Will Cleopatra be my wife? I think Van can't believe it either. I swallowed and just spit out the food.
We were all at the same table with Cleopatra's family. We were quiet and only papa and Cleopatra's papa and mama were talking.
"Van, have you told Von when their wedding is?" Everyone looked at Van except Cleopatra. Van just nodded.
"That's good," Papa said and they told the story of Cleopatra's dad. I even saw how Van looked at Cleopatra. I think my twin likes her.
"I'll just go to the comfort room," Cleopatra said coldly and didn't wait for what her parents would say. She left her seat.
"I'm just going to the balcony," I whispered to Van. He just nodded so I stood up and walked away from our table.
I followed Cleopatra and we reached the terrace of the house. She leaned there while looking somewhere.
"You don't want to get married either, right?" she turned to me. I approached her and stepped aside.
"I don't want to get married," I said bluntly as I remembered Lit.
"Same feels." She said so I laughed.
"I thought my dad agreed with another woman. It's a good thing you're close so I can't count." I said. she did not answer.
"What's your plan?" I asked. she looked at me.
"Do we need a plan?" she asked.
"Look, I don't want to get married because I'm waiting for something," I said.
"I also don't want to get married because I don't want you," she said directly so I laughed.
"I know," I said with a smile. "You want my twin right." she was stunned by my question.
"What are you going to say?" she refused. I just laughed.
"I know you like my twin Cleopatra," I said and looked at the sky.
"Because if not, I hope you don't agree to what Aphrodite wants," I added.
"How did you find out about what Aphrodite wanted?" she asked. I looked at her.
"She went home." I answered and took a deep breath "She went home to confess to me." I added while remembering that incident.
* "Aphrodite? What are you doing here?" I asked while looking at her. She just smiled.
"Aren't you with Van at the restaurant today? Aren't you having a date?" I asked one after another. She shook her head.
"Cleopatra is the one I'm going to. She made her face looks like mine." I stopped at what she said.
"Are you expecting my twin?" I asked.
"Look Von I'm here for you."*
"She admitted that she liked me, for a long time," I said.
* "What's for me?" I asked.
She held my hand so I could feel it.
"Von, I want you. I've wanted you for a long time." *
"But I don't like her Cleopatra. I want something else." I added.
"Does Van already know?" She asked. I shook.
"I don't want to tell my twin because I know he will get mad at me and our relationship could be ruined," I said. "I know Van, he likes Aphrodite very much. I don't want him to be mad at me just because of a woman." I said.
"I like Van." She said.
"And Van likes Aphrodite." She added. "But Aphrodite likes me," I replied. We both looked at each other and then laughed.
"The events in our lives are too complicated." She said.
"Von?" Cleopatra and I thought of calling me at the same time.
"Von ... Can we talk." There was sadness in her voice and I think she was already drinking.
I looked at Cleopatra, she just nodded so I supported Aphrodite to get away from Cleopatra's behavior.
Aphrodite hugged me and walked slowly.
"Where are we going to talk?" I asked.
"J-just behind your house." Although I was disgusted I took her to the back of the house as she said.
"What now?" I asked when we could get to the back of the house. I took a deep breath when I saw her crying again.
"Can Aphrodite ----"
"Why Cleopatra?" She asked so I fell silent. "Why is Cleopatra when I'm still here? I'm here, Von." She said and took my hand. I closed my eyes.
"Von ... Why don't you like me."
"Aphrodite, what’s wrong with you?" I said angrily.
"Just choose me, Von."
"You're drunk Aphrodite."
"Von I love you so much." I was very close to what she said.
"Look, I don't like you and I also don't like Cleopatra. I'm waiting for someone." I said bluntly.
"Von, let's just ..." I was surprised when she hugged me.
"Aphrodite what?" I said angrily
"Von please." I was even more surprised when she kissed me. I clenched my fist and pushed her away from me.
I was ready to speak when I felt someone in a corner. I look in that direction and there I saw the two creatures turned away from us and suddenly disappeared.
