
{ Ch. 3 }

My hair whips around me and Jessabelle laughs beside me. A gleeful, free sound. I look around - recognising the road as I notice Lark in the driver's seat. We drove to a concert two years ago and we drove like hellcats jamming to Nirvana and Post Malone and The 1975 and Led Zeppelin. It was the most fun ever, despite me being underage at the time. I smile fondly, watching Lark and Jess belting out the lyrics of Thunder of Imagine Dragons. I giggle, my heart aching with missing them. Jess looks at me. "What are you doing Delilah?" The music drowns out as I listen to my best friend. "I don't know." I find myself replying. Jess looks at me, deep into my soul. "We'll always pick up when you need us, Dellie."

I wake up in a blank room clearly decorated for a guest vaguely remembering that I walked back to the house on my own. Maybe I could be a guest. God knows I won't be staying here for longer than a year.

I realise with a start that today is my first day of school. A week after school actually starts. I'm a senior. Supposed to actually be a junior but I'm too smart for them. I finished junior year and never went back - the only reason I went last year is because Jess kept nagging. I miss her.

I'm a hacker and survived on the streets of New York for more than 3 years. I'm obviously too smart for them.

"Delilah, mom's calling you for breakfast. Be ready to leave in 20 minutes." Madison says rolling her eyes.

"Fine." I answer and she struts out of the room. I get up with a sigh cleaning myself up in the bathroom. Throwing on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black tank and Kael's army camo jacket. That reminds me. I have to call Kael today.

I can't believe I'm living with my father's new family in Seaview. If you would've said to me last year that I'd be living with my step family I would've stabbed you and left you for dead.

"Delilah!" Jessica calls me from the bottom of the stairs. I grab a hair tie, rushing down the stairs. "Coming."

Madison waits tapping her high heeled foot on the porcelain tiles an annoyed expression on her face. Morgan stands beside her sister, avoiding eye contact with me.

"You're driving with me and Morzy." Madison states blankly and I grab a muffin from the kitchen table as I watch Morgan scowling at her sister. Well then, maybe she's not so shy after all.

Jessica stands at the edge of the kitchen entrance, a big smile on her face. "Enjoy your day Delilah!" She says as I pass her.

My lips quirk up slightly and she looks surprised. "Bye Jessica."

Jessica's face lights up. "Bye Maddie and Morzy." She calls after the twins who smiles. "Bye mom." They call together.

We get into Madison's Mercedes Benz and I grin. "Nice car." A smile tugs at Madison's face. "Thanks."

Morgan, of all people, hands me a sleeve as her sister drives. "It's your schedule and your locker combination." I glance at her. "Thanks." I pull out my timetable.

"We have 8 class sessions." Madison explains as she drives to school. "One free period thrice a week and a elective twice a week. I'm the head cheerleader so that's my elective."

I raise a brow. "Cheerleader huh?" I scoff. "I'm never going to do that." I check the elective page. "I might try out for the track team though." I muse. "What did you sign up for Morgan?"

Morgan blushes, "I take photography."

"Hey Delilah... " Madison hesitates. "I'm sorry about you room. I didn't know it was yours."

"It wasn't your fault. I blame the asshole." I say and Morgan looks at me surprised. "You say asshole as if that's actually what you call your father."

"It is." I reply evenly. "He was never there for me. Thus he is an asshole of a father."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Derek is the best father a girl could ever have." Madison scoffs.

"I'm not going to argue about my dad. I haven't seen or fucking heard from him in over ten years." I say my voice cold.

"You can have him for all I care. He doesn't give a fuck about me. I bet you it's your mother that got him to find me. He would've done jack shit for me." The bitterness in my voice surprises me.

Madison is finally quiet. Morgan watching us carefully.

I did a little research on my new family last night. Apparently Jessica the realtor was a single mother. Madison and Morgan's dad died before they could even walk.

Well at least their dad loved them.

"I'm sorry." Madison's quiet voice says.

"I thought you wanted nothing to do with him." Morgan pipes in.

"I don't want anything to do with him." I scoff.

"Then why don't you leave?" She asks curiously.

"I can't." I reply. I gave my word and that's all I have left. I'll be damned to let a bastard like my father take that away from me.

We pull up right in front of the school. Morgan gets out of the car before Madison stops. "Delilah... " I look up in her big blue eyes. "It's good to meet you." She grins before disappearing amongst the sea of faces around the car.

I grin as I get out of the car with Madison. She looks like a runway model I think, taking note of her outfit. Madison's wearing a white crop top with a silky camo green bomber jacket and a pair of high waisted baby blue denim shorts. The tip of the iceberg is her killer black flower patterned heels. She's definitely a total cheerleader based on the way she's making fun of the juniors.

