Author's POV
It was a normal day in the Devil May Cry shop. Everyone is just doing their own thing while waiting for the phone to ring. Dante is just relaxing in a chair while feet is up the table, Trish is reading a magazine where Lady is the front page cover in it.
Vergil and Nero was just on the other table polishing there weapons and finally, Y/n is just standing by the door waiting for the pizza to arrive.
Y/n: "What the hell is that pizza taking so long? I'm so not giving him a tip."
Nero: "Will you calm the hell down? I'm sure that they’re doing their best since you ordered 12 boxes."
Y/n: "Shut it dead-weight, keep polishing that sword until you can see that ugly ass haircut of yours."
Nero: "Fuck you asshole! My haircut isn't that ugly! Right Kyrie?"
Kyrie: "Um, Nero. As much as I hate to admit it but, I kinda like your old hair style than now."
Nero: "Seriously?!"
Y/n: "HAHAHAHA! Told you that is an ugly-ass haircut! Even your Wife agreed!"
Dante: "Oh you two, still act like a complete 10 years old."
Vergil: "But you Brother, still act like a complete child until now."
Dante: "Hehe, gotta enjoy the little things brother. It's not like we’re gonna live forever."
Vergil: "Right..."
Everyone went back to what they were doing. After a few minutes, someone knock on the door and Y/n get up and went to open the door.
Y/n: "Finally, I can eat the first 3 boxes."
He open the door and it wasn't the Pizza delivery boy, in front of him a man with a coat and a fedora there's a 3 circle mark on his forehead in a triangle form.
Y/n: "Are you a costumer or just wanna use bathroom?"
???: "I'm looking for Dante."
Y/n: "Your my dad's client huh?"
???: "So you’re a Sparda huh?"
Y/n: "How did yo-"
He was cut off when the man grab him by the neck and throw him inside. Everyone was shock to see Y/n thrown away.
Y/n: "Alright asshole, who the hell are you?!"
???: "I am here to Destroy all the Sparda Bloodline!"
Y/n was about to attack the man but Dante and Vergil block him with their weapons on their hands.
Y/n: "What are you doing?!"
Dante: "You can't fight him alone."
Vergil: "So were going to take him down."
Y/n: "He's just one guy, I can kick his ass."
Dante: "He's not just a somebody kid."
Vergil: "He's the Demon King, Mundus."
Y/n: "I thought that he's seal in the Demon World?"
Mundus: "I was, but now I'm here to kill every single Sparda!"
He created a portal to the Demon World and it suck everyone except for Kyrie. When everyone arrive at the Demon World, they look around and didn't see Mundus anywhere.
Dante: "So where back huh?"
Nero: "Where the hell are we?"
Vergil: "Were in the Demon World."
Nero: "Wait, where's Kyrie?!"
Trish: "Relax, she's back at the Human World. Only us were drag here."
Y/n: "But where the hell is Mundus?"
They all felt the ground shaking and it's cracking widely. Then a giant stone hand crawling out of it and a horde of Demons coming out as well.
Everyone brought out their weapons and ready to fight. Dante brought out his Devil Sword Dante, Vergil his Yamato, Nero his Red Queen, Trish her Devil Sword Sparda, and Y/n his Alastor. They all slowly walking towards the hordes of Demons with a signature smirk on their faces.
All: "LET'S ROCK!"
They rush to the Demons and begins to slash them as they all run Vergil uses his spectral swords to surround him as he run to in the middle. Nero jump on top of a demon and stab it with his sword and he rev the handle and he ride it like a Motorbike. Dante was just doing his basic sword combo along with Y/n and Trish.
Y/n: "I feel like this is just a family picnic."
Trish: "Why, you don't want too?"
Y/n: "No, I'm just saying."
Dante: "I feel like this is better than the Amusement Park."
Y/n: "Why don't we kick it up a notch?"
Y/n entered in his Devil Trigger and soon Dante, Vergil, Nero and Trish did the same.
After a few minutes of killing the Horde of Demons, Mundus accented from the ground and fly up in the air as he witness the Sparda Family in their Devil Trigger.
