

Ingrid barely cast a glance in her direction as she stood before Eloise, her hands tucked nervously in the apron of her gown. She kept her green eyes leveled to the floor as Eloise started, « Ingrid, you will have a breakfast tray prepared and brought to our guest and when you return I want a full explanation to why you lacked in your duties this morning and as for your idleness, you can see that the grand stairway is washed and scrubbed. »

Ingrid curtly nodded, « Aye milady. » She hesitated as if she wanted to say something in return but refrained and hastened from the room.

Ginelle stiffened ; had she been the reason to why Ingrid had disregarded her duties ? She felt the intense urge to speak in Ingrid’s defense. « Milady, if I have troubled ye-« 

Eloise composed her displeasure as both she and Lucile turned to peer at Ginelle. Eloise stopped her mid-sentence. « Do not fault yourself for Ingrid’s mistake. She lacked in her duty this morning, therefore she is entirely at fault and it is not acceptable. »

« Lady Eloise was lenient with Ingrid, far more than Master Dorian would have been. » Lucile stated, the undertone of her voice relaying a clear message.

Ginelle averted her eyes to the older woman. She was a handsome woman, with austere features that indicated her proud disposition. Her gray hair was pulled tight into a chignon at the nape of her neck, not a single strand out of place. Her unwavering, dark stare made Ginelle uneasy as the older woman studied her return. Somehow, sensing from her rigid stance and bold stare, she felt as though this woman disapproved of her presence just as much as Ingrid but for an entirely different reason that was unknown to her.

Lady Eloise was lenient. Far more than Master Dorian would have been. Trepidation snaked down her spine at the older woman’s words. She was certain that the older woman continued to warn her and every warning seem to focus around the Laird. She trembled on the inside at the thought of the man. Would he have beaten Ingrid for her disobedience ?

A servant suddenly appeared in the doorway, « Forgive my intrusion, milady. A missive has just arrived for you. »

Ginelle caught the flare of anticipation in those bright, blue eyes as Eloise motioned for Ginelle to take a seat. She settled into a chair as Eloise turned to say something to her dutiful Lucile. She stared at her retreating back before Lucile retrieved the nightshirt and placed it gently on the bed as Eloise left the room.

Instantly, Ginelle felt her departure and resisted the urge to follow Eloise. « Mistress has taken quite a liking to you. » Lucile said standing across from Ginelle with her arms folded firmly in front of her.

Ginelle did not sense any animosity from the woman as she had from Ingrid but she sensed a protective layer that was unbreakable.

« Lucile. » Eloise called from the door. « May I have a word with you ? » Ginelle could sense the utter excitement in the lilt of her voice and wondered for a brief moment what sort of news she had received to bring on this sudden happiness.

Lucile stepped into the hall to observe her mistress’ obvious cheerfulness and a dark brow rose as she asked, « I suspect the missive brought good news, than ? »

« Yes, indeed. » She cried with glee, « Dorian will be returning shortly. The missive was written nearly a sennight ago and his letter claims he would be arriving home in seven days, that day is tomorrow. »

Lucile stiffened with anticipation as well as apprehension for their small guest. « Shall I inform the servants of his arrival ? »

Eloise nodded, « Yes. I had not anticipated on an early homecoming. There is much that needs to be done. »

A bath was prepared and Ginelle eagerly obliged as she stripped away her rags and stepped into the steaming water. Eloise was there at her side to wash her hair and help scrub her back. She couldn’t remember the last time she had, had such a luxury. She was not unnerved by Eloise’s presence and in fact, welcomed it as her new found guardian described the entails of becoming a civilized, well-educated woman.

« A formal education is customary. You will be taught the basics in reading and writing. You will study arithmetic and the art of music and dance. You will learn many languages. You will grow accustomed to polished manners that will prove accessible when you manage your husband’s estate once you are married. »

Ginelle stiffened at the mention of matrimony.

She had not given much thought to marriage and the thought of it made her stomach churn on the inside. What woman would submit herself to such imprisonment ?

A man merely sought to control your every whim and thought. Nay, marriage was out of the question. She would never marry. She would not fall prey to another man so he could use his fist to silence her.

She quickly sought to change the subject. « How were ye taught to read and write ? »

« I was sent to boarding school. » Eloise fell silent as though she wanted to say more but turned away to retrieve a garment dispersed across the arm of the sofa. « I borrowed this from Ingrid until we can provide you with more suitable attire. She is not quite as small as you but will be adequate for the time being. »

Ginelle reached out with hesitant hands to accept the gown. The cotton print dress was suitable considering her rank but immediately Eloise hastened as if to explain. « I could not find anything else that would fit your frame. »

Ginelle knew it must have pained Ingrid terribly to have loan the gown to her. She must remember to thank her later though she was quite certain the maid wouldn’t accept her gratitude.

« Let us not dally any longer than necessary. We have much to accomplish. We must find you a seamstress so that we may start on a wardrobe more fitting. »

Ginelle wanted to tell Eloise that it wasn’t necessary because she was not planning on staying for too long but she found that she seemingly enjoyed Eloise’s presence. She enjoyed their conversations and most importantly, she never felt the need to tense when Eloise was near. She was devoid of her fears with Eloise at her side.

The dress was a smidge to big on her small frame but it offered warmth that her body had been denied from the rags that now lay discarded along the polished floor. The gown also provided a disguise from Pierino. He would not recognize her in a servant gown. Her disheveled hair now clean and combed had been pulled back into a plait, several strands slipping from their restraint to frame her face.

Eloise left the room momentarily and when she reappeared, she presented Ginelle with a velvet blue cloak and draped it around her shoulders. Ginelle lightly touched the material, marveling at its beautiful texture as they made their way down the hall. Ginelle was quick to notice the distaste etched into Ingrid’s face and the scowl that deepened as the maid slipped by them.

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