The Montez Mansion
Rafael's POV
I walk into the house and hear mom screaming in Spanish, so I know for sure she's mad. Dad says when she's angry, her Spanish queen comes out and all hell breaking loose will soon follow.
"Rafael, haga entrar su culo aquí!" (Get your ass in here!)
I walk into the kitchen and see my brothers and baby sister sitting at the table. My mother is tapping her foot impatiently and my father is finishing dinner.
"Come on in hijo, dinner is almost done." (Son) My dad said stirring whatever was in the pot on the stove. I stop by the table and kiss Mirella on the cheek.
"Hi Santi." She smiles.
"Hi princess." I smile back. I walk over to mom and kiss her cheek.
"You know I don't like you being late for family dinners. Family is important." She said sternly.
"I got caught up at the club, I'm sorry." I hear my brothers snicker and flash them my gun in my back pocket. I smile when I hear them go silent. Keep fucking with me punks.
"That reminds me, Hector and his son Rodrigo will be coming by the club tomorrow to talk about the contract." Dad said placing the pot of food on the table.
"I dont like this idea." I sighed.
"They know what they're doing. Escorts is a classy business, better than strippers." He said pulling out a chair for mom.
Hector and Rodrigo Muñez. Two slimy fuckheads who don't know shit about guns or clubs, but Hector has been my father's best friend since they were five. We all grew up with Rodrigo, but none of us like him. Him and his boys treat women like sacks of meat. He makes weird looks at my sister that make me want to dig my thumbs into his eye sockets. They're filthy rich but then again so are we. Still my father thinks we should invest our club into Hector's companies.
Hector runs a legitimate escort service, but he started out as a strip club. My father never liked the idea. Said they were for men without taste. Though he never complains about the money I rake in every month.
"Santi, Alfie says you have a new girlfriend. Can I meet her please?" Mirella asks as she watches dad make her plate.
"Alfie needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut." I stare at him.
"But she is your girlfriend right?"
"She might be soon princess." I wink at her.
"I knew it!" Javier shouted slapping the table.
"Knew what Javi?" Alfonzo chuckled.
"He's pussy whipped already." They laugh.
"Javier Ramiro Montez! Cuidadito con lo que dices!" (Watch your mouth!) Mom shouted. I reached over the table and smacked him in the head.
"Don't talk like that in front of Mirella. We are not savages in the presence of ladies." Dad scolded.
"Si padre. Sorry princess." (Yes Father) Javier said getting up from the table and kissing Mirella on the head.
"It's okay, te amo Javi." (I love you.)
"Te quiero también, princess" (I love you too.)
Next Day
Isadora's POV
As I'm putting on my uniform, Josie swings the doors open hard and walks in cursing.
"I can't stand that bitch!" She screams and punches the door closed.
"Who?" I asked straightening my fishnets.
"That stupid cunt Brianna! Purposely spilling her leftover beer on my new outfit!"
"Want me to cut her? I will walk up in broad daylight and stab a bitch." I imitate grabbing Brianna by the hair and shanking her. Josie laughs.
"Can you wear your uniform home again?" She asked, giving me the sad puppy dog look. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Thank you! I love you so much!" She bear hugs me then begins to change into my clothes. "By the way, Cass wants to see you." I nodded and headed to the bar.
"Hey Cass." I smiled and waved at him.
"Hey kitty cat. Come around the bar for me please." He said, motioning for me to come behind the bar. I do so and notice... fuck he's tall! He looks so much shorter when I'm in front of the bar.
"What's up?"
"You're working behind the bar with me today." He said smiling.
"Why?" He walked behind me and leaned over my shoulder pointing to a group of guys sitting in the VIP area.
"You see those guys over there?" I nodded. "They prey on the newbies here. They'll have no problem taking you into a back room and having their way with you if they catch you alone. Stay behind the bar with me and they'll leave you alone." He pats the top of my head and goes back to making drinks. I felt my heart beat rise and swallowed the lump in my throat.
Rafael's POV
I walk into the club and see my kitten behind the bar with Cass filling shot glasses. He sees me and nods, then points to the VIP section. Great. Two headaches I'm not in the mood to deal with.
"Hector." I said walking up to him. When I'm in business mode, Im a cold motherfucker. I dont play well with others and I definitely dont play nice.
"Rafael, you remember my son Rodrigo." He says pulling Rodrigo by the shoulder over to me. I nod and take a cigarette from my jacket pocket and light it.
"Javi, Rico... introduce him to some girls." I grab Javier's arm before he walks past me.