I roll my eyes walking to my locker at the end of the hall. People all watching the girl that drives with the school cheerleader Madison and Morgan Sterling.

Apparently it's a big deal because no one drives with Madison except her sister.

"Jeez Lilah, your stepfamily is the Kardashians of your tiny hometown." I can practically hear Jess scoff. But she's smoking, Lark would chip in, in typical Lark fashion. Leaving us rolling with laughter.

I don't take note of where I'm walking - lost in my thoughts and I walk straight into a guy. "Sorry." I say picking up my fallen knapsack from the ground.

The entire hall 'ooh's and the general feeling that shit's about to go down rises. Drawing people toward the growing crowd surrounding us. People are staring at me and whoever I knocked into. I scowl, more typical high school bullshit. Damn it. Can't a girl catch a break round here?!

I look up into a pair of muddy brown eyes, shoving my hair out of my face. "Who the hell do you think you are?" The boy snarls out. Definitely pissed off.

"I think I'm a damn girl asshole or are you blind?" Delilah shut up! My brain warns me. He boy clenches his jaw. "That's not what I meant." He says with barely concealed fury.

"I'm freaking Delilah Kade." I snarl. "Next time you wanna knock people over. You might wanna try saying sorry or not freaking the fuck out like a chickenshit asshole."

"Manners are a freaking thing you piece... " I hiss before being interrupted.

"That's enough." A voice calls out and the entire hall falls silent. It's like President Snow came to the Capitol to kill Peeta and Katniss in front of an audience. I could probably hear a pin drop in that moment, not surprising since I seem to be Peeta and Katniss.

I look at the newcomer. Woah. The most beautiful set of midnight blue eyes makes contact with mine. The new guy pulls his friend away from me. "Jeremy." He says flatly. "Run it off." The boy I was arguing with doesn't even protest he just leaves.

It's like he's a god - with a small g - in this place. They just do as he says.

"You." He says to me. "Stay." I'm still pissed about the brown eyed guy, Jeremy. Still too keyed up to fight against what appears to be a bad decision. But instead of openly defying what seemed like the boss of this tiny high school, I shoot him a fake smile. "Sure boss," I drawl sarcastically under my breath.

The god has this whole mysterious look going for him. It doesn't help that he has a killer cheekbones and eyelashes that make girls cry. Making him look like a young Johnny Depp. I'm kinda into the old school actors. Definitely with softer light pecan brown hair, it looks so silky I have to fight the urge to pet it. The guy with the gorgeous eyes turns away from me, and says to the watching crowd. "What are you all still doing here?" Everyone leaves scurrying away.

That was quick, we're now alone in the hallway. The guy stares at me with those intense eyes. I don't like this. I slowly back away from him - the guy was obviously dangerous.

Blue eyes has neither short nor long wavy burnt cinnamon hair that's completely mussed, just reaching his shoulders. Making him look fuckably hot. His face completely blank.

He's tall I think around 6ft and I can actually see his lithe muscles. He's lean and has a vampiric paleness about him - making his eyes stand out even more.

I look at him half confused half curious. "Why?" His eyes glint. "Because this is my school and now you owe me." He says with a Damon Salvator style smirk.

I shrug. "Whatever."

The guy grins as he walks away. "See you around Kade." He must've taken that as an positive answer.

Huh. That was strange to say the least.

Strange and weird.

I must've stood there for an hour, watching blue eyes walk away - deep in thought.

I run to my class knowing I'm probably more than 10 minutes late. I really should've really thought about being late when I was staring at the back of Blue eyes with a quizzical expression on my face. I run into a person as I turn around a corner.

"What the heck is it with me and running into people today?" I sigh, exasperated and the girl chuckles. "The name's Aubrey, and you must be freaking Delilah Kade." She quotes and I groan. "Did everyone hear that?" "Yep." Aubrey replies popping the 'p'. "We're a small school, plus gossip travels like wildfire around here."

She looks at my lost state and smiles. "Need help getting to class?" "Would you mind if I said yes?"

Aubrey laughs. "Nope. What do you have first period?" "World history."

"We have the same class. I'll walk you." Aubrey says with a smile. We walk to class side by side.

We enter the class together and the class goes still.

No whispers.

No talking.

You could hear a pin drop. This school is too dramatic for its own good.

"Carter." A brown haired woman says flatly. "How wonderful it is to see you've finally find your way to class." Her voice rings out sarcastically.

