
{ Ch. 5 }

My time's okay. The statement puts a half smile on my face again, running next to Rey - keeping up with her. "Hurry up girls, last 15 laps before we're done." Coach Swan yells at us and I smirk. "You're in a good mood." Rey grins as we slow down finishing our set, leaving the rest of the girls to finish the laps. "Hard not to be, I'm talking to my family - I have a whole jumbo chocolate stashed away and a whole season of The Originals season 4 to binge watch."

"Are you sure we're still meeting up at the fix later?" Rey jokes and I grin, "I won't forget, 6?" Rey shakes her head, "6:30, Del." I give her a thumbs up, my long black hair swaying as I head to the parking lot toward Morgan's car. I get nearer to Morgan's car noticing voices and my curiosity gets the better of me.

I turn, peeking at a pair of guys and Morgan. "Where's Delilah, Morgan?" "I have no clue what you're off about now again Lloyd." I hear the eye roll in my stepsister's voice. "Don't play dumb, Morgan. It doesn't suit you." He retorts and the other boy pulls him back. "You know - Delilah. Tall, dark haired, gray eyes, banging body..." Morgan recoils. "Gray eyes?" "Stop trying to change the subject Mor." I breath deeply, gray eyes flashing. I'm not gonna hide away here forever like a scared twit. "Yeah, you were looking for me Nichols?" I huff and Lloyd looks at me, Noah Slater beside him.

"What the hell, Dels!" I blink at Lloyd as he rushes toward me. "Why didn't you tell me about Wyatt, Delilah?" Lloyd shouts at me irrationally, seriously becoming angry. But I don't know why. I never knew he and Wyatt were close. "Why?" I ask as I jerk away from him. "Damn you Kade," Lloyd laughs mockingly. "We grew up together; me, Lark and Wyatt and I had to find out from Jess that Wyatt's missing!" He accuses, his face flaring red. "Don't act like you don't know Kade." "Wyatt and Lark never talk about their pasts, you know this." I spit, stepping angrily toward Lloyd. He's got no right to be pissed at me, he should be pissed at Lark - he was supposed to tell him, I'm not involved with my family's past. Never.

"You're right here and you didn't tell me." He mumbles, confused and dazed - disorientated. "I'm not involved." I murmur back.

Noah stares into my soul and pulls Lloyd back, but he says nothing to me. "It's alright Nichols, she didn't know anything. She wasn't involved between you and Wyatt." Noah reassures his friend, hauling Lloyd off. "Morgan." He nods as he drags Lloyd away.

I pout, oh so Morgan was the only one he needed to acknowledge. I shake the irrational thoughts from my head, following Morgan into the car. "Where are we going?" I say, pulling my seat beat across my chest. "Home." "Oh," I reply as she peels from the parking lot. "It's nice out, I'm gonna be on the beach - will you join me?" Morgan remarks, a straight face, the same kind of will that I have. The kind of will that says I'll be doing whatever I want and you can't stop me anyway. Surprised at the invitation, "I'd like that, yes."

We pull up at the house and we go inside. "I just gonna change." I murmur and Morgan nods. I pull my phone from my pocket. Mindful that I still have to talk to Jess and Lark, meet Rey at the fix and reread that stupid contract - I really have to see exactly what I signed up for.

I sigh, choosing a black bikini and a flowing sheer kaftan.

I grab my phone and sandals and head off to the beach.

"Hey." I pull up with a sun beach chair lounger next to Morgan. "Hey yourself." She grins from behind her shades which I find curious as the sun's glare dimmed with the fall of noonday strength. "So, what brought this on - I'm guessing it's not sisterly bonding." I murmur, the cool thrum of Khalid's voice easing my tense nerves. "You guess right, I just wanted to see for myself who you were." I scoff - closing my eyes, "Why? It'll be easier to disregard me if you just believe whatever Derek's told you." I can feel Morgan staring at me as I sunbathe. "Dad told me that you were broken and hurting and likely to lash out at any kind of help, he told me you were bitter and self-destructive and ignorant and that you rejected him." Well, I now have to add liar to my sperm donor's long list of attributes. "It was true." I admit, letting her believe the worst of me. Not only because it would be easier for her to hate me, but it would make it easier for me to not want to become closer with her. "But he forgot, pathological manipulator, liar and secretive." "Is being secretive such a bad thing?" Yes, yes it was - it made you vulnerable to doubt by the people you love the most. I force myself to laugh, my easygoing smile so open that she'd never even think to second-guess me. "That's what I say, but everyone thinks it's a bad thing." "Do you believe what everyone thinks?" "Fuck what everyone thinks." I rake a hand through my long black hair.

