
The Rejected Phoenix

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"I Alpha Ryker Dante of the crescent  moon park rejects you weak pethatic girl as my mate and Luna of my park. You are hereby not allowed to show your face to me again except you want it red! " Those angry and deceptive words tear Melanie apart. It was her mate who had rejected her at first sight. She has always being rejected and tainted upon but this last rejection gave a painful and scaring tug to her shattered  lost heart. She smiled out the tears and turned back. If that's what he wanted then fine! She was okay with it. She looked sideways  towards her father who had an unfathomable  look on. He looked furious and blaze. "father... " She muttered and his face grew red with anger as the guest looked at him with shock and disbelief. With urge in their eyes to know if he really did fathered the weak and ugly she wolf. No! Even a mere human is more powerful than her. Every one who knew Melanie knew she had no wolf. She looked towards her only brother. The look on his face was just like the others. He dejected her. And her step sisters couldn't  care less. "okay.  I get it....  No one wants me...  No one wants to see me...  It's okay I'll leave. You won't ever see me again!  At least the ugly me! " She snapped. Dried her tears and turned around. Sound on the rough hard sandals could be heard as she shrugged away in the cold. Life was really cruel to her. She was always ridiculed by her friends and age mates since she was small. She loved adventures but that was what brought her mother to her sick bed. She had went out to chase a butterfly  one morning and was attacked by an angry wolf. As a result her mother broke her spine  in order to save her and was confined to her room ever since. Her father hated her dearly for that. She wandered around for days around different park borders and it was not easy. She was weak and dejected with no food and shelter. She sure will revenge her evil park if she ever survived this. A ray of hope suddenly  shined at her. She no  longer want to be the weak and dejected Haman in a wolves park. She's got a life of revenge  to to leave. Will she be able to keep up with her plight for revenge or will she seccumb to taming emotions and feelings  when wasn't able to get rid of. Why don't you find out?


01 her nightmares

Chapter one.


Melanie was at it again.

She was yet in the middle of an empty desert.

It was dry and carried around a banished humor.

She was scared to the teeth.

It was cold and freezing.

She had just a hood on and a pair of torn dirty sandals.

It was a rough thing to encounter.

The breeze churned at her ears as it made angry sounds.

She shuddered and bite her lips.

It was as if someone was seeing her.

"who's there? "

She asked.

Her voice echoed in the dark as it made multiple more voice as it echoed along the way.

"pleaseee don't harm me... I just want to pass.. "

She added.

There was a sudden fuss in weather. It got too breezy that her hair was flying around in four different directions.

Her cloths fought to hug her body as it flew along.

A huge and dark figure appeared in front of her.

It was so huge that she almost fainted.

The beast was huge and looked like it had wings.

She whimpered and moved backwards.

With every step she takes the beast takes one after her.

And when the beast spoke it has the most unusual voice ever.

It was as sweet as a flute bread and was as melodious as her mother's lullaby.

She widened her eyes in surprise.

"hmmmm. How long would it have taken you to find me? "

The beast asked.

She cringed.

"please don't eat me... I'm just gonna pass here and I won't come back again... "

She muttered still going back.

"pass to where? I've waited nineteen years for you to come to me and now you want to pass? How redundant!"

The beast was angry as it reflects in its feminine voice.

Aurora could tell the beast was female from the way it talked so sweetly yet it's dark figure betrays it's sweet voice.

She still couldn't pin point what it was exactly.

"Who... who are you... Please do not eat me. "

Aurora added as she tripped on a stone and fell on the sand.

She crawled back.

"I won't eat you. I am the legendary fire phoenix and queen of the Phoenix deserts.

It's being thirty years since I recoiled here after loosing my fire bird.

I'm too old and have a little more days to live.

You are my next of kin and also the last. You have to take over from me before I die! "

The beast snapped and Melanie almost fainted with confusion.

"No please I don't know what your talking about please.

Do not eat me.

I don't know you.. "

She was brazed to the bones.

The beast was annoyed.

"shut up! "

The beast snapped and Melanie yelled and fell to the floor.

"I'm your queen and you don't have the right to talk back at me. Your just a phoenix princess. You must do as I say!"

The beast snapped again and Melanie closed her eyes.

It looks like she won't be able to escape from the beast.

"if you really want me to believe you then you should show me what you look like. "

She gathered some caurage and speak up.

"right. "

The beast replied and a sudden red fire enveloped it making the wild desert go windy again.

Melanie covered her eyes as she couldn't look at the beast.

It was too bright.

"look! "

The beast ordered.

She turned to face the beast and then.....


A bucket of cold water was thrown right at Melanie's face as she jerked and woke up from her scary slumber.

She was some what thankful to the water for waking her up or she may pass out while in the dream.

"what the heck is wrong with you stupid girl. Get the f*ck out of this rotten bed and get my cloths ready for the ceremony.

How can you sleep so late as if it's your house! "

The angry voice of Quinn.

Her half sister lingered hard in her ears after the water that was thrown at her hit her face.

"I'm coming.. "

She muttered as she fought back the tears that gathered in her eyes..

She really was a slave to them wasn't she?

"well you better be or else you'll get it from me. "

Quinn sneered and walked away after dumping the bucket right on Melanie's laps.

Melanie faced palmed herself as soon as Quinn left and burseted into tears.

She would always be treated as a slave in her own fathers house.

Bad news!




Melanie sighed as she fed her mother another spoon of vegetable soup.

She had prepared her 20 year old twin step sisters for the crowning party and they had left along with her father and Jaxon, her brother.

"ain't you joining them... ?"

Her mom asked.

She smiled and readjust a strand of hair from herothers face.

"you know I'm not allowed to go out.

I've never attend a function before.

Father is ashamed of me as a daughter that what wouldn't see me.. "

Melanie sighed.

"it was not your fault sweetie. You don't plan for me to be attacked by the evil wolf king. I just hope he doesn't come here again or we'll all be doomed. "

Her mother sighed.

"even of you didn't get confiscated to this bed I would still be hated. I am the only girl without a wolf. Dad is a beta to the former Alpha king and Jaxon will be next to the new king. My two sisters have amazing fighting skills and huge wolves but me? I've got nothing.. "

She trailed off and dried her tears for the umpteenth time.

"you've got me baby... "

Her mom smiled at her.

"you should really attend the ceremony. It's not everyday that a new wolf king gets crowned. Just have fun for the first time in your life. Forget about your father. He can go to hell for all I care.. "

Her mom said.

"I was also thinking of sneaking out to catch a glimpse of the new king... I heard from Candice that he's handsome.. "

Melanie cooed and smile at her mother..

Candice was Quinn's twin. And she was far worse than her sister.

"silly girl... Get going before its too late. I'm all cleaned up now. "

Her mom hushed her off.

Melanie smiled and left the room after clearing the plates.

'time to attend a function in my nineteen years of life. I just hope I don't get caught! '

She thought as she left the room.