The woman looked to be in her late thirties. She wore blood red lipstick that suited her personality.


"Sorry Mrs Darcy I was just helping my friend here find the class." Aubrey replies shooting the teacher a innocent smile.

"Thank you Carter for being so intrepid you may take your seat." Mrs Darcy says with finality. Aubrey Carter shrugs at me.

I'm officially on my own. "Girl. What is your name." Darcy states. Ohkay... so that wasn't a question.

"Delilah Kade." "Well miss Kade tell us something about yourself." I look at her as if to say - huh?!

"My favourite colour is white." I say sarcastically. "To represent my innocence."

The class gasps. When in doubt... reply with sarcasm. Mrs Darcy chuckles. "Something true please miss Kade."

Now it's my turn to chuckle. "You got me. Actually I'm a fan of indie alternative." I say completely at ease.

"What's that?" I immediately see my step-sister Morgan blurting out. Her eyes widen with her outspoken mistake. She throws her hands over her mouth.

A group of girls laugh. "You really are stupid aren't you Morgan." I'd recognise that voice anywhere.

The annoying screech could be heard thousands of light years away. "Sabrina," I drawl. "I believe she asked me and not you."

Sabrina narrows her eyes as she sits in the far back of the class. "Finally stepping out from behind Madison's shadow or are you going to call on you new sister to save you." She snarks at Morgan.

Sabrina is one of the more ambitious cheerleaders. We met briefly yesterday and I could already tell she wanted what Madison had. Position as head cheerleader and popularity.

Honestly Sabrina is just that skank that doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut.

"Honey, Morgan was never in Madison's shadow, you'd know that if you took the time to befriend her, but it's too late now," Sympathy oozing from my voice. "On the other hand, what would Madison say if she heard you talking to her twin like this..." Sabrina gapes at me and I look at my stepsister.

"Alternative is a music genre. You should try it sometime." Morgan blushes a Barbie pink.

"That's quite enough girls. Delilah you can sit next to your friend Aubrey here." Mrs Darcy says with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

Aubrey sits in the third row of the classroom and I take a seat. "Look who's miss popular all of a sudden." Aubrey smirks.

I shake my head. A small smile on my face. "I'll stay in my shell for now before I get into anymore trouble." Aubrey laughs.

The bell rings and we walk to the cafeteria together.

"So why exactly do you wanna be my friend?" I ask Aubrey and she sighs. "I need a girl best friend. You fit the bill."

I roll my eyes. "Let me guess, I'm new?" She laughs but nods. "Never been the girl with friends, got made fun of in middle school - I've changed but that rep is still there."

I look at her. "That can't be true - you're awesome." She smiles again. "No one wants to be friends with me since Madison decided she doesn't like me anymore, Morgan just goes with whatever she says so even the unpopular one's don't like me much." Her smile dims.

Her fallen face turn to one of acceptance and we take a seat at a empty table. "Don't worry Aubrey, I'm here now." I murmur, it's my turn to be to someone else what Jess was for me.

Aubrey grabs a packet from her bag. "Hey, can I borrow your phone for a second, I just need to message someone." Aubrey looks at me with rich evergreen eyes, strands of red hair falling in her face. "Sure."

She hands me her phone and I bite my lower lip - texting Lark, the most rational one.

Lark - it's me. How r u guys holding up?

Dellie? call Kael at 4 - he's going crazy.

Everyone still busy?

We taking a break - Brianne and Henry's okay, Kael's losing it, Jess has him covered for a while but he blames himself for the missions fail. But Wyatt...

My face set in determined lines, and I type furiously. What the hell happened to Wyatt? Damn it.

Lark goes offline and I tap anxiously against the floor. I delete the chat, sliding Aubrey's phone back to her. "Thanks."

"What's wrong?" Aubrey asks warily and I lie, "Nothing." Aubrey takes the hint, changing the subject. "So the Sterling's huh?" "Yeah." I mutter absentmindedly. "Your family?" "Stepfamily." I respond automatically. Aubrey whistles. "That's a piece of work there." I immediately perk up, attentive my information about my stepfamily. "Madison, Morgan and I were best friends in middle school. I was always closer to Morgan but then the rumours started." The heat break in her eyes prevent me from prying. "After that, no one was friends with 'the weird redhead who's father is mad'." She says but perks up, "But I'm good now, that's all in the past."

I look at Aubrey, "I'm living proof that your past doesn't stay in the past."

