When Sam poked his head into my room and gave me that grin I knew exactly what he came into say.
Joe had just posted on our group chat that he was having pizza over at his pace and said if people bought drinks we would a party. No reason behind it at all he was probably just bored.
I deleted the chat as soon as I read it. Still too stressed from earlier this evening to even think about leaving my bed.
I hadn't even had anything to eat yet and I was actually thinking about ordering in.
"I'm under strict orders from joe to get you out of this house" Sam says bowing down to me like some servant. Why is he even in my house does he ever just go home?
"tell him I'm sick or something" I tell him getting back to my phone. I was creating a playlist for the team. I'm the one in charge of our training music.
"yeah love sick" remi states barging into my room with a bag of makeup. Oh, kill me now.
"it's alright Sammy I got this, she'll be out in 20" she dismisses Sam who looks at her with a dumbfounded look. Sam slowly filters out of my room mumbling curses here and there.
"I'm not going" I say for the fifth time. Remi has been begging me to come out for a good 10 minutes now.
You'd think shed be really good at convincing and have a good way of getting me out the house but no, she decided begging me would work better.
"why the fuck not" she groans frustrated with me, she moved her hand slightly and now she has a dodgy wing.
She looks at me annoyed. "give it here" I tell her grabbing the brush.
I don't have many talents but doing a perfect winged liner is one of them.
"I don't want to see anyone tonight" I admit to her, well more importantly I don't want to see Alex again.
"that's a fucking lie and you know it "why does she suddenly sound like Alex.
"don't you want to show him what he could have, if it is true Hes seeing some girl surely you want him that bad that its only right you make him want you even more"
I honestly don't know what she just said but I get her point.
"last call" Sam shouts from the botte moo the stairs. Turns out rami's plan of begging me didn't work but I can say I was close to going.
I watched them file out the house, it was only on the next street so they just walked. Would be a waste of petrol of they drive anyway.
I busied myself with a few episodes of this crime series that I always watch but knowing me I kept on checking them snapchats. Plus, Sam thought it'd be a good idea to send me snaps of them at the party.
One of them caught my attention. There in the background was Alex he was sitting in the corner with some guys but they had girls surrounding them. Jade was one of them.
Fucking hell why does she have to be there. Remi was next to send me a picture, she took a picture of jade, she was wearing a tight bodycon dress that made her tits look perks but fake, her ass looked suffocated in that dress not in a good way.
I was lucky to have Spanish genes in me, I'm not going to lie I could rock that dress better its probably a cheap misguided dress anyway.
The longer I sat in my room looking at these snaps the closer I was too ripping these clothes off getting into a sexy number and going over there.
Fuck it
I want answers and I want it now.
My outfit was less fancy I mean it was only pizza at Joe's but I made sure it was still nice, I went off what remi was wearing she was going nice.
Once I had applied some lipstick into my lips and brushed out my waves I exited the house with nothing but my phone.
The walk to his house was quick I even passed Emma's house on the way but I dint think they were in. I sent a text to remi, Sam and joe.
On my way
Instantly I got three very interesting replies.
Remi - fuck yes, get it my G
Sam - tell me something I don't know
Joe - well, fuck...
Jo's reply was interesting but being Alex's best mate I kind of understood it.
I stepped into the house and instantly being handed a shot and a cider. I thanked joe for the cider but glared at remi but she just shrugged her shoulder screaming "my bitch is here".
People looked at her weirdly but instantly got back to dancing or talking.
I was surprised by the amount of pizza joe actually has. Domino must have had a great night with this order.
I spent a good hour with some people little chit chat here and there but suddenly the sound of my belly rumbling kind of forced me to go look for food.
I spotted Alex as soon as reached the kitchen. The living was adjacent the kitchen so to get to the kitchen you basically passed them.
Jade was in the same place sitting next to Alex whose attention was on me. I smiled briefly before walking towards the pizza.
I'm hungry I'm not going to risk all the food being gone.
I took a generous selection of slices and found myself a vacant place away from the crazy dancers or rather grinders in the living room.
The pizza was slightly cold but still good enough to eat, I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to have pizza, no way.
I leant against the wall in the hallway, there was nobody around thank god, I'm going to have to talk to joe about his taste in music, it's completely not a dance kind of genre.
My last bite of my pizza was worthy of my time, my plate was taken from me instantly and I had a drink replaced in my hand.
No surprise who gave it to me. Joe stood in front of me his eyes staring back at me.
"is there a reason why your hiding from my boy Freya" he says crossing his arms over his chest.
Not him
"I'm not, technically I'm hiding from everyone joseph" yeah, I said it. He rolls his eyes at me walking closer to me.
"stop being a bitch" he says suddenly pausing my mouth completely. It was full of venom I wondered if it was the alcohol speaking. Was this the same guy who saved me from being molested the other week or.
I slapped him. I enjoyed the sound my slap made echoing throughout the hallway.
He rubbed his jaw giving me a smirk. The fucking douchebag.
"I'm not going to let myself be played joe, jade made it clear she was his by saying Hes going to fuck her the other night so why is he wasting his time with me" I couldn't take it anymore I had to voice it.
I seemed to shock joe completely, he stood back his eyes widening.
"she said that?" he whispers, when some people walked by.
"yeah, the night of the party at Charlie's, warned me with some claim she had on him" I said simply taking a swig of the cider he got me.
"that bitch" he growls punching the wall behind me. I don't quite understand why he is so angry. I'm actually scared of him right now.
