
Chapter 5

With that, Sylvester gently grabbed my hand and guided me to another room upstairs. I was still scared though, and began to feel embarrassed to have ran to him in such a manner, but he didn't feel bothered about it though.

Just when we got into a big bedroom. I realized that we were still holding each other's hands, so I quickly separated mine from his.

"I will give you some of Kelvin's cloth for the night, because I don't think that mine nor that of Collins would fit you. Kelvin is one of my guy you met downstairs", he said.

Pointing towards the door at the right side,

"That's the bathroom, go take a shower why I go get the clothes for you", Sylvester said as he began to walk away.

"And by the way, you don’t have to worry about what happened downstairs. Just know that you are in safe hands", Sylvester assured me.

I nodded and began to feel a bit awkward. I thanked him and headed to the bathroom, while he went out to get the clothes. I decided that after the shower, I would at least text my mum, and inform her that everything is fine with me; and that I’m in safe hands.

As soon as I was done bathing, I got back to the bedroom and spotted Sylvester talking on the phone. He seemed quite angry as he couldn't stop furrowing his eyebrows and yelling at you so ever he was speaking with; although he spoke in a language that seemed like Japanese to me.

When he finally hung up on the call, he turned around and saw me on a big hoodie and pair of joggers. My little hands and feet were showing off, and he couldn't help but soften his expression.

Taking a shower at that moment was actually all I needed, because I was already feeling so cold, and also had a lot running through my head. But after the long shower with a nice warm water, I felt a bit at ease.

Seeing Sylvester in my room was a bit surprising to me, because it was already late and as such he was supposed to be in his room at that point in time.

"Hope you don't mind sleeping here with me?. The fact now is that we don't have a guest house, as my friends has a room of theirs each. So if it's okay with you, you can sleep here with me", Sylvester said.

"Now I finally see the reason he is in my room, sorry his room", I thought to myself.

As if I had an option, I couldn't stay with Collins in his room, neither could I stay with Kelvin and the rest of the boys. Sylvester was the only one I could trust with my body, after all he was the one that saved me from the thugs earlier. After a second thought, I just nodded my head, signifying that is was alright with me.

"Ok, that's nice. Hope you dried your hair well, or you are going to catch a cold?", Sylvester asked.

"Ahh, I did", I replied surprised.

It was a bit weird for me to hear Sylvester ask me such a question, as if I was a kid, or his wife. But I didn't say anything about it, because I actually found it nice to see that he cared for me. Sylvester already had his shower when I was still downstairs with Collins, so the only thing left for us to do was to sleep.

We both went under the covers, although quite far from each other. And before I knew what was happening, we both fell asleep. The night was quite warm and silent, something that I have never felt for some years now.

It was dawn already, and the sun was already reflecting through the window, and resting on my face causing me to wake up. I woke up only to discover that I was snuggled to his chest, and his hand gently resting on my body. He snored softly, and I didn't want to wake him up yet, because his body was so warm and comfy.

In such a state, I just couldn't help but admire his face for the meantime. He looked so handsome and charming even when sleeping. I pushed closer to him, placing my face against his wide chest. Seeing him sleep, began to make me sleepy once again ignoring the sun reflection.

I could sense the coldness outside, so resting on his chest was a much better option. Slowly but steadily, I began to fall asleep again, until I had the door bashed open, and someone walked in on us. Unconsciously, I bleat as the it was obvious that the person had just ruined my moment, and most annoyingly I was just about to fall asleep on Sylvester’s chest.

Sylvester groaned in frustration at who so ever it was that opened the door, while I pretended to be sleeping; although listening and looking at him down the sides of my eyes.

"Boss", he said his voice sounding disturbed and tensed. Seeing me on the bed, he blenched and stepped back, about to leave the room.

Sylvester was awake already, as he already sat up on the bed although filled with annoyance. Seeing he was already awake the man couldn't leave again.

"What makes you think you can walk into my room as you so please?", Sylvester asked furiously.

I found it funny how he has never talked to me in such a manner before, instead he was always kind, and soft spoken with me, compared with the others. I liked seeing him like that though, because I feel that no one would dare mess or play around with him.

While all this was happening, I completely refused to wake up or give them the impression that I was already awake. Sylvester used the bed cover and covered me up the more, while he waited for the guy to state his mission.

"I.. I'm so sorry boss. It's just that we want you to give us the details of the mission. So we can venture into action", he said.

"Go ask Kelvin about it. He was the one that planned all of it, not me. So he should be the one to give you guys the details you need", Sylvester said.

I felt him covering my ears with his hands, but I didn't actually care or bother about it; so far as I was still warm and comfortable. But while my ears were covered, I think I overheard him say something like.

"And listen to me before you go. If you or anyone dared to enter my bedroom in such a manner, then I would make sure to separate your hands from your body".

And just like that I heard the door shut. I then slowly opened my eyes although a bit tired, but more awaken than before.

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