"If he goes anywhere near Kitty, you'll deal with the alternate me. Got it brother?" I whisper in his ear. He stares at me for a moment then smiles and nods. He knows when I mention my street name, I'm not fucking around. My street side and my business are two totally different people. My street side is an animal. Ready to tear you apart the moment you look at me wrong. My business side is cold, to the point and intimidating. I'm 6ft 2 and 220 pounds of solid muscle.... I dare you to try something.
Isadora's POV
"Hand me that bottle of Jack would you doll?" Cass asked. I grab it from the shelf and hand it to him. Turning back around I'm startled by a man who wasn't sitting there before.
"For fuck sakes! You scared the shit out of me!" I gasp trying to catch my breath and slow down my heart.
"Sorry. Give me a rum and coke." He smirks.
"I got it. Dry these glasses for me doll." Cass says handing me the wet glasses and his hand towel. What the hell? Why is he acting weird all the sudden? I set the glasses on the bar and begin drying them one by one.
"What if I wanted the doll to make my drink?" The man asked coldly.
"She can't. It's against the law for someone without a liquor license to make alcoholic drinks in any establishment." Cass replied politely and began making the man's drink.
"You work for the mafia and you're worried about upholding the law?" The man laughed. Mafia!? What the actual fuck did I just hear? Cass works for the mafia?
"I'm afraid I dont know what you're talking about." Cass said nonchalantly. The mysterious man smirked and looked at me. Just as he was about to say something, Rafael and his guest came walking up behind him.
"Rodrigo, we're leaving." An older gentleman said harshly.
"Yes father." The mysterious man... or Rodrigo as the older guy called him, said as he stood up from his stool. He winked and kissed the air at me as he left. Rafael stood in front of me blocking the view.
"You're a magnet for trouble kitten." He grinned. I rolled my eyes. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear... "It's rude to roll your eyes. Do it again and I will punish you." Fight it all you want, but if a hot guy with a sexy spanish accent, whispers in your ear that he's going to punish you... you cant help but get turned on. At least I cant help it. But the rebel in me can't resist a bit of fun. I roll my eyes at him again and hear a deep growl escape from his chest. "Tsk tsk tsk... you disappoint me kitten." In one swift motion he sweeps me up over his shoulder.
"Put me down dammit!" I scream.
"Cass, watch the club for a bit. We'll be right back." I immediately hit him in the back.
"We aren't going anywhere! You are going to put me down!"He makes a b-line for the back office. I'm beating the shit out of his back but it doesn't seem to phase him. I go to kick my feet but he catches them and holds them still. He opens the door to the office, walks in and locks it behind him. Putting me down, he grabs my face with both hands and kisses me before I have the chance to rip him a new one. He's being gentle but I can tell he's holding himself back... a lot. His lips are soft and his tongue, which has now invaded my mouth, tasted like sweet whiskey.
"I wanted to do that the moment I saw you." He said breathlessly, as he pulled back from our kiss. I blushed.
"Why? You don't even know me. Do you normally go around kissing random women?"
"No." He smirks and plants another kiss on me.
"Why do you call me kitten? I told you my name is Kitty."
"That is my nickname for you. No one else is allowed to call you that but me. Entiendes?" (Understand) He smiles, looking me right in the eyes. Without realizing it, I nodded. He kisses me again and gently bites my lower lip.
Rafael's POV
Her lips taste like candy and she smells like cinnamon and vanilla. I can feel her heart beating fast with her pushed so close against me. Damn her body feels good. The missing piece to my puzzle.
"No other man is allowed to touch you but me." I said grabbing her chin, making her look at me.
"And if I say otherwise?" She raised an eyebrow at me. Don't test me kitten. I'm a very jealous man and I do not like to share.
"I will hurt him and punish you." I growled in her ear. My jaw clenched tight.
"You don't own me and we are not together, so play the alpha boyfriend card on someone else." She tried to pull away but I yanked her back.
"Be mine." I smirked at her surprised face. So damn cute.
"Excuse me?"
"Be mine. I want you and don't like the idea of other men touching you."
"I don't know you." She reiterated. I pushed her up against the wall and pinned her hands back. She gasped and her breathing quickened.
"Then get to know me." I smiled. Resisting the urge to gnaw on the soft flesh of her neck. I kissed her on the cheek, making my way to her jaw and felt her body tighten up against me. I could tell she wanted me but she was definitely fighting with herself.
"Take me on a date, like a normal person."
"Done. Be ready by tonight. I'll pick you up at eight." I smiled. "Wear something pretty for me kitten." With one more kiss to her cheek, I let her go and walk out of my office.