« Don’t you fucking dare » He yelled punching the door beside my face. I flinched back, but that didn’t stop him. « I am your mate and whether you like or not you are now mine. And mine means, no one touches you, no one talks to you and no one fucking looks at you » He yelled again.
His eyes locked with mine as he took deep long breaths. When he was finally calm he took a step back and uncovered my mouth.
« Why do you want me ? I can’t shift, I’m just human » I whispered as the tears kept on falling. I hated crying, that just shows the fact that I’m weak.
« I’m so sorry I yelled at you, It’s just that I have waited for you for so long, I don’t fucking care what you are » He said while he played with a piece of my hair. « You could have been a goblin and I would still accept you as my mate ».
As I stared into his eyes I could tell he was being honest. I don’t know how but I could.
« Are you sure ? » I asked him with hope dripping in my every word. The tears had stopped now and I was thankful for that. Maybe I could leave this place, maybe he will reject me later but I could still be gone from here. I’ll fend for myself if anything else happens I just know I won’t be here, reminded of everything I would never be.
« I’m 100% sure » He said with a big grin. He looked gorgeous smiling. « We got to tell your pack about your departure » He said moving to open the door but I immediately stopped him.
My pack doesn’t deserve to know that I’m going to be happy that I have a mate after all except Austin of course. I don’t know if it makes sense but I just don’t think they should. I don’t want them to try and stop me. The less they know the better.
« No » I said and Logan stopped to looked at me.
I felt like hitting myself when I saw his face. His lips were turned into a frown and his eyes were filled with pain. I hurt him with that word I just know it.
« Tell them you need a new cook and you hired me » They will probably let me go as soon as Logan asks it. They have been trying to get rid of the disappointment for a while now, especially my family. I’m surprised about how they still haven’t kicked me to the curb. I’m guessing that they need someone to do dirty work and they have me to do it for them.
« But I’m your Mate » Logan whispered for the first time and I gave him a small smile.
« Logan trust me, it’s not because of you just please do it for me » I practically begged him. His face changed completely into a smile once again.
« I would do anything for you » He said pressing me once again against the door.
He gave me a small kiss on my cheek and then slowly trailed them down my face and down my neck until he found where he was supposed to claim me. « Very soon » He whispered before pulling away.
« Come on, let’s get you packed up » Logan said clearing his throat and took my hand before unlocking the door.
I wanted to push him away and tell him to go without me that I have to stay here with Austin but I didn’t. I needed this. I have what I always wanted. I have a mate that doesn’t care that I’m human and will give us a chance . Maybe I’ll fit in the other pack, or I’ll be even more of an outcast but I won’t know until I give it a try.
And I’m pretty sure that Logan wouldn’t let anyone touch me so I don’t have to worry about being abused. Man my life is going to get better from now on.
« Get your stuff, I’ll talk to your Alpha » He said giving me a slight kiss on my cheek before leaving my side hesitantly.
Austin is not going to believe this.
« To live a creative life, we most lose our fear of being wrong »
Logan’s POV
« Paul, are you ready ? » I asked my gamma who bowed his head.
« Yes Alpha » He responded and placed forward his small blue suitcase, backing up his statement. It’s usually the Alpha and Beta who are supposed to make the pack visits but I don’t see the point in having the two strongest bloodlines in jeopardy while on the trip when I can just take my third in command. It just seems more reasonable.
« Make sure everybody that’s coming is already on their correspondent cars while I speak to Michael » I said leaving before he could respond.
I walked over to Michael who was kissing his mate, Barbara. « Hey, they’re children present » I called and watched them break apart with a groan.
« Aren’t you suppose to be on your way to the Yellowstone pack ? » He asked annoyed and I growled lowly.
« Aren’t you suppose to be doing your job as a beta, not having a quickie with your mate ? » I snarled and I saw Barbara blush. She already knows how many times I have talked to Michael about this, even though I don’t blame him. If I had my mate I would be the same way.
« You should check yourself for anger issues » She said softly and I threw her a smirk.
« It comes with the job » I answered while she rolled her eyes playfully.
« So how many packs are you going through ? » Michael asked me drawing my attention away from Barbara which I could see was his point.
It’s not like I’m planning to steal her from him, I’m saving myself for my mate.