Our plan of deception
It was ten o'clock this morning and as a troop as usual, Lydia, Cintia and I had made our way to the canteen. That morning, we had eaten just like our other classmates. I didn't bring much because I was treated like a poor child. My aunt gave me five hundred francs for breakfast, even though I had to take zem to get to school and to get home. The drivers always take one hundred francs for the arrival and one hundred francs for the return. And it is always with the remaining three hundred francs that I manage. When I got out of school at noon, I had to go and relax at the house of one of my aunt's friends, because the distance from our house to school was a bit of a hassle, since during the whole week we came to school at eight o'clock and finished at noon, and came back in the evenings to finish at five o'clock. I only get breakfast in the mornings. You know very well that there is always a way to take care of children who are not for you and another way for those who are for you. So my aunt and her husband treated me like an intruder. But I don't blame them, honestly. The little they give me is already more than enough, otherwise I don't contribute to their financial efforts in the house after all. When I get up in the mornings, I just sweep the room and wash the plates. Otherwise the yard is paved. After sweeping the living room and dusting the furniture, I just go to the shower to take a bath. And to be honest, my aunt doesn't behave strangely towards me. She cherishes me like one cherishes her own children. The school year that I was not admitted to, she got very angry and called me too many names. She enrolled me in this school without her husband's approval so that I would get my act together. I won't say that my aunt doesn't like me. She likes me very much. Even though she is the mother of three grown daughters and a fat boy, my aunt loves me. And I don't even think it's a lack to give me more than five hundred francs a day since she also has children who must also go to school. Two of her daughters were studying in a big private university while the smallest one was enrolled in a private school. The older boy is also a student at the same university as his sisters. The father, since he had enough money, had bought them a big car for their travel. He also hired them tutors. He had bought them plenty of documents. Let's say he was extremely rich to the point where he didn't know what to do with the money. At home, I will simply say that my aunt takes care of me. My aunt also hired me three tutors: one in French, one in English and one in math. Each one came twice a week. In an effort to make my walks easier, my aunt had arranged with her best friend in the neighborhood for me to spend my afternoons at her house. The latter's house is just a few meters from the high school. At Auntie Olivia's, I have my lunch because she is also a bit of a cash cow. After lunch, I have my own room in the house. She is a single woman. I don't know if she is a widow because she never told me. She is not childless, though; she has three; yes, two big boys and one big girl. Since the house is on two floors, each of the children had their own room. The whole building was tiled. The courtyard, all cobblestone, was similar to that of my aunt's husband. I was friends with her daughters. Her boy also teased me from time to time. We understood each other like brothers in fact. Between us, there was a great conviviality. The mother is often proud of us. She treats us the same way. I even tease her sometimes to take some small coins from her to buy me treats on the way to school.
Well, that morning at ten o'clock, my friends and I went to the canteen to eat. Among us, Lydia, since she was the oldest, brought more money than us. Cintia and I know very well that her parents were very wealthy so there was no need to suspect her. The money, that morning, she spent enough. She had made the order and after the meal she paid the bill. As Cintia and I combined our meager pennies to give it to her, she quietly whispered, "Keep your money. Cintia and I looked at each other without saying a word. After lunch, we went back to class. The siren had sounded the end of recess for only a few minutes. The history teacher had burst into the classroom a few minutes later. The orderly greeting had tapped the table and we had stood up to greet the teacher's arrival.
- Sit down," he told us.
We sat down and when he went to put his bag on his desk, he asked us if he had left an exercise before he returned from the session. This gentleman never fails to give us exercises. It was after his interrogative sentence that I remembered that I had not done his exercise; my eye.
- Get out your exercise books and open them.
Ah yes, it was screwed up for me. He stiffened in control and began to move from row to row. My heart was pounding as I was one of the students who had not processed the teacher's exercise. The teacher stood up those who had not done his exercises. When he reached me, he said:
- Cathy, up to you? So stand up.
Oh yes, it was a surprise for him to count me among the incorrect students. Not to do the teacher's exercise is to be incorrect, which is not logical.
At the teacher's command, I stood up. He checked all the exercise books and when he finished, he asked us to go out and line up. My heart, meanwhile, was racing. Yes, my body was going to be exposed to the principal's merciless beating again. Remembering the beatings from last year, I began to cry first as I waited for my arrival in front of his office. Seeing us coming from the office, he hurried to the door to ask the teacher if it was for the unfinished exercises.
- Absolutely yes," said the evil professor.
- I knew it! Come in one by one!
The principal went to his desk and grabbed the two things: the big wood and the strap. Without mercy, he began to spank my classmates. Out of the group of Lydia, Cintia and I, I was the only one on the list of students who had not done the exercises. And if I didn't do them, it was because I forgot. Yes, I always do my exercises because I am used to learning my lessons regularly. But I couldn't say how it happened that I forgot. When it was my turn, I went to take my five blows on the buttocks and two lanyard blows on the back. The buttocks didn't burn as much as the two blows to the back. Yes, the back burned more than the buttocks. With tears in my eyes, I returned to class. The gentleman had started by getting on my nerves to the point where I didn't attend his class until the end. I kept my head down from the beginning of class until the end. Despite everything he told me, I didn't calculate it. All I knew was that he couldn't hit me or report me to his grader until I did something else.
When it was 12:00 noon, the end of class time, my two new friends came to my address to console me. Yes, when one is in friendship, compassion obliges some duties. Lydia and her friend had come to ask me to calm down.
- This principal, the only chance he has, is that I don't have witchcraft, I said to my friends.
Both laughed.
- Or what? Are you going to swallow it?" Cintia asked me, smiling.
- I swear I was going to paralyze him. It's because he has the arms that he thinks he's the boss, isn't it? But he'll see; I threatened him.
- You know girls? began Lydia, I always thought to finish with these stories of tobacco with the principal.
- By doing what to this effect, retorted Cintia.
- By starting to seduce him like some students of course!
- Are you serious? I asked her, curious.
- I am! I have two friends he's sleeping with right now and can you imagine the rest?
- No, tell us about it," Cintia hastened to answer.
- He pays each of the girls. And can you imagine how much he pays them? Five thousand francs per fuck.
- What? Are you serious?
- Don't doubt, Cintia! Just say I saw. And you know, when the girls do bad things, he never hits them. He lied to all the teachers of these two girls that the girls have sickle cell anemia and that their parents had come to forbid him to touch the children. Do you see that? That's why I myself would like to put an end to his way of pestering me. Like for example, I've already tried to calculate my averages and it looks like I won't get the average in the first quarter. Then I need to avoid the fifteen strokes that await me. So I have to start the seduction project any time soon.
Cintia and I were calmly listening to our trio's developments. I think she was right. I have to do something too.
- If I could know the technique, I would do it too!
- The procedure is very simple! We just need to review our uniform outfits. We will tighten the chest and the rest will be done.
- I'm for it!" I exclaimed automatically.
- I'm for it too," added Cintia.
Who would dare to let this opportunity go?
- And you know, the girls I'm talking about are both friends with teachers who give them free points," added Lydia.
- Oh, that's amazing!
And that was the plan of our ruse.