

It felt like something was snatched away from me, like my heart was slashed with her heartless words. Olivia's words were still stinging my wounded heart. Injuries outside my body didn't pained me as much as her words did.

He's not even you real father!

Was it that obvious? Did Olivia really thought of me as step sister? My heart broke once again when I remembered my conversation with my father.

"I love you Sadie, but keep one thing in mind, Olivia will always be my only daughter and I can't ignore the fact that your mother cheated on me. I'm only keeping you with me because I don't want you to suffer due to your mother. So, I suggest you to stop begging for my attention."

I remembered everything, every single word, every single emotion I felt when my father said those harsh words. My father. He wasn't even my real father. But I loved him more than that.


Yes! I wanted his attention only because I was left all alone. My mother left me and who my real father was? I had no idea. Brian Quinn gave me his name, his love, his money, his care but he couldn't gave me his attention, the place of his daughter. But as time flew, I didn't seemed to mind those things. I stopped begging for his attention as I gave her everything to my passion, to my future, to my studies.

But now after all those years, I was feeling same.




Olivia loved me like real sister and I knew it and deep down i was also aware that she didn't meant what she said earlier but still her words were harsh. I shrugged the feeling of depression as I thought about my Father's medical bills.

It was over a month now and all the money I had saved was gone and with no money, I was left broken. I wondered where that money went? Did Liam dude took it with him? Or that Dante dude had that?

I sighed shaking my head.

"Dr. Quinn? There a appointment for you." Sophie peeked through the glass door.

"Who is it? Why did no one told me about it earlier?" I asked softly as Sophie gave me a sorry look.

"I forgot." She said smiling apologetically. I smiled.

"No problem."


The appointment was hectic. The man was egoistic and hella rude. But it wasn't new for me. After that I performed a surgery which was thankfully successful. I was getting ready to go home when my phone rang loudly in empty office room.


I said without looking at callers Id. Loud music bursted in my ears as the temptation to put it away washed over me.

"Who's this?" I asked as I didn't get the answer from other side. Some shouting and grunting heard from other side as someone yelled.

"Is this Ms. Quinn? Olivia Quintin's sister?" A manly voice asked. I frowned looking at screen. It was Olivia's number!

Why didn't I noticed it earlier?!

"Yes! Where is she?" I panicked as I heard more yelling.

"Yes! Yes! She's um..alright but um..HEY! STOP! Can you please come and get her. She's causing trouble." The man snapped rudely and I pondered if he was talking to Olivia.

"Where's she?" I breathed out.

"In Dark Night Club, down the corner of Bravely street. Please do hurry." The man nearly pleaded.

"I'll be there in 10." Bravely street was 10 minutes away from hospital and it would take me 30 minutes but foot.

He hung up.

Olivia must be drunk. Our little argