I refused to cower under the intensity of his heated glare and kept my voice strong as I spoke, « Alright then. Four black, strong, and fresh coffees coming up in about five minutes. In the meantime, here are your menus. I’ll leave you to look them over while I get the coffee brewing. »
I turned to go but was stopped as a large hand wrapped firmly around my wrist.
« What is your name ? » The man’s face held no emotion as he spoke.
I looked down at him and pointed to the name tag that sat just below my collar with my free hand.
« Lea. » I held his gaze, « Yours ? »
I watched as a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, « None of your business. »
He let go of my hand and turned his attention back to the front of the diner.
« Well, None Of Your Business, I’ll be back in a few minutes with your coffees and to take your orders. »
As I walked away, I heard a low grumble come from the table as the first three men let out the laughter they were holding in.
I walked behind the counter and dumped the old coffee grounds in the sink and rinsed out the pot and filter, blowing out a deep breath as I refilled the reservoir with water.
« You okay there, Pumpkin ? » Jack asked as he restocked the utensils and napkins.
« Yea. » I rubbed the back of my hand across my forehead.
« You want me to handle ‘em ? » Jack was like an over protective father, always looking out for the four of us that worked for him.
« No. I can take care of them myself. » I tried to blow a stray piece of honey blond hair out of my eyes. « I’ve dealt with worse. »
I turned and gave Jack a small smile as I set the glass pot back onto the brewer and wet a rag. I proceeded to wipe down the counter and stools, staying busy to keep my mind from wandering to things best kept in the past. As the coffee finished brewing, I pulled four cups from the cupboard. Once filled, I placed the cups on a tray and made my way back to None’s table.
« If he doesn’t show, then we, » None quit talking as I walked around the corner.
I ignored his blatant stare while I balanced my tray in one hand and passed out the steaming mugs with the other, « Four fresh, hot, and black coffees. »
I sat the tray on an empty table after setting None’s coffee in front of him and pulled my pencil and notepad from my apron pocket.
« Have you all decided what you would like ? »
« Four ham platters with the eggs over easy, » None answered.
« Bacon or sausage ? »
« No. »
« Toast, grits, or oatmeal ? »
« No. »
« Jelly or Jam ? »
« No. »
« So why the hell are you ordering the platters then ? » I asked as frustration started to set in.
None Of Your Business raised an eyebrow as the other three men tensed and became deadly quiet.
« I believe that I am the customer here, am I not ? » None’s tone was cold.
I put my hands on my hips and tapped my foot. This was not the first time I had heard this argument.
« Yes. »
« Then I will order what the hell I want, when the hell I want, any way the hell I want, and you won’t question me about it. Am I making myself clear ? »
I narrowed my eyes and met his hardened glare, « And it’s my job to make sure that what you order is right the first time around, therefore I will question you, do I make myself clear ? » The three men at the table shot an unreadable look at None as I continued, « Besides, haven’t you ever heard the expression Don’t piss off the people that handle your food. »
« Lea, » Jack walked around the corner, a rag slung over his shoulder, « is everything okay back here ? »
I glanced at Jack over my shoulder. « Peachy keen, Jackie-O. »
I turned back to the table, « Four ham platters with eggs over easy, minus the jelly, jam, grits, oatmeal, toast, bacon, and sausage coming right up. »
I smiled sweetly as I spun and walked toward Jack, noticing that he hadn’t taken his eyes off None.
« Everything Okay, Jack ? » I asked quietly as I reached his side and placed a hand on his shoulder.
He turned and looked softly at me, « Yea, Pumpkin, everything is fine. » He held his hand out for the order and frowned as he looked it over.
« That’s what all the fuss was about ? »
« You could say that. »
Jack shook his head and went behind the grill, mumbling as he walked to the fridge.
« Jack, are you ever going to retire ? » I asked as he took out four ham steaks and twelve eggs.
He shook his head, « And miss seeing your lovely face for twelve to sixteen hours out of my day ? » I smiled at my boss and friend. « I’ll make you a deal, Pumpkin, » his eyes filled with fatherly love, « when you start working less and having fun more, I’ll take some time off. »
I shook my head and chuckled, knowing that was basically his way of telling me that he wouldn’t be selling out any time soon.
« Okay. Jack. You have yourself a deal. »
Jack looked at me and grinned as he rang the bell letting me know my order was up. I sent a playful tusk his way as I grabbed the tray and coffee pot and made my way back to None’s table. Once again, he quit talking as I rounded the corner.
I passed out the platters and topped off the coffees and turned to leave. « Lea. »
I stilled and took a deep breath and plastered a smile on my face before turning to face the four men. « Yes, None Of Your Business ? »
Anger and then amusement passed through None’s eyes. « Syrup and ketchup. »
I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. « What about them ? »
I watched as he curled and uncurled his hands into fists and drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes. « Would you, please, bring us some syrup and ketchup ? »
« It would be my absolute pleasure. » I turned and headed toward the pantry.
« Seems like you’ve met your match, Carter, » an unfamiliar voice stated.
« We’re here for business, not pleasure. » None’s voice was tight and edged with anger.
I gasped and dropped the bottle of syrup as I listened to the four men. I held my breath as it landed on top of my foot and rolled off, thankfully still intact.
« Maybe so, but even you have to admit Boss, she’s given you a run for your money, » a third voice replied.
« The fact that she hasn’t backed down from you has you both pissed and intrigued, Boss, » a fourth voice spoke up.