Kayla Summers was in love after a long time. Or so she kept telling herself. She loved her new boyfriend, the sous chef, enough to go ahead and marry him. But the application for marriage license is rejected for she’s already married. Daniel Hunt hadn’t been there for his family for a long time. On his short vacation in Vegas, he’d married a beautiful, strong woman who had escaped his room long before the sun rose. So when he comes back and finds her at his doorstep asking for a divorce, he puts forth an ultimatum. Spend six months with him after which he’d sign the divorce or stay married to him for a life time. What will Kayla Summers do when sparks start flying between them and she’s torn between her gentlemen fiancé and the Inconvenient Billionaire.
Kayla Summers stood in the balcony of her apartment and took a deep breath. She was ready.
No, you’re not.
No she was not. Kayla was the only one amongst the group that didn’t even have a boyfriend let alone meet the love of her life.
She had a boyfriend, but not the kind that would take her out to dinner and a movie or atleast rent a movie.
Rory more or less loved her in his own way. He was perfect at his job, he came from a very good family. And for once she had found a guy who cooked for her albeit she liked her own cooking more.
Rory Collins was her sous chef. He had been hired by her for her new restaurent Solace. Rory had asked her out on a date and had cooked for her. He had been the perfect man but then why didn’t he feel right.
« Let’s go. » Rory said from the doorway and Kayla let out a sigh.
Seeing Tess marry, Lexi pregnant, Sydney back with Sean and Kari altogether moving in with Zach halfway across the world had pushed her to a level of desperation of not being the woman in the group who stayed single her whole life.
So she had agreed to settle. She didn’t love Rory per se, but she would come to love him.
She hoped that she would at least come around to love his food, let alone the whole man.
Kayla wanted to start a new life, so she pasted a smile and joined Rory in his car to go get their marriage license.
Her heart was pounding so loud that she was sure the whole world could hear it and see how nervous she was.
Rory kept his one hand on the wheel and held her sweaty and shaky hand with his other.
« I know I never said this but I love you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. »
Kay froze. What was she supposed to say to that. They’d been dating for four weeks and she had just come home two weeks ago from Australia.
« This feels right. » he mumbled and smiled.
All she could do was smile and nod as she broke out in cold sweat. Was this right ? Because it didn’t feel like it at all.
Kayla sat in the car as she assured Rory that she needed some time in the car. She said she needed to make an urgent call when in reality she just needed some time to gather her nerves.
Rory went in and Kay followed in fifteen minutes later to see a shocked Rory sitting on one of the chairs his eyes wide.
« What is it ? » she asked.
« We can’t get a license. » Rory muttered.
For a minute, her heart stopped and then it sped up. Not in a bad way. Instead it felt as if it was doing a happy dance inside.
Kayla bit her lip. Rory looked devastated while she was busy feeling happy for herself.
« Why not ? »
He looked up at her and still looked in a shock.
« You’re married. »
« What ? » she shouted, »That’s insane. I’m so not married. »
« According to the system you are. »
« That’s insane. There must be a glitch. »
Rory’s face changed into one of annoyance.
« It’s not. Didn’t you tell me you went to Vegas ? »
« But that was years ago. I was in college. »
« Well you came home married. »
Kayla was shocked.
« To who ? » she asked. She was sure it was a mistake. But his next words shook her to the core.
« To one Daniel Hunt. »