
Chapter 8 "Elijah Woods"

Elijah P.O.V.

"Why are we doing here Elijah?" I asked him. After he finally let me down on the ground... But why do I miss being in his arms? I felt my heart beating faster when I am around him. I shouldn't feel that way with someone who is not my mate. Or should I be?

What the hell I am doing? I told myself in my head. That was when I heard Axel chuckling and groaning in my mind. What in the world? I thought to myself.

"Hey! Axel, what are you doing?" I asked him he told me to shut up.

Shut up! I am busy" he told him when I heard moaning and kissing in my mind. Wtf" Is he having sex with her she wolfs in my mind. But I thought he didn't want to do anything until we find our mate? That was when I had a thought. What if he found her?

I wanted to ask more but he was busy with her. I hope it. I would kill myself before I turn gay. I heard him growl and-

"Damn baby! Fuck!" I heard him yell out. I didn't hear the she-wolf. But I am praying. Please, don't let it be a guy. I told myself in my mind.

"Dude!" I heard him say.

"Hey relax Elij," he said. We are not gay. It's she." He said rolling his wolfy eyes at me. Oh, I let out a breath I guess I was holding. Because right now I have Avery Williams in my arms. I am not disgusted by her. I am somehow attracted to her. Well, she is a woman and women have the right parts I love them. I didn't plan to touch and follow her. But something wanted me to follow her and grab me and take her somewhere to fuck her in the closer closet. I thought her doing this with some either male or female. I am folding my fist inside my hands. That was when I felt my blood boiling if someone try to grab her and fuck her inside the same closet room I had in my mind.

So, I can't believe I am following her. She told Miss Weber she had to go to the bathroom. I know better she wants to get away from me. I was making her uncomfortable, and she didn't want me to be close to her. Because I am sitting beside her in class. I did in Math and now Art. I am watching her walking around the corner and speeding up her pace. Oh, no princess" I whispered I saw her stop as she could hear me. But I know she didn't hear me. I thought of an idea. I cut her off. I took a shortcut to the bathroom. I can remember how many times I went that way with the women I was fucking in the bathroom, hallway, closet, and a classroom no one goes to anymore.

Five minutes...

I am waiting for her to go around the corner. I see her she looks calm and happy until she sees me in front of the girl's bathroom. I stare at her like I am saying.

Hey princess I winked at her and gave a cocky grin on my face. She stops and I started walking towards her... I told her when I got in her face.

"Well, Well the table has turned, Princess." He said walking towards me.

I am watching her facial expression. {"Yes, sweetheart I am coming after you, No one runs away from me and gets away with it. Now, I am not letting you go until I am done with you."} I said with my eyes.

When I was in her face, and I shoveled her into the wall. I grabbed her wrist in my hands. I grip her tight. I knew I was hurting her. I need to stop this before I do something stupid. That was when I heard my wolf Axel, growled at me for hurting Avery.

"Elijah! You need to stop it!" Stop hurting that poor girl." We got better things to do." "Like what Axel," I told him with a growl. I snapped at him. I still had Avery's hands in my fist, and I squeeze harder. I heard her yell out an "Ouch!"

Elijah, please let me go! You're hurting me." I heard her say in a tiny voice.

I didn't like her telling me what to do. So, I pulled her closer toward my face. I am so close I can hear her heart beating inside her chest. So, I can see I make her nervous and something else inside her eyes. Something I can't put my finger on it.

I felt heat coming off her and me. I can't describe what it is. I know it making me fucking hard! I know she can feel me behind my legs. My dick is rock hard and right now she will have to do. So, I started touching my breast and then she started moaning and I started getting angry because she is letting me do this to her. She not stopping me. Why isn't she stopping me? I answered my question. She wants this. What a slut. I am probably not the only one she let touch her. That made me see red and fuming inside my head. I am the only one I heard growl inside my mind.

That was when I heard him getting angry. I guess she left our mind.

"Thanks a lot, asshole! "She felt her human in pain and scared." "So, she left." "I want to beat the some-of-bitches ass for running off my wolf and being mean to my human mate." He told me. I wonder who was being mean to our mate. If I found out who it was, they are dead. I said with a grunt. When I heard her moan. She didn't think I didn't hear her. Oh, but I did. I felt my cock jerked in my pants.

