The fact that she was an heiress – a filthy rich one at that – had also helped a lot in the various investments she’d made over the past few years. Three years ago, when she’d inherited her maternal grandfather’s mother, she’d been indecisive about her choices in life. Then, finding herself at a crossroad in her life, it had been difficult for her to move on. After much self-preservation, she had opted to open a business in the fashion industry. Although, she was not a fashion freak, she’d done her degree in Arts and Culture, preferring to venture into safe horizons.
At the beginning, she’d been the main model for most of her niche garments. Blessed with a perfect body, she was what they called hot. With time, she’d grown accustomed to accept that she was quite attractive, having inherited her mother’s traits, and the business acumen of her father. At the thought of the latter, she automatically wrinkled her nose in distaste, her good mood fading as fast as it had cropped up. What a pathetic excuse of a man Alastair Forrester was. Seriously, as far as she was concerned, Ana would never forgive him for what he’d done. For the lies.
Chiding herself for once again granting her family to inhabit her mind, she gave herself a mental shake to boost her confidence. It was time to focus. In a few hours, she was supposed to be walking down the runway for the new NY summer collection. Usually, being exposed in front of such a big crowd, facing a phalanx of cameras generated nothing more than passive endurance from her. Dressed like a perfect doll, covered with a multitude layer of make-up, the mannequin who walked the ramp was nothing remotely close to the Anastasia Forrester she was. No, she was worth more than the lifeless wax mannequin, whose only redeeming quality was her attire, not her heart.
Today, however, her heart flipped in her chest with a sense of trepidation, unable to tamper down that uncomfortable lurch. It could not be because of her recent performance at the office, she was used to acting like a bitch in front of the world and it usually did not affect her at all. With a resigned sigh, she cast aside any remnant apprehension, she took a deep breath for the hectic next few hours which was going to follow.
« Hey Aimee baby, » she hailed as she entered her personal make-up room to find her assistant, make-up artist and best friend already getting her things ready for her public appearance. Being the owner had sanctioned scope for certain privileges, which had not been possible at the beginning of her modelling career. What she had hated the most back in those days was to have to get ready within the same confining space as the other models, everyone bickering about each other’s shortcomings, gossiping about every action, always in fierce competition. Having a separate changing room was a small luxury she could afford.
« Hello sugar, » Aimee replied her greeting with her usual buoyancy visible in her smile, as her curls bounced back from her face when she turned to look at her with an austere look – or what she tried to pass as a severe look. Instead, she looked like she was trying too hard which resulted in a forced expression. « You are late. As usual. »
Aimee McKenzie was a wonderful friend simply because she was a magnificent human being. Period. Ultimately, everything in life came down to that – if someone could end up being a superb person, he could achieve anything in life.
Taking her place on her ‘hot seat’ without protest, Ana winked at her with comical effrontery. « You always say I’m so pretty that I never need any make-up. »
« Aha ! So now somebody’s getting the big head. » Her playful retort made Ana’s smile widen, her earlier unease fading as the familiar squabbling fall into place. Knowing when she was defeated, Ana raised her hand in total surrender.
« Over to you, ma’am ! »
Her blind trust was well-founded when within an hour her reflection in the mirror portrayed the beautiful diva well-known to the world. The one who had nothing in common with the real Ana but whom everyone despised. Even she hated that unfamiliar hardhearted woman who stared back at her with a regal haughtiness.
« You look stunning, » Aimee observed in stage whisper, as her blue eyes glowed with appreciative admiration.
Even as close as they were, Ana had never openly talked about her double personality to her friend. It was too personal for her to confess that she wore a mask because she was afraid of the world. In response to her praise, Ana waved it off with insouciance. « Come off it ! You know I look like this only after you weave your magic on me. It’s all the effect of your craft. »
Unsuspecting of her friend’s demons, Aimee beamed with pleasure at the compliment, and Ana knew that her words were accepted so readily only because she was used to giving unnecessary flatteries. « I so wish you would wear the yellow dress Sunflower I designed, » Aimee suggested her voice wistful.
