
{ Ch. 8 }

Beer pong was so much fun when you were drunk. You didn't sweat the small stuff, like losing. Not that I was losing that is. "Oh yes." I jump as Morgan and I win another round with a pair of freshmen. "Whohooo!" Morgan yells her bright red hair swinging around as we high five each other. Rey brings us another go of tequila and we down it in a matter of seconds.

"Who's next to be defeated by the Beer Pong Queens?" I holler swinging my hips to the beat of the music and Morgan laughs. "We'll beat anyone!" Morgan and I bonded tonigbt over a mutual love for chocolate and red wine. I had a thing for indulgence. Morgan turns as white as a ghost. "I think I'm going to..." She pukes into a potted plant in the hall and I grab her arm as soon as she's done. "Come on." I tug her and Aubrey outside. "Where are we going?" Rey's confused face makes me a little dizzy as I trip over my own feet.

Morgan was clearly wasted, not that I was sober but I knew I was on my way there. Sobriety sucks sometimes. If I remember it right Morgan liked Lloyd so she'd be cool if I sent them back together, I take her to the place I've avoided since coming to Jeremy's house.

The faded sound of crackling wood and drunk laughter reaches my ears, momentarily making me stop. What if Noah was there? Or worse what if he knew who I am? I shake my head walking alongside Rey and Morg. Nah, Delilah you're just being paranoid. We walk drunkenly into the clearing and I instantly see Madison sitting next to Jeremy on a log near the woods. Sabrina hanging around the guys by the fire, and shit, Noah's here along with Gunner and someone else I know - but I can't put a finger on.

My mind teases me incessantly with the niggling recognition. I walk toward the guys with Morgan's arm around my shoulders. The feeling of complete sanity washes over me. Ugh, now I can't blame my actions on alcohol. I pout. Shit.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Someone hollers and I vaguely recognise Gunner. "Said the mouse." I stick my tongue out at him not really caring whether or not anyone thinks I'm immature.

Morgan giggles with a drunken hiccup and I look around for Lloyd. "Lloyd!" I holler walking up to the group of boys where Noah, Gunner, Lloyd and Jake.

Lloyd's head whips in my direction. "Sorry to bother but Morgan said if she gets wasted I was supposed to let Madison know that she had to take her home - but she's busy." I motion to where Maddie and Jere make out by the campfire. "Can you take her home? You're the only one who I know has a car and is sober." Rey picks that time to let loose a string of giggles and I flinch.

Lloyd winces, "The thing is I don't have my car hitched a lift with the guys." I look at him helplessly, I came with Mads. Will looks between the five of us.

"I'll take you guys," He volunteers, "And Rey too." Aubrey snorts, holding back the rest of her bubbling laughter and Will shakes his head at her in amusement. Lloyd raises a suspicious brow before looking at me, "Thanks for taking care of her Delilah." He gives me a dimpled smile before vanishing with Will and Rey in the direction of the cars.

"Well are you going to join us now that you're done playing the good Samaritan?" Gunner asks a mix of challenge and smugness infused in his voice.

I raise my nose at him, "Depends what we're playing because I'm never playing 7 minutes in heaven with you and..." A lump forms in my mouth. Kael and the others. Gunner looks at me sympathetically. "They're big kids Dels. They'll be alright, you can't coddle them forever." But I can damn well try. "Piss off Gunner." I snarl and he raises his hands laid-back, strolling to the circle of people. "Remember Del they're on their own. Who knows what Wolfe will do to them." He grins manically and I lunge at his smug little face. All this to get a rise out of me. He deflects my lunge trapping my arm behind my back. "Careful little Dels, you don't want to lose your temper." He whispers in my ear and I stomp hard on his toes and he cringes in unexpected pain as I knock my elbow into his mouth sending him flying back. He really was an asshole when he was drinking.

"My temper isn't what I should be afraid of losing, it's more about what you'd be losing if you don't shut the fuck up." "I'd be more worried if whether or not your friends will be alive." He laughs with bloodstained teeth. "The ghost drive was damaged." He laughs again spitting blood on the earthy ground. No, it can't be, that means - my eyes grow big. "You asshole!" I screech and I lunge for him again. But this time, there's someone blocking me.

All I can do is pray it's not true.

"Kade." He warns with those enchanting eyes. I spit at Noah's face and his unknown friend looks at me. Noah looks at me unaffected while I rage. "Why is it that you are always in the middle of the fight with one of mine?" He asks me coming closer to my ear with each word uttered. I return the gesture. "Why is it that one of yours always piss me off?" I ask him and he laughs, midnight blue eyes sparkling. I ease into his laugh. So he's definitely not sober. Sober Noah doesn't laugh.

"Touche." Noah says smoothly and I sigh deeply at his velveteen voice. Bliss on a girl's hormones. "We will be having words Slater." I sniff dramatically. Now it's his turn to whisper in my ear. "Whatever you want" He smirks and I bite my lip in response. I think I like drunk Noah more. I look around to spot Maddie, only to find everyone looking at Noah and I. God, grant me peace. I roll my eyes at the crowd pushing myself away from Noah's warm body that's awfully close to mine. Geez, he's only a guy people.

I turn to walk away when Noah's hand grips my wrist. "If you need a ride Delilah you can always just ask me." My breath catches at his words. My lips curl into a half smile and he smirks at me. "I'll definitely take you up on your offer Casanova." I say my tone more flippant than anything else. "Just not today."

There's just one way to describe right the - smouldering. His eyes practically glowed with challenge and determination.

I was that image of Slater's glowing eyes that led me back to the keg - I was free of responsibility; Rey and Morg went home with Lloyd them and I had nothing better to do... "A drink for the pretty lady?" A random guy asks me and despite my better judgement, I laugh and flick my hair out of my face. "Thank you." I giggle with an easy grin.

Unfortunately that was the last thing I remember.

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