I need release soon. I had a dirty image in my head about me from the back of her going in and out fast and hard. I licked my lips thinking about seeing her breast. That was when I lifted her shirt up and I lift her bra up. I saw her breast and her nipples are hard and red little drops. Damn, I groaned I see a nice size of a b cup not too big or small.

Just perfect for my palms. I start watching her shut her eyes and stick out her chest out for me. I licked my lips and thought about taking her breast in my mouth and my tongue wiggle and swirl around her little hard nipples. But I started getting mad at her. If she lets me, what she going to let Tom, Dick, Harry touch her! She will be mine! Well, until I am done with her. I know her a virgin.

That is why I am messing with her; I made a bet with my buddies to see who will get the wallflower's virginities. I got Avery Williams and Jayson got Ashely Williams her cousin and best friend and Eli got Natalie Steele. So, we got to woo them and sweet talk to me out of their underwear. I thought with a smirk. So, here I am with the leader of the wallflower's Avery Williams in the open with my hands on her breast and pulling and twisting her nipples in my fingers.

I love the feel of her breast in my hand. I was thinking about between her legs I wonder how my fingers would feel inside her hot wet soaked slot. I licked my lips. By the time I thought about her wet pussy. I smelled her scent in the air. I stuck out of my nose. I found myself turned on and my eyes turning dark. What in the world. Why do I feel like I am going to go nuts and kill someone who comes around the corner and see what's mine? I need to stop. I see her plump lips and I follow her tongue come out of her mouth. I want to take that tongue in my mouth and suck and pull inside my mouth. Fuck! I grabbed my cock. I need to get out of here before the human sees me change into my wolf. I don't know why I am getting angry right now.

So, I stop and stand back to give us some room. That when I saw her eyes, they are beautiful. I can see the purple and blue in them. I see her wolf wants to come out too. But she is holding her back. She was talking to her wolf. She came back after she was chatting with her other-self. That is when I see the confused look on her face.

"Slut!" I spoke. But it slipped out. She gives me a painful look in her eyes and a confused look too. She stared at me I can see how she is in her mind talking to her wolf. Then I grabbed her around the waist and lift her up over my shoulder. I heard her scream and she shut up when she saw where I was going out the door. I started walking at a fast pace out the school doors.

We are in the woods...

I started walking with her in my arms. I like her there. I don't know why I like that she is my grip. I can feel her trying to move around and wiggle out of my hold. So, I am getting annoyed with her moving like that. So, I took my hand and whack" smacked her ass. I heard her yell out.

"Ouch! You hit me!" She said with shock, and she can't believe I did that. I told her.

"Oh, calm down, I didn't hit you that hard," I told her with a calm serious voice.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked me I kept my mouth shut until we get there. It's been about five minutes since she has asked me. I am trying to concentrate on where I am going to take her and finish what we started. Well, she just let me touch her breast. I hope she lets me do more than that playing with her tits. But she kept talking and talking. It's driving me crazy. I know what to stick in that talking mouth. I thought with a smirk, and I felt my cock jerked in my pants.

"Why are we doing here Elijah? Oh, God! Help me. She won't shut up. I look up ahead was here. Thank God. I stop at the perfect place. I bend over and took her off my shoulders and set her down. She yelled out and stared at me with a death glare.

She stops talking and looked away from me. I see her following behind me. Because I was standing in front of her and the waterfall.

She had a wow look on her face. She had never been here before. I can tell she watching the water flowing around on the cliff. I know she can see the red and blue water mixing with yellow and green. I never took anyone up here before. This is my special place. I wanted to take my mate one day. But why do I feel Avery Williams would love it.

"So, here we are," Avery tells me. She said with annoyance and wowed in her voice.

"Yes, we are," I tell her with embarrassment, and I started blushing. What! I don't blush. Elijah Woods is not a dork, he laughed at dorks. I am not a loser, why do I feel like a can't talk to her. I am nervous in front of a girl. I am never nervous and awkward around females. Come on don't show her you're a dork and loser.

I started telling myself this when I heard my wolf. Started laughing. I heard him say a name.

I think I heard it before.

"Angelstar! You came back, baby" I heard him smile and I see him in my mind waggling his tail.

Huh, why do I know that name? And where did I hear it before?

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