That earned a frown from Ana. « Are we going to have that discussion over and over again ? »
She usually hated refusing her friend but the dress Aimee had mentioned, albeit being a knockout, was quite difficult to pull off. Considered to be her favorite creation till date, Aimee had given her hundred and one reasons to model in the dress but Ana did not have the gall to wear it. It was so sexy that it would cause unnecessary conjectures, especially among the media who already depicted her as a two-timing whore.
« I know, » the designer replied sulkily in her manipulative puppy expression. « You should stop being such a prude and F.Y.I it’s not that revealing by the way. If it’s translucent, I agreed that you could wear a camisole underneath, I even got you something in the same shade. Even the length is decent since you’re not as tall as the other models, it reaches until your knees. »
Ana wanted to roll her eyes at the presentation of so many appeals, but she feared her fake eyelashes might just fall, so she resisted. She was 5’5 » – her height was just enough to enable her to register as a model, but the fact she liked most was that some dresses appeared to be longer on her. In her earlier modeling days when she’d no choice over her appearances, it had occasionally happened that she had to wear clothes she had not been comfortable in. Thankfully, she’d never been the showstopper or an over-ambitious model and she’d managed to skip bikini shoots or extremely revealing clothes.
It was not that she was a prude like Aimee was proclaiming, but she felt really ill-at-ease putting her flesh on display when she knew that everyone hated her with all their might. God knew what kind of speculations they would conjure, even when they did not matter, she preferred avoiding vulgar exposures.
The problem with the Sunflower was the fact that aside from being semi-transparent, the décolleté was so low-cut that it would surely expose the valley between her breasts.
« Aim, you know why I walk the ramp don’t you ? » she re-iterated in a bored voice, having repeated the same line a million times with her.
« I know, I know. Only for charity. When you’re part of the show, the money for the fund gets higher. No wonder Ana, most people are here to watch you, not my collections. »
This time she did roll her eyes. « Don’t undermine yourself like that, please ! Let’s go now. I want some moments to relax before it’s my cue. »
She realized she had revealed too much of herself only a second too late judging from the puzzled look her friend shot at her. Ana tried to put her fake smile in place but failed miserably. Flustered, she tried a casual shrug but knew she was not fooling her long-time friend an iota. Thankfully, Aimee dropped her shocked expression, and did not pursue the subject. An aptitude Ana greatly appreciated. Aimee never pried and was no push-over. Well, except for that damned yellow dress.
« O.M.G Anastasia, it’s not even your time yet. You still have ten minutes. Why are you out of your room so early ? Is something wrong ? »
That came from Riley, the main organizer who was famous for freaking out over the slightest issue, fanned himself with grand hand gestures rendering Ana even more apprehensive. Goosebumps puckered on her skin and she had to swallow twice to soothe the dryness around her throat.
« Nothing’s wrong » she replied in a calm tone which completely belied her inner turmoil. « I am just making sure that everything is working out fine. You, of all people should know how much benefit we’re reaping from this show. »
There ! That seemed to instantly calm Riley down, like she’d had waved a magic wand in his direction. In certain person’s case, the mere mention of money could act as a miracle.
Only a few close ones knew that the majority of the profit margin went into charity. Aside from keeping her business afloat and investing into new ventures when the need arose, she donated the rest to charitable organizations. It was insane how much certain were willing to pay just to attend her show, and she made the best of it.
However, she did not need the money – God knew she already had so much that sometimes she wondered how she could be so privileged while some lived abjectly destitute lives. It was so unfair. In an attempt to balance the bigoted system, she provided some of her funding to homeless children to help them lead a better life. She was no altruist, she felt it to be more like a justice to help them. Besides, she was not very sure she was helping as only distributing money could not be the actual solution. Who better than her to know that money could not buy happiness ?
A tentative squeeze on her shoulders broke her out of her philosophical thoughts, and she half turned to gaze into a pair of familiar blue eyes wearing a worried expression. « Relax, Ana, » her friend smiled at her in a reassuring way. « Don’t think of the show. Say, are you going to Kevin’s party afterwards ? »