"Thanks for the lovely sister talk, but I gotta go - people to see, places to go." I grin checking the time. I've gotta leave now if I wanted to make it to the fix in time. Goddammit, I forgot... "Morgan, come with me." I groan. Stupid contract.

"Why?" She stubbornly folds her arms. "Don't you want to know what I'm like?" I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes but I see curiosity winning. "Fine. We'll take my car." We drive down the boulevard and into the quieter part of town.

I get out of the car, Morgan following me with wide eyes. "Don't look so startled, isn't this you town Morgan?" I murmur to my stepsister. "It's Morzy." I snort, "There's no way in hell I'm calling you that." I say and walk into the restaurant up to the chief waitress, Isla. "Afternoon Isla, I'm looking for Aubrey." I say and she motions behind her. "Aubrey's in the back." Isla smiles and I nod my thanks - passing her and grabbing Morgan's wrist as I pull her behind me as I head out the back entrance.

The fix was a street, mainly home Seaside Café. Aubrey's family establishment, she works here and on weekdays she finishes her shift at 6:30. The fix is the mall where everyone spends their time not so far far from here. Seaside Café was a secluded business usually perfect for dates and casual meet ups, the cafe was a hidden gem find - with its coffeehouse style setup and modern Boho flair. Think 13 Reasons Why - Monet's.

"Hey Del," Rey smiles at me before noticing my tagalong. "What's she doing here?" "She's finding the real me." Rey snorts. "Morgan, don't even try - the girl is the most complicated Rubix cube I've ever seen." I laugh, "I'm not that bad Rey." She scrunches up her face. "Whatever you say Del, we're still heading to the fix?" I shrug, "Sure. I could kill for some McD's right now." "Well, we could always go back home for supper?" Morgan suggests and Rey and I exchange glances. I could live anyway but a home cooked meal sounded really good right about now. God, when last did I have anything truly home cooked? "A'right, I'm in." Rey says finally and my my lips quirk up. "It's settled then, to Thistlewood."

Morgan drives us back home, me riding shotgun and Rey in the backseat. "So what are we eating?" Rey says and I hum my agreement. I could kill for food.

"I think Mom's made chicken pie - Tuesdays are pie day." Rey stares at Morgan. "Lucky." I voice Rey's thoughts; mine too if I'm being honest. They had a mom who made food for them. Rey's mom was too sick to make food for them anymore - she and her elder sister helped their dad out with the café. Isla made their food, just like Lark makes ours and sometimes Kael and I too - Jess wasn't allowed in the kitchen. She always managed to cut or burn herself somehow. Brianne was too 'young' and Wyatt never really took to it.

We pull up in front of the house and we're immediately bombarded with the delicious smell of homemade chicken. The scent wafts through the air and my stomach grumbles.

"Oh look, the prodigal daughter returns." Madison snarls at Morgan, obviously in a foul mood. "And she brought strays." She oozes anger but Morgan ignores her. "Evening mom, where's dad?" "Evening Morzy. He'll be here any minute now." Jessica greets her daughter, kissing her cheek. "Evening Delilah," She says to me and catches sight of the girl behind me. "Evening Aubrey - it's been awhile, hasn't it?" Rey smiles shyly, "It has been, good to see you again ma'am." Rey greets.

"Maddie, set the table for six - Morzy, fetch the wine - Delilah and Aubrey, you can give me a hand in the kitchen." Jessica instructs and Rey grins, pulling me behind her. The conversation flows easily between Jessica and Rey and in my entertained humor I slowly forget to check in with Kael.

"Evening everyone." Derek walks inside the house. A chorus of good evening ring back at him. "Jessica, whatever you've made smells delicious." "I didn't do it alone - Aubrey and Delilah helped." She says as we each take a seat at the table, each sitting in companionly silence. "Let us pray, Delilah, will you do the honors?" Derek asks and I nod as we all join hands. "Thank you Heavenly Father for this food that Jessica has prepared for us. Thank you for the hands that have contributed to this meal and bless the food unto our bodies. In Jesus' name. Amen." "Amen." The rest of the table echo and we dig in, Jessica divvying up for each one, a portion. "Delilah, I didn't know you were religious." Morgan in her endless curiosity asks the question everyone's been dying to ask.

