
{ Ch. 10 }

I wake up beside Noah Slater - cuddling on the couch; his arms around my waist and mine around his neck, our legs interwoven like a jigsaw puzzle - and I jump, ultimately falling off of Noah's couch and landing on the floor with a loud thump. Suprisingly, the guy sleeps on - dead to the world, I take a look around. I was clearly not at my house - the curtains were closed, the movie that was playing still on a loop from last night. Oh yeah, last night - my dad told me that he'd always loved me.

I knew I needed space and I left... I had to change everything that I saw him as completely. My perspective of the man my father was changed and I had to change accordingly, I needed time - time he wouldn't give me if I went back home. My overwhelmed brain took me to Noah's place and I completely shut down.

I glanced at the fully dressed boy laying haphazardly on the sleeper couch, he was sweet yesterday - he made sure I ate, watched me and almost called the ambulance thrice. I stopped him - I think. When it was clear that neither of us were goimg to sleep - he made me a mug of hot chocolate and rewatched Notting Hill, a classic in my opinion, with me - we clearly fell asleep on the couch despite us not being tired.

I open the curtains, the light pouring in. I gasp, running for my phone - everyone was most probably looking for me. I pick it up to see messages from almost everyone.


58 missed calls


47 missed calls


Where are you???


Are u ok?


Call me, Jess said you're at Slaters.


Heard you got home - hope you didn't get into too much trouble

I guess Aubrey doesn't know much. I call my dad first - biting my lip when he doesn't answer immediately. "Lilah sweetheart, where are you?" Derek asks frantically and I smile, "I'm with a friend Derek, I'm okay." "Are you coming back Lilah?" "Derek, I need space and time - I'll be staying where I am until I figure some things out." I murmur and he sighs, "Okay Delilah, I love you." "Saying I love you isn't gonna fix this Derek, I grow up hating you and thinking you didn't want me - I just can't okay, I'll be back in two weeks." "Okay sweetheart, see you later?" I smile, "Sure... Derek."

I walk back into the tv room, the huge couch only just enough space for a pair of people but by the way Noah lays across the plush couch I can see why it's just him. The sunlight brushes his hair and I bend down to his level. "Wake up Noah," I murmur - and unable to resist, I run my hands through his light chestnut hair It's even softer than it looks. The action was almost unconscious but Noah's pretty blues makw contact with mine and he smiles. Definitely a morning person.

"Good morning," He says and I bite my lip. "Morning." I grin faintly and stretches. "So you're staying here Della?" His hair falls in his face - a single mesmerising tuft down his head obsuring his beautiful eyes.

"Can I?" I sigh breathlessly. Get a grip Delilah, he's just a boy. I shake my head, emptying all thoughts of jumping him. "Sure, you can stay if you want." He replies and I tuck my hair behind my ear nervously, glancing at my hands. "I'm sorry... for yesterday. I'm sure you had other things to do." This was strange - I never meant to apologise for something I did automatically. Strange actually summarises my relationship with Noah so far.

"It's okay, Della." He murmurs, tucking the other side of my hair back behind my ear, "I like seeing you." I blush, smiling faintly. What's wrong with me - I don't blush. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." Noah says, padding toward the kitchen. "I'll make coffee." I say, trapizing around Noah's kitchen. He makes two omelettes that smell delicious and I start a pot of coffee. Working quietly together like a well oiled machine. "So you have yet to ask me about Kael and Jess' appearances yesterday." He leans back against the counter top and I laugh, "To be honest - I kinda forgot about them being here, why bring it up." "Ask yourself - you're the nosy one." "I actually prefer the word curious and that's rich coming from you - of all people." I scoff, taking out the sugar and cream for the coffee. "What's that supposed to mean?" Noah says, and I faintly hear a pout. No, Noah would never... "Are you pouting right now?" I laugh and Noah rolls his eyes. "That's not important right now Della," He interrupts my train of thought and I shake my head.

"I am scary, hear me bark." I mock him in a faux caveman tone of voice. I take one look at his unimpressed face and burst into laughter.

"Seriously, tell me." Noah adds when I my laughter dies down. "I trust them, plus I knew they were in town - they're moving into the old Jersey house a block away from mine - closer to the school... and to the hospital." I say and he raises an eyebrow. "The hospital?" "Yeah, you'll eventually find out that the gang needs a hospital like we need oxygen." I chuckle, "They draw unwanted attention and danger... and trouble like moths to their overly bright flame."