Aubrey breathes shakily, pulling out a hardcover book from her bag. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. A good read, even if I do prefer movies. She pulls it out but doesn't read it, watching me. "Where's your phone, by the way?" I giggle, "It's currently in the possession of a grumpy detective." Detective Williams of the NYPD is not going to be a happy camper when he sees how encrypted my phone is just to find nothing but the usual teenage girl stuff on it. "So... you have no phone?" Aubrey asks curiously and I nod, "Yep, going phone shopping later." She tears a piece of paper from her notebook, clicking her pen.

"What are you doing?" I ask curiously. "Writing down my number." She replies in a duh tone, handing it to me before walking toward a exit on the far end of the cafeteria. "Where are you going?" I call, confusion evident.

"I'll be back in a few, Delilah." Aubrey answers and I grin. "Call me Dels." I grin to myself, my first friend in Seaview. A second later and Madison slides into the bench opposite me with another girl - I'm guessing this is Zoe, Morgan close behind her.

I groan. "Who invited you?"

"Associating yourself with the likes of Aubrey Carter is a bad idea." Maddie says glaring at me. "Bad idea." The chorus girl echoes. "Why don't you join us instead?" Morgan suggests. I glare at the supposedly shy twin. "I'll join you when you grow a backbone, Morgan." I hiss, slamming my bag on the table - noticing Aubrey returning into the cafeteria. Aubrey spots the three girls around me and freezes.

Apparently defending someone is rare around here because everyone is watching us but still talking to each other. Gossip mill, here goes nothing.

I say nothing else, sliding out of my seat and walking to Aubrey - hooking her arm in mine. "Let's go." I say nonchalantly, watching the doors close behind me. "You got wheels?" I murmur and she nods violently. "Where are we going?" "We're going phone shopping."

Derek gave me a credit card for all my expenses for this year, my total spending limit for the month only was 100 grand... rich people. I scoff.

I flash the card at Aubrey. "Time for some retail therapy." I laugh at the surprise on her face. "You didn't really think I'd come completely empty handed."

"No way, they gave you a honest to goodness credit card?" Aubrey laughs and I take proper note of her for the first time.

Rich auburn hair, deep brown eyes, a splash of freckles, she looked like a pretty Jennifer Lawrence. Never noticed even if Hunger Games was one of my favourites.

After browsing through most of the stores - Aubrey and I are definitely closer. And by the time she drops me at home it's well past bedtime.

"Delilah." My father stands in the kitchen, just opposite the staircase. "You're supposed to be with us for supper every night unless you've cleared it with me or my wife." "Any days I don't have to 'check in', father?" I roll my eyes and Morgan shuffles into the light. "When you're with Madison or me or it's weekend." I nod with dead eyes. "Noted." "Where were you Lilah?" Derek calls as I start up the steps. "With a friend." I harden my voice and he says nothing as I walk to my room again.

I pull out my new iPhone and laptop after locking my door and heading to the shower. I wash up and head back to my phone, ready to talk to Kael.

"Kael?" My voice hopeful. "Dellie?" "It's me Kael." I grin and he laughs. "I'm glad to hear you're okay, how are you? Where are you?" Kael is my half-brother, my blood. The reason mom and dad divorced but I can't bring myself to blame him.

When mom and dad split, mom and I moved to New York... to be with Kael, he was a teenager with no one and no family when we found him.

He told us stories of his foster parents and how he finally reached out to mom. We were happy... for a time.

"I'm okay. My dad bailed me out and I have to stay in Cali for the rest of the year." I murmur into the phone. "I'm in Seaview, it's not home but it's okay. How's Jess and Lark and Henry and Bri and Wyatt?" Kael sighs, "Wyatt is missing, Lilah. Jess is trying to dig up a lead, all signs pointing to the gangs and Lark's keeping a ear to the ground - you know his bartending gig at Royals has connections. Everyone else are okay, hurting because of Wyatt, but okay." A tear threatens to fall, from the shock among other emotions - intense nostalgia one of them.

"I'm going back in the mainframe so where was he last?" Kael exhales as if asking for paitence. "I know it's pointless to try to stop you. Wyatt was last seen at Royals after 4 or so. Brianne and Lark and Jess miss you but none of them will say anything." "Tell them I miss them, I miss you too brother." "Jess is worried about you, you'll call?" Kael worried. "I love you sis. Be careful out there."

"Kael?" I struggle to keep the emotion from my voice. "I love you, Jess, Lark, Wyatt, Henry and Bri so much more than you all can imagine. Talk later again."

A flash of sadness marrs my face for but a second before a smirk makes itself known as I hang up on my brother. Hacking was the thing I lived for - after this I was taking an extended break from all this. If I could help my family get Wyatt back, it'll be a good day.

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