planted myself down.

He turned fluidly again, and my eyes widen at the sight of him already knowing who he was.

It was him.

Landon Hale.

He did clean up nice, as I noticed he had on a velvet suit that color suiting him well. He didn’t have the jacket on- which was sitting behind his chair- his cufflinks were rolled to his elbows and he had two buttons undone revealing his very light chest hair and it made me wonder how he woke up in the morning.

The light hit his watch and I took notice that it was a.. Rolex ?

The only thing different was his hair, it wasn’t done any type of a way. It just looked like bed hair, but it suited him.

Instead of acting normal- a small gasp left my lips and I wanted the chair to swallow me whole. Half of me knew that this would come, and now the opportunity that I could land the job was sitting in the palm of his hand.

He looks unfazed at me looking him over, due to the fact that I felt him doing the same. His eyes were a hazel green and if he didn’t stop now I was going to turn into putty.

‘Please don’t recognize me, Please don’t recognize me.’ I chant in my head.

« Embre… »


« Mr. Hale. » I said back, using his last name instead of his first.

I expected him to sit in his chair and do the interview, but I was proven wrong as his tall frame loomed over his desk before he made his way around. He turned the chair next to me so he could see me clearly before he sat down again. « You’re in need of job. » He was blunt about the conversation.

« Yes, that’s why I’m here. » I nervously said. « I don’t know if you remember-«

« I do. » He interjected. « The first women to ever leave me on a dance floor or in general. »

« I’m sure that’s not true. » I tried to steer the conversation away from me.

There was a ghost of a smile playing on his lips, I think he was enjoying me squirm a little bit too much. « Tell me about yourself. »

« Uh well… »

Damn, was I boring.

« I like to read – a lot actually- I majored in History before deciding to change it to something more suitable for me. Management. I’m not very social, but if I have to socialize I’m also good with that. And if I had to.. I make good coffee ? » It was a gesture that I had hoped to take back, why did that come out of my mouth ?

« This isn’t going to be like fifty shades. » He commented and that honestly took me by surprise and I laughed because I felt like I could.

« What ? » I was stunned to say the least.

« You like books and you seem awkward am I right ? » Spot on. « And besides he was a billionaire and I’m a millionaire. »

« So I’ve noticed. » I nodded at his watch and he chuckled before he took it off, setting it on his desk.

He tilts his head to the side, eyeing me again and I shift and I saw the corner of his mouth twitch in what ? Amusement ? « How were you in college ? » He threw out a question of his own.

Well this should be easy.

« My grades were fine, I have a 3.6 GPA. Some would say I was a nerd. » Since everyone came to me for help that is.

« What do you think you work best at ? »

« Well, I’m good with computers and people, sometimes. So a little bit of both I would say. »

« What do you do on your free time ? » He threw out his third question to me, I hope he doesn’t think I go out to parties all the time, that wouldn’t be good.

« I stay at home mostly, unless I’m forced against my will. » I answer him, honestly and he agreed with me on that, I guess from personal experience.

« Drugs ? » I shake my head no rapidly, I would never, that likes putting death right to my lips or nose.

« I’m only asking because you can say one thing, but later on down the road, I find out and I wouldn’t want to fire you.. would I ? »

« I would hope not sir. » I answered back.

He nods. « Would you be my personal assistant if I asked you to ? »

Um excuse me ?

Can he repeat that ?

« Don’t I need experience for that ? »

« You could be trained if you want. It’s not that hard of a job. »

« Uh.. I mean, I guess I could be. » I stutter out, fanning my hand out before letting it hit my knee. « That’s a high paying job. »

He agrees with me on that. « If you are up for it , of course, you’re hired. »

I suck in a deep breath at his words. Just like that ?

« O-Okay. » I stuttered. « Thank you. »

« You start in two days at eight thirty sharp, don’t be late. »

« Yes, Sir. » I stood up, after hearing his dismissive tone and I could understand why with a bunch of papers sitting on his desk. He stood up as well.

« It was nice seeing you again Embre- Miss Daniels. » I give a small nod agreeing with him.

« Likewise Mr. Hale. » I hold my hand out, and he accepts it, gripping mine into his warm palm and I realized then how cold it was in this room at that moment.

Feeling his stare on me, I made quick work to get to the door. « Thank you again. » I smiled at him and with a nod of approval from him, I shut his door.

And since I knew that I was already out of the apartment and Regina probably took my car to go elsewhere since she’s not a home body like me, I decide to explore the state of California.

But all the while my mind kept wondering about what will happen next..

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