I looked at Aphrodite who was crying.
"Stop bothering me, Aphrodite." Annoyed I said and pointed at her.
"I don't like you and I also don't like Cleopatra. I don't like any of you because I'm waiting for someone do you understand? Now get away from me before my twin and I made a fight because of you. "I said angrily and turned my back on her. I even heard her call my name when I realized that Cleopatra and Van were the ones who had turned their backs on the direction. My eyes widened and I looked at the rooftop of our house and saw Van and Cleopatra there.
I even heard Van howl. I immediately transformed into a werewolf and ran over to the side of Van who was in the form of a wolf. He just stopped howling when he saw me. I looked at him and howled loudly and long then my eyes returned to him. He returned in human form while just looking at me.
"I'm leaving." Said Cleopatra and suddenly disappeared. I looked human and slowly stood up
"Van ...." He gave me a strong blow.
I was sitting on the floor holding the cheek he punched.
I could see the Anger in his eyes so I swallowed. Is this what I'm saying?
"Van, listen to me first." He stopped walking.
"Van... I know you saw what Aphrodite did to me." I said. He kept his back to me and did not say a word.
"But Trust me, I didn't want that," I said. this time he turned to face me.
"But she wants you." He said coldly. I did not speak.
"Van ..."
"What do you have that I don't have Von?" He asked and couldn't stop himself from crying.
"Almost everything you have, I also have. There's nothing too much, nothing too little. Even our faces are the same. Why .... Why did she still choose you over me?" He asked and laughed.
"Van ..."
"The day you called me to say that Aphrodite was with you, was that the day she confessed to you?" He asked. I looked into his eyes.
"Y-yes." my answer.
"How many days have you known that she wants you, you didn't even tell me, Von?" He asked.
"Because I don't want to hurt you."
"But that hurts me so much now Von!" He shouted.
"This day we should be happy! We should celebrate our birthday happily but what ?! Von, I was a fool! I can't help but inform you that the woman I want wants you!" He shouted and looked up at the sky.
"What we said when we were kids, no one can keep secrets between the two of us. We should know each other's secrets." He said and looked at me.
"But what is it now Von? Since we were kids we all tell each other secrets but now what ?! If I hadn't followed you I wouldn't have known Von!" He shouted.
"Van, I just don't want to--"
"Von, I can't help but think that's why you don't want to get married because you're waiting for Aphrodite. I can't help but think that you like her too Von." I frowned at what he said.
"What the fuck?" I asked.
"Fuck you." He said.
"The hell Van, I'm not waiting for Aphrodite! What brain do you have? I know you like Aphrodite--"
"You know, you should have told me that she wanted you!" He was cut off from what I was going to say.
"I don't want to tell you because I don't want to hurt you and make you angry with me Van!" I shouted angrily. Why doesn't he believe me !?
"Is that the reason or maybe you like her Von?" He asked. I laughed. A sarcastic laugh.
"All right, so you can stop Van. I'm going to agree to marry Cleopatra just so I can prove to you that I don't like Aphrodite." I said coldly.
That's all I'm thinking now so that he won't be angry with me anymore.
"Happy now?" I asked.
"That thing is the reason why I don’t want to make a fight with you, your anger is what you apply." He was bored with what I said so in a flash he was in front of me and holding my collar.
Can he do that to me?
"Stay away from her Von." Annoyed he said while holding my collar.
"He's the one to keep me away Van, I'm quiet here," I said angrily and pushed him away from me.
"You're a traitor Von." He said, my heart was broken by what he said so I just laughed.
"Isn't it amazing how one tiny sperm can turn into a giant piece of shit?" I asked him. "I'm not taking anything to you, Van. He, he likes me but I don't know anything." I said angrily and turned my back on him.
"Von Floyd Vaughn!" I stopped when he called my full name.
"I reject you as my brother and twin." He said coldly. It hurts so much for me to hear that from my twin. I thought he was on my side. Just because of a woman he became like that. What he said was too painful for me.
I didn't touch him and just walked away.