Mundus: "This time, I will eradicate all of you Sparda!"
Y/n /Dante/Vergil/Nero: "You talking to me ugly?"
Trish created a big magic circle in front of her and a huge wave of lightning hit her former master straight in the face.
Mundus: "Damn you Trish! I knew creating you was a mistake!"
Dante: "Then you already figured that facing us is your biggest mistakes huh?"
Vergil: "Let us show him the true power of Sparda, brother."
The two brothers entered their Sin Devil Trigger while Trish, Y/n and Nero were fighting Mundus' minions.
Y/n: "How come Dad and Uncle Vergil gets to fight the boss while we fight these clowns?"
Trish: "Don't be like that Y/n, you’re not strong enough to fight Mundus."
Nero: "It means you’re still weak little guy."
Y/n: "Shut it you dead weight! At least I'm not using a robotic arm to fight!"
Trish: "That goes for you too Nero. If the two of you unlocks you Sin Devil Trigger, you can kick Mundus' ass easily."
After the 3 of them kill the last of Mundus' minions, they all watch the sky as Dante and Vergil fight Mundus without a sweat. Then Trish grab something from her pocket and approach her son.
Trish: "Here Y/n, you can have this."
Y/n: "The Perfect Amulet? Why are you giving it to me?"
Trish: "Just think of it as my Birthday gift to you. Since I don't know what to give to you are your age."
Y/n: "Thanks Mom."
He wore the Amulet around his neck and they continue to watch Dante and Vergil kick Mundus' ass.
Mundus: "Damn you Sparda!"
Dante(SDT): "Aww.... What's the matter, is that all powerful Mundus can do?"
Vergil(SDT): "I thought that the Demon Lord himself could give me fight that I wanted, I guess I was wrong."
Dante(SDT): "Then let's finish this..."
Vergil(SDT): "Once and for all..."
Dante and Vergil fly towards Mundus and he did the same. When the 3 of them collide to each other, they all blasted away from where they came. Dante and Vergil went back to their Normal form and Mundus has a huge crack on his chest.
Vergil: "I guess we took him too lightly."
Dante: "Yeah, that was too epic."
Mundus: "Ugh! If I'm going to die here, so beat it. I'M TAKING YOU ALL WITH ME!"
Mundus is starting to gather all his remaining power to self-destruct like an atomic bomb but bigger.
Vergil: "Looks like we have no choice brother."
Dante: "Guess were thinking the same way."
The two of them walk towards to Trish, Y/n and Nero.
Y/n: "What are you doing? Aren't you going to stop him?"
Dante: "He can't be stop now. This is it for us."
Nero: "Wait, what do you mean?"
Vergil: "It means that the two of you will have to carry the Sparda Legacy."
Y/n: "You’re telling us that the two of you are going to stay here?!"
Trish: "As may logic as it's sounds Y/n. Your gonna have to go back to the Human World with Nero and take care of the shop."
Y/n: "Wait, what about you Mom?"
Trish: "I'm going to aid your Father and Uncle against Mundus, I have the same power as him to make him tick."
Nero: "Like hell were going to leave you here!"
Vergil Karate chop his neck and he fall unconscious. He created another Yamato and gave it to Y/n.
Y/n: "Why are you giving it to me?"
Vergil: "You’re gonna need it. Cuz I'm giving the other half to Nero."
Y/n: "No, like Nero said. We’re not going to leave to here."
Trish: "Yes you are Y/n."
She created a lightning to paralyze Y/n while Vergil toss Nero into the Portal back to the Human World and It closed.
Dante: "You can help us by getting your ass out of here."
He used his Devil Sword Dante to create a Portal behind Y/n. And Y/n is doing his best to fight his Mother's lightning.
Dante: "Take care of yourself Y/n, you can have my bike."
Dante threw his Devil Sword to Y/n impaling him to the stomach and sucking him into the Portal.
The Portal closed, Dante and Trish shed tears for their son.
Trish: "Where did you send him?"
