
The missing bracelet

Chapter 3


"Prince Devin?" I chuckled silently in amusement as I fixed my gaze on the bushy path leading to the pack house.

She thought I was Prince Devin.

It wasn't her fault. Most people her age didn't know I existed since I'd just recently returned to the pack.

All thanks to my father who always saw me as the black sheep of the family because I didn't care about being his successor. Devin was more interested in being the Alpha king and that irked my father so much since I was the older twin.

Let's say I had more concerns about changing things in the human world and not here until I met this beautiful omega who was in bad shape at the market.

I knew that she didn't steal the money, but I didn't want to give her any ideas and that's why I acted like I didn't believe her.

The car stopped at the driveway so that I could get down before the chauffeur would park it properly in the garage.

Left to me, I'd have stayed longer at the market or gone for a run. My wolf was getting antsy by the minute, he wanted a meeting with Iris, but I didn't - scratch that, I slightly wanted it. But she would only serve as a distraction and nothing more.

So I'd have to stay away from her even though my wolf wanted her.

My legs refused to take further steps as I got to the front door of the pack house. This place had never felt like home ever since my mother died. The urge to leave gnawed in my chest, but I suppressed it, knowing that it wouldn't do me any good to leave without achieving what I came for.

Finally, my fingers closed on the doorknob which I twisted and the door gave way. The living room which I expected to be empty wasn't. A few of the pack's elders made themselves comfortable on the plush beige upholstery, with my father sitting on a single chair, his face slightly pale.

"Good day, Father." I greeted curtly with a bow while wondering why they were holding a meeting in the living room and not the courtroom.

There could be only one reason and that was the fact that the meeting wasn't an official one. Not all the elders were present.

"Good day, Gradel, where have you been?" He croaked, letting out a cough that sounded painful.

My heart clenched with pity for him even though my face didn't give off any emotion. His illness was deteriorating by the day which was the main reason for my return.

"On a stroll, why?"

"I've been searching for you. There's an important issue that we have to tackle and that is why some of the elders are here." He explained, staring at me with glints of hope in his eyes.

I almost chuckled. I was the difficult and nonchalant son that didn't care about anything, and even though he was my father he knew better than to force me to do things against my will.

"Do I have to be here? Why don't you call your other son? I'm sure he'll be glad to do your bidding." I replied sarcastically.

Embarrassment nuzzled on his face as he swallowed hard. " have to be here. It's about the mating ceremony that will be taking place tomorrow..."

"And?" I cut in.

He dragged in a deep breath and shut his eyes for some minutes. "You need to get a mate tomorrow."

My eyes darted from him to the three other elders who stared at me intently, then I barked out a laughter that caught all of them by surprise. I laughed until my ribs began to ache then I wiped off a tear that strolled down my cheeks.

"A mate?" I asked in disbelief. "Are you serious?" I hollered.

"Yes, Gradel. Devin has already found his mate, and tomorrow the Epsilon will complete the mating rite between the both of them, so it is impertinent that you get a mate too. I want you to be my successor." His voice rose gradually and I could tell that he was getting pissed.

I pinched my forehead, regretting why I gave in to his persuasion and returned home. Each morning I woke up here and took a piece of my sanity, and hearing him talk about mates made things worse.

That was why I preferred the human world. No one would pester me about having a mate. Though girls festered around me because of my looks and my body, I didn't give them any attention because I wasn't interested in them.

A battle was raging within me, the need to yell at him and give him a piece of my mind called to me and I clenched my fists, but I held back in respect.

"I don't want to be your successor, Alpha. Once you get better, I'll return to the human world and that is final. If you don't want me to leave right now then you will stop talking about getting a mate and focus on healing." I threatened him with a harsh tone, satisfied with how well I was able to deliver my message.

He scoffed and a scowl appeared on his face as he snickered. "You are just as hot-headed as your late mother."

A knot tightened in the pit of my stomach. He had no right to speak about her after everything he did to her.

"Don't talk about her like that," I growled and cast a glance at the elders who stared at me with terror in their eyes, then let out a deep breath. "Have a good day."

I stalked out of the living room and stormed into the hallway, my steps resonating loudly.

A loud chuckle reverberated behind me, causing me to hiss. Who else could it be aside from Devin who enjoyed taunting me?

I ignored him and trudged on until I heard my name.

"I wonder why father is so concerned about you when you've done nothing to reciprocate the old man's feelings. You're hurting him, you know?" Devin said casually with a low drawl, one that irritated me because it only reeked of nonchalance.

"That shouldn't be your business as well, should it?" I snapped and spun around to face him, my arms folded.

He shook his head and dipped his hands into the pocket of his black slacks, then strolled towards me. We were almost wholly identical, aside from the almost unnoticeable differences in the symmetry of our noses, and the prominent color of our eyes.

Mine was blue, and his eyes were dark.

I was taller with a more defined physique, which according to my father, made me the most suitable choice for being an Alpha.

"You're right, twin," He placed his palm on my shoulder and feigned wiping off some invisible lint. "My business should be ensuring that you aren't interested in being Alpha. Tomorrow is the mating ceremony and since the Epsilon will be concluding the mating rites for people like us who have mates already, I'll stand a greater chance of being the Alpha of this pack. Don't ruin this for me, Gradel." His voice slid into a deeper crescendo.

"And what if I'm interested in being the Alpha of the Grey Rock pack, after all? It's my birthright, I'm the older twin." My lips curved in a smirk as his face tightened with anger.

His jaws clenched as he glared at me, but I was unfazed. I enjoyed watching him have a taste of his own medicine.

"Do not go against my wish, Gradel, You don't want to see the other side of me." He snarled, poking my chest hard with his index finger, "I won't warn you again." He walked away.

I rolled my eyes.

His threats had no impact on me. I shrugged off his words and continued my journey to my room, my mind buried in thoughts.

What was the use of coming here when the people I called my family were against me? Especially my twin who was supposed to have my back.

The reminder that I was alone caused my heart to clench. I didn't want to admit it, but I hated the loneliness.

I reached for my wrist where I usually wore my favorite bracelet, but it was bare. My heart skipped a beat as I examined my wrist and I realized that my bracelet was missing.

No. It couldn't be.

It had been on my wrist all day because I never took it off no matter what. So what could have happened to it?

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