
At The Pool

I looked damn good in a bikini.

The feeling was a good one to have after the crushing feeling that stemmed from not knowing my roots.

“C’mon Maya, get your butt out here!'' Naomi screamed from the pool area.

A weary chuckle escaped my lips when I heard the splash of water. So much for diving in together.

I did a 360-degree turn in front of her mirror, amazed at what I was seeing.

I stopped looking in the mirror, when my stepsister broke mine two years ago, a day after that inauspicious event that ruined my perfect life. Her reason was that I shouldn’t be bothering the mirror with my ugliness. I had been so emotionally messed up then, that I had believed her. I had changed my wardrobe overnight to baggy trousers and polos, to cover the ‘fat’.

Over the years, Naomi had tried destroying these insecurities—she did to an extent—but I never looked at the mirror again. Until now.

I was beautiful. I did another 360-degree turn, still coming to terms with this truth.

I was curvy and sexy. I was not fat.

My step sister had only damaged my security because she had been envious of something I had been blind to.

I chuckled at the realization, humming as I abandoned the mirror and picked up the sunscreen that Noami had left for me on the bed.

“Maya! If I wait a minute more, I am coming in there to drag you out myself. What’s taking you so long?!”

I heard Naomi scream again and sighed. My friend was the life of the party.

When I walked out to the pool area five minutes later, Naomi was dumbstruck when she saw me. Her mouth falling open was an added effect.

“Maya, is that you? Oh my god!”

Okay, we are going for the dramatic.

“Why have you been hiding your beauty with oversized garments? Personally, I think it would have been enough to reduce the bullying to an extent.”

As she spoke, she swam to the edge of the pool.

A chuckle was the only response I gave. Yet, I meditated on her words. Would it have been enough?

“Well, your fetish with oversized garments are over, friend. By tomorrow, I will transform you into a new figure. We are going shopping by the weekend too. So, clear out your schedule if you have one, friend. I will cover the costs, don’t worry about that.”

There was humor in Naomi’s statement, but I could tell that she was dead serious about her promise. I was going shopping for the first time in my life.

“Thanks girlfriend.” I said, before jumping into the pool.

“How does it feel?” Naomi asked a few minutes later, wiggling her eyebrows at me. It was funny, so I laughed and dipped myself into the water again. When was the last time I had a swim?

“It feels good.'' I answered, when I came up for air, sinking my fingers into my midnight black hair which Naomi believed looked better if let down. I usually tied it with a band to keep it away from my face. It was wavy and long..

We took to laughing and splashing each other water after that—for probably fifteen minutes-when suddenly, we heard a voice, a deep voice, obviously male.

“I see you two are enjoying yourself. Interesting,” The voice had said, cutting our joy short.

I knew that voice. Even if I was woken up with a bucket of water and asked to point out who had the voice, I wouldn't fail at all.

It was impossible not to know the voice of your tormentors.

Adam. The voice was his.

Chills broke over my body, as dread pooled in my belly.

What the hell was he doing here? I thought, afraid to turn around and look at him, my mind already reeling with thoughts on how to escape from the pool.

Naomi had been wrong. Again.

Her parents weren’t around either.

“What are you doing here, Adam? What are you all doing here? Shouldn’t classes still be in session?”

That was Naomi, and as much as her confidence inspired me, I was beginning to think it might be the death of us.

“Maya, are you okay? You are shaking…”

I nodded frantically, wishing to be anywhere but here. How do I get out of the pool? What have I gotten myself into?

“Why won’t she be okay? She is cruising in your pool. I still don’t get why you had chosen the wolfless bitch as your lapdog. Timothy, what do you think?”

That was Claire, Adam’s girlfriend—his chosen mate. She was also among the plenty that detested me without cause.

“Naomi, take your friend out of the pool. I need to drain it. It’s been contaminated already, and we need to swim now.”

That was Timothy.

I noticed that his voice, though cold, was lower than usual. It must be the effect of having come under the roof of his house—his parents had zero tolerance for bullying.

The hope that shined through me at the possibility of that statement had me smiling out widely in happiness before I could stop myself.

“Okay, this is weird. Why is she smiling? I don’t think anyone said anything funny. Or does she think she is free to do as she likes here?”

That was the last triplet, Daniel.

How had he known I was smiling?

Before I could contemplate on an answer, he fastened his hand on my hair and pulled sharply, causing me to scream out in pain.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a resounding slap from somewhere.

Did Naomi just…? No. No. She wouldn't do that. But the silence and her next statement confirmed my fears.

“What do you think you are doing, coming to my house and abusing my friend? Are you a psycho?” She asked Daniel, who though I couldn’t see his face since I had refused to turn around, was definitely as stunned as I was, as the other pool visitors were. I didn’t even know how many they were.

Daniel didn’t reply to Naomi's question, instead he released his grip on my hair. And just when I was about to sigh in relief that the scalding pain was almost gone, I received a hard knock on my head.

I gritted my teeth in anger and pain, as the effect reverberated through my head. I will be dealing with a headache soon.

“I can’t touch you because of family and all, but for whatever you do to me, she will be on the receiving end. Now, get the hell out of here with the playtoy.” Daniel commanded, knocking my head again when Naomi refused to move.

“Naomi, please…” I pleaded, tears slipping away from my eyes.

I was stupid to think that I would be free from their bullying clutches here.

Naomi bowed her head, and I knew she was debating whether to go head to head with the lycan, or leave with me. My safety won, because the next minute, she held my hand, and gestured with her head, that we leave the pool through the other side.

My eyes still away from the group, I swam with Naomi to the other end of the pool vertically, aware of the gasps that fell from their mouths when I stepped out of the pool.

I was a bit flustered when I turned around and looked at them. It was the whole bullying congregation. And they were gaping at me.

“Like what you see?” Naomi taunted with a smirk, folding her arms across her chest, unaware that she had just made me blush beet red.

My gaze fell on Adam then. He was staring at me like he had never seen me before.

Perhaps Naomi was right. Perhaps if I took my dressing style seriously, the bullying would reduce.

Just perhaps.

I wasn’t ready to believe anything readily now, not after Daniel’s knock. I was more than willing however, to shop with Naomi by the weekend.

Claire hissed, but I couldn’t care less.

I had managed to see the surprise on her face right before she had turned into a mean bitch again.

“What are you standing there looking at? Shouldn’t you be leaving already?” She asked, placing her hand on her waist, biting her lips in anger when she darted her eyes between Adam and me.

He was still staring.

“Naomi, get that thing out of our sight!” She screamed then, causing Naomi to burst in happy laughter.

I wanted to laugh too, but I wanted to do it without being knocked again. So, I held Naomi’s warm hand and sauntered in the direction of the living room, deliberately adding a sway to my hips.

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