"I'm not religious." I reply simply. "But my mother was." "So do you believe in God?" "I believe that God exists and that God's son is Jesus. I believe that we should do the best with the hand we've been dealt." Mom was deeply religious, I think that if she saw me now she'd be disappointed in my lack of faith.

I smile at their bafflement, me believing in anything but myself is a far stretch of the imagination and out of character for me (even if I do say so myself). But I grew up with religion and some things stay with you.

"Thank you for joining us Delilah." Derek says and I nod in acknowledgement - I'm seemingly doing that a lot nowadays. My phone rings loudly, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata reverberating, echoing from the walls. "Excuse me." I murmur. "Where are you now, Delilah!" Lloyd's panicky voice rings at me. "I'm at Thistlewood, Nichols. I'm here." "I'll be right there five minutes." The beep of what I'm assuming is the dead line, the end dial reigns a monotonous sound and I wonder what that's all about.

I wander to the front of the kitchen opposite the dining room and because of the open floor plan - everyone sees me. "Who was it?" Rey asks. "It was Nichols. He says he's on his way?" I say puzzled and my phone rings again and this time I don't hesitate - I answer the call putting it to my ear. "Hello? Nichols, that wasn't-" "It's not Lloyd, Dellie; it's Kael." My eyes get big - dismissing his tone. "Kael? Oh good, listen Lloyd is going around putting-" There's a whispered fight on the phone, too low for me to hear. "Hello?" I ask when the phone goes quiet. "Delilah, listen to me. This evening at seven o'clock Wyatt died."

A sharp whining tuned out all sound, the phone clattered to the ground. I don't know what happened first - the colour draining from my face or the look of terror overshadowing my features. It could feel the walls closing in on me - my heartbeat speeding up, my breath coming out in small short gasps, my legs giving way beneath me. Everything was drowned out. "Delilah! You're gonna be okay, stay with me - stay with me!" Lloyd shouting in my ear was him being muffled, covered with a million pillows. I vaguely felt myself having a panic attack but I'm too far gone. Lloyd yells something at everyone and they leave. I squeeze my eyes shut; Lloyd gently pushes my head between my legs and I whimper, my hearing slowly coming back. "Take deep breaths Dels. That's my girl. We're going to count to ten. Real slow. One... two... three..." Lloyd walks me through it and I finally breathe - I'm still trembling and my chest is heavy but I can breathe. "Nice and easy." Nichols murmurs, rubbing my back. "Did they tell you?" I nod. "I'm... sorry." I croak, my hands won't stop shaking. "Dellie." Lloyd murmurs, hugging me fiercely, so much so that I can feel his tears on my face as I stroke his hair. "It's... okay Lloyd." I cough, "He's with mom now." Then the strong green-eyed male crumples and sobs into my shirt. I don't know how long we sit there crying with each other, mourning, regretting. We finally pull ourselves together enough to get to the room and cry a bit longer. Sobs wrack his body and the dull numbness invade me again as I lay there - comforting Lloyd. Who isn't as heartless as he portrays himself to be. Who isn't as bad or as strong as he wants to be.

I turn away after he cries himself to sleep, and I look to the ceiling, feeling the saltiness of our tears everywhere. I can't stay here. I'll think about Wyatt and what happened to him... I can't be here right now.

I get up, dry myself up and walk back down to the kitchen. Only to find Jessica still awake. "You two okay?" She asks, handing me a glass of water. "I think we're going to fly down tomorrow if that's okay with you. Wyatt just died... I need... I need to be there. I need to go back." I mumble. Wyatt is dead, what about his little sister - what about Brianne.

"God, is Aubrey-" "Your father took her home earlier. You and the boy can go to New York, but I expect you back on Sunday - Monday morning you have to be at school." My eyes swim with unshed tears and I attack Jessica in a hug. "Thank you." I whisper and she nods. "Go back to sleep Delilah, I'll take care of it."

"Thank you Jessica." I smile tentatively and she beams at me. "Don't mention it."

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