Remi seemed to hear him because she came running around the corner and luckily, she wasn't drunk.
"shit Freya, what's going on" she takes a hold of my hand whilst checking joe for any injuries.
"told him some stuff and he got really pissed "I tell her rushing to the kitchen to get a wipe and some ice.
"he just cares for you remi, don't be mad at him please" she begs me. From the look she was giving me I understood.
I gave joe a light kiss on the cheek before walking off to dispose of my can.
I knew he didn't mean to be so rude by calling me a bitch.
Some part of me wondered about joe's reaction, he was surprised when I said jade told me that. When I found Alex leaning against the wall with one of the boys I decided I needed to talk to him.
Needed to clear this up.
I walked towards him, he straightened up when he saw me walking his way.
"can I borrow Alex for a minute" I asked the guy nicely. He only smirked at us both before leaving us alone. Alex chuckled softly easing the tension a little bit.
"not here" Alex whispered when I was about to say something. I nodded my head before taking his arm and pulling him upstairs.
I let him lead the way when I realised I didn't know where his room was since he does live here and all.
I was instantly nervous when he led me into his room.
He flicked on a bedside light illuminating the room enough so we could see eachother. What i did see was a lot of what I expected. Mellow toned colours with a lot of sports posters and medals.
I stood in the middle of his room looking like an idiot before he went and sat over on the bed. I felt very awkward to say the least.
He was wearing the jeans from earlier but had changed into a tight sports sweatshirt. He still looked good even in casual clothes.
I sat next to him, feeling the soft duvet under me. Is this where he takes his girls. Oh god Hes probably.
Alex seems to notice my weird expressions because he stands up again.
He walks over to the desk again grabbing his phone and putting it on silent.
"are you and jade a thing?" I start by saying wanting to at least start the conversation. His back tensed randomly, he turned around giving me a curious gaze.
"we were, last year but not anymore" he comes back and sits next to me. For a change he didn't get super defensive.
"oh, that's good" lame Freya bloody lame.
"she said we were together I'm guessing " good guess. Its definitely close.
He moves closer to me, his warmth radiating on me, I can't even be close to him without feeling hot and bothered.
I desperately want to feel his hands on me but maybe that's the alcohol in my system doing weird things.
"she told me to stay away from you, and she said that she'd be fucking you that night" I say finally ending with a sigh. I really don't want to know the truth.
Alex tensed up completely. I decided to look at him but that was a big mistake. Instantly he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him.
"Freya, i didn't I wouldn't. The last time was last year when we were a thing I couldn't do it now" he tells me his mouth moving slowly with speed of his words.
"why not" I barely say loud enough but because he was glancing at my lips he registered what I said.
He smirked slightly before fully lifting me up to sit on his lap. My legs on each side of him.
"do I have to say it, surely you know I would rather have you" he says a smile on his lips. I couldn't control the warmth that came to my chest with those words.
My deep sigh seemed to make him move closer to me, glancing down at my lips.
"but that girl" I say quickly stopping him from doing anything. His brows creased and he instantly pulled back.
"you saw me" it was more of a statement than a question. The reality of it was I wasn't the only one. I started to get off is lap but Alex had his hold on me so I couldn't move.
"you saw me take a girl home to her house because her brother was fucking some slut Freya. I didn't even know the girl" he admits holding me in place by grabbing onto my waist.
My silence was a chance for him to play with my hair pushing it behind me. I was suddenly aware of the warmth his fingers brought to my neck as he touched me.
"I'm sorry Alex" I say burying my face into his chest, I heard him sigh deeply before he was rubbing my back, comforting me.
Almost like he was forgiving me.
I couldn't think straight, I was slightly buzzed as well which didn't help the situation. I placed my lips onto his neck and my fingers buried into his hair.
His hold tightened on me when I slowly started to kiss the skin there.
"Freya "he groaned pulling my head back. I just laughed thinking about how we just made up in a minute.
"cant believe I took you on a date and didnt get a kiss goodbye" he says referring back to the meal we had earlier. He seems to always ask for a kiss goodbye.
He laughed at the end maybe he said as a joke but I wasn't laughing.
I begun to move in for his lips but he stopped me by wrapping his fingers round my neck with slight pressure.
"why" I ask him, suddenly confused.
"not here, I don't want us to be drunk when I ravish you with my amazing lips Freya," he says chuckling. That's one way of describing them.
"okay" I begin to say but I stopped altogether when he suddenly swooped down and started to kiss down my neck. for once I didn't wear one of those revealing tops.
He licked, sucked and bit the delicate skin there causing me to close my eyes enjoying the pleasure he was giving me
He licked, sucked and bit the delicate skin there causing me to close my eyes enjoying the pleasure he was giving me.
"Alex" I groaned when he sucked hard there. My hips moved on their own as I enjoyed the feeling of his lips. I was basically dry humping him, bloody hell Freya.
"feeling good" he smirks at me pushing me down on his lap. He brought his hands round to my ass practically groping me through my leather skin pants.
"don't stop" I said leaning my whole body into him. I was horny now and I think we both knew we had to stop before we go to far.
We tried not to laugh as we went downstairs back to the party but it was difficult. Some of the guys whistled as we both sat on the sofa, Alex's arms secured round my waist.
"fuck off" I said leaning back.
Every now and again Alex would place a kiss on my neck and I would always want more.
The look jade gave me when she saw this was too funny but I knew she would be a problem for me and Alex.
But right now, I couldn't give a shit.