We eat in amicable content until Noah brings up the subject I didn't want to talk about - at all. "So what happened yesterday?" Noah calls, leaving to put his stuff in the sink.

I sigh, finishing my food, "My dad told me that he always loved me and I took some me-time." Noah glances up at me, "You thought Sterling was just a jerk." I nod emotionally - my intensity clogging up my throat and I know I look like I'm on the verge of tears. I shouldn't have, I should've asked my dad about what happened long time ago - but he never reached out and I'm hella stubborn so I didn't either.

"Can I hug you?" I sniff and Noah looks like he was so uncomfortable already... "Sure, Della." I get up and walk into his arms, wanting to not be confused for the billionth time in my life. "It's okay Delilah." Noah says, rubbing soothing circles on my back. I realise that the ungodly sound of keening is coming from me. I always do that - do things without knowing I'm the one doing them. "S-s-sorry." I murmur, crying soundlessly into his shirt. "Don't apologise for this Delilah," He says, pulling me flush against him, "I know what it's like when your world changes - and you have to adapt to a world that's moving one with or without you." He holds me as I cry in his chest.

We stay that way for a long while and I pull away, "Thank you Noah." I murmur, whispering and he tilts my chin toward him. Our eyes meet again, and I fight the urge to kiss him. "Don't worry about it Della. Go shower, I'll clean up here." He says with a dimpled half-smile. "I don't have any clothes." I reply and he looks at me. "Jess left her stuff here, you guys are more or less the same size." "Thanks Slater." I say walking to the bathroom, pulling Jess' suitcase behind me. I clean up, wearing on of Jessabelle's bright and girly sundresses, leaving my hair in it's wet state. I walk out of the bathroom - knocking into Noah. "Sorry," The word slips from my lips subconsciously and he grins, hair flopping in his eyes again - my heartbeat speeding up at yhe itter adorableness of it. Huh, never thought Noah could be described as cute.

"You ready?" "Ready for what?" I ask in response and Noah shakes his head. "Well, I wanted to go to the beach but Kael and them want you over - I guess you'll really be busy since Morgan demanded your presence at some sort of a sleepover?" I cock my head, "How come you're passing on messages and no one's calling me?"

Noah grumbles beneath his breath, "I have no clue, Kael has really big mouth - everyone knows you're here."

"Aww, don't be upset Slater - I'll be back."

Noah wrinkles his nose, "Doubtful - if everyone had their way, you wouldn't be here." I roll my eyes, "Seriously, I'll be back tonight. No promises for the rest of the week."

"Fine," He stomps into the bathroom like a overgrown toddler and I laugh as he shuts the door. I walk away shaking my head, sitting in the blazing afternoon sun and getting into my phone. I really had to see what's going on.

"Mads, what is going on?" I demand and a chorus erupts on the other side of the phone. "Hey there Delilah!" The replies call and I laugh. "I'm guessing I'm on speakerphone?" "Yep." The voice I identify as belonging to Rey speaks. "Mads said something about a sleepover?" "Ooh yeah, we meant to ask you about that - what's going on between you and Slater?" Morgan says in a sugary sweet voice. "The same thing that's going on with you and Lloyd - nothing." I reply and Aubrey starts cackling. "Oh Morg, she gotchu good." "There's only nothing happening because of your fat ass snoring." I laugh at their theatrics. "Just tell me when you're this is going down." "Oh, sleepover at Aubrey's house on Tuesday." "It's school?" I remark, leaving the question open-ended. "That's what I said!" "Please Morgan, we both know you secretly love doing whay you're not supposed to." Rey replies and Madison and I laugh, "I'll be there, talk later." I hang up the phone. I wonder if Noah's still busy, I forgot yesterday's clothes in the bathroom. It belonged to Jess, and since we were going to Kael them today might as well give it back to her.

"Noah?" I yell, running to the bathroom and opening the door out of habit. "Yeah?" He steps out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, and another in his hands. My eyes grow impossibly wide and I gulp, swallowing - my throat all of a sudden dry. My gaze fixated on his exposed lean body. Water running down his back... Not going there, nope - not today. "Yes Della?" Noah smirks and I tear my eyes away from his body. "Y-y-yeah, ummm - I forgot my stuff here earlier." I say looking firmly into his mirthful eyes. If I focus on his eyes, I can't focus on his body. Breathe Delilah, you got this. "Okay," He grins and I duck past him, grabbing my stuff from the floor. "Oh yeah Delilah, are you okay?" He hides his laugh and I narrow my eyes.

I was soo gonna get him back for this.

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