Dante: "Just to an old Red-headed Friend of mine. How about you bro? Where did you send your kid?"
Vergil: "I send him back to your shop. His wife is still there you know."
Trish: "Guess this is it for us huh?"
Dante: "Yeah, guess so."
Vergil: "It's time for a new Legacy."
Trish/Dante/Vergil: "THE THIRD SPARDA!"
And with their final word, Then Entire Demon World was destroyed along with Mundus, Dante, Trish and Vergil.
Inside the Portal were Y/n was toss, The Devil Sword Dante still impaled in his stomach while he's shedding tears for his family.
Sirzechs POV
My sister Lost on her first Rating Game and her Pawn have failed to save her. Now, she's going to get married to Riser Phoenix that will her life a literal living hell.
Sirzechs(Thinking): "Rias, I'm so sorry. If only I knew where my old friend is, so you can marry his son instead of Riser."
Then all of the sudden an earthquake appeared out of nowhere and a Red Portal open from the ceiling. Then a boy with white hair and Red coat came out of it and landed in the middle. What I notice the most is that there's a big sword impaled to him.
Devil1: "Where the hell did he come from?"
Devil2: "Is he dead?"
Riser: "Guards, Remove that body and give me that sword, it catches my eyes every well."
When the guards about to approach the boy, all of them were knock back with a very powerful force. Then the boy instantly got up to his feet while the sword still in his stomach. He grab the sword and pull it out like it was nothing and the hole in his stomach healed instantly like it was not there.
Sirzechs(Thinking): "That healing factor. There's only one person I know who has that kind of power. Wait, is he-"
Riser: "Who are you boy?! Leave now and give me that sword or else."
The Boy just stared at Riser menacingly, he raise his hands and pointed his middle finger towards him making him mad.
Riser: "Do you know who I am?! I am the Great Riser Phoenix!"
???: "Oh so you’re the new endorser of the KFC? No wonder it's popular."
Riser: "Why you little, Guards kill him!"
All the Guards surround him and he just smirk and started to slash them of parry some of their attack with ease.
Sirzechs(Thinking): "Those moves, that power. There's no doubt, it's definitely him."
Riser: "Fine! I'll kill you myself!
He rush towards him and the boy just smirk while holding his sword over his shoulder. When Riser reaches the boy, he immediately spit blood he look down and saw a sword impaling him. Then the boy pulled it off of him and kick him in the face sending him a few feet away.
Riser: "Do you really think you can kill me easily!? I am immortal! I have the Power of a Phoenix that can heal me!"
???: "You call that healing? You just spit your own blood and your covering you wound with flame. While i just heal instantly without any other elemental crap to cover my wound and I'm not even spitting blood."
Riser: "Enough of your foolish words! I will kill you slowly and painfully!"
???: "Good luck with that."
Riser was about to charge at the boy but now I have to interfere them.
Sirzechs: "That's enough Riser."
Riser: "Very well, Lord Sirzechs."
Sirzechs: "You have an amazing talent boy. I'm Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the Devil Kings. What is you name boy?"
Y/n: "Y/n Redgrave. So where the hell am I?"
Sirzechs: "You are in the Underworld"
Y/n: "Why would my old man send me in another Hell?"
Sirzechs: "If I may ask, who is your Father?"
Y/n: "Dante."
SIrzechs: "Your his son, so you are the one."
Y/n: "What do you mean 'I'm the one'?"
Sirzechs: "Your Father and I were good friends back in the day. And I know that you and him are a Sparda."
Everyone in present were very shock to know that this boy is a Sparda.
Devil1: "That's impossible! Sparda is just a myth!"
Devil2: "That kid cannot be a Sparda!"
Sirzechs: "Listen to me everyone, I already know the Legendary Dark Knight. He was a friend of mine, and I already witness his power many time. And this boy is his son."
Devil1: "How can you be so sure that is his son?"
Sirzechs: "The Sparda bloodline has a unique transformation that able to tap to their Demon side and it's called 'Devil Trigger'. Y/n' would you please show them your Devil Trigger?"
Y/n raised his fist in the air and out of nowhere a red lightning struck him and he transform.
Sirzechs: "Is this enough to convince all of you?"
Some of the Audience fainted because couldn't handle the power Y/n's releasing.
Sirzechs: "Alright Y/n, that's enough."
He turn back to this Normal form and put his sword on his back.
Riser: "Now that we all know he's a Sparda. Let us continue my wedding."
Sirzechs: "That would be a problem Riser."
Riser: "Why would that be?"
Sirzechs: "Now that Y/n is here, Rias will be married to him."
ALL(Even Y/n): "WHAT?!"
Riser: "Why would he be engage to Rias?! My Father already talked about this! That I will marry Rias!"
Sirzechs: "Dante and I had talked about this years ago, Before Rias and Y/n were even born. It was actually his idea and I was honored for a Sparda Bloodline to engage with my sister."
Rias: "That means that we were already engage from the start?"
Sirzechs: "Yes it is. What about you Y/n, what do you say?"
Y/n: "My Dad said he already got a perfect girl for me and I thought he was just kidding around. But I really don't feel getting married right now. Can we just wait?"
Sirzechs: "Yes it can wait. Rias, do you accept of engaging with him?"
Rias: "YES!"
Sirzechs: "Then it's settle."
Riser: "NO! I do not accept this! Rias should be MY bride not that boy!"
Y/n: "Don't worry, you can still have the deposit on the wedding cake."
Riser had enough of Y/n's taunting so he rush to him while his fist in on fire. Y/n just smirk and waiting for Riser to get close to him. Then he swing his sword like a bat and Riser flew away and when Riser was about to hit the ground, Y/n swing his sword again launching Riser to the air again. What we notice is that there were 2 Y/n swinging Riser back and forth, the other Y/n is a little dark and the Y/n has a normal color.
After Y/n keep swing Riser back and forth, the real Y/n swing his sword strong enough and it launch Riser to the stage.
Sirzechs: "Riser stand down. You cannot break their engagement."
Riser: "Ugh. Grr. I'll get you for this brat!"
He then walks away while holding his broken arm.
Y/n: "Now that's done. I'm going back to the shop."
Sirzechs: "Before you go, you should properly meet your Bride to be and her Peerage."
Y/n: "I don't really have a choice, do I?"
Sirzechs: "Don't worry, this won't take long."
I called Rias and her Peerage over to meet Y/n properly.
Sirzechs: "Y/n, this is my sister. Rias Gremory and her Peerage."
Rias(Blushing): "H-Hi, I'm R-Rias G-Gremory. Please take care of me."
Y/n: "I'm Y/n. Don't be so nervous, I don't bite. For now."
Akeno: "The names Akeno, sweety.~ and I'm going to take good care of you.~"
Y/n: "That's... what I'm talking about."
Koneko: "Koneko Toujou."
Y/n: "Looks like I found a new white haired buddy."
Kiba: "I'm Kiba Yuuto. Nice to meet you."
Y/n: "Likewise. Is that everyone else?"
Rias: "There's two more. My bishop is back at the Human Word while my pawn is resting in a clinic."
Y/n: "What happen?"
Koneko: "He got his ass kicked by a jerk's ass that you just kick."
Y/n: "Hehe, I can already tell that you and I are going to be best-friends."
Sirzechs: "You can meet them tomorrow. And I will come to you place tomorrow."
Y/n: "Fine, I'm going now. That dead weight probably ate the pizza I ordered."
He summons a Katana out of nowhere and slice the air and created a portal. When he entered, the portal closed and the audience went back to their respective household. Then I heard Rias mutter something.
Rias(Mutter): "Rias Redgrave Sparda. Yeah, that'll do."
Sirzechs: "You already change your Last name. It sounds nice."
Rias(Blushing): "Y-Y-You h-h-heard?! Onii-sama BAKA!"
She then rush out with an embarrass face while her Peerage follow her.
Sirzechs: "I'm really glad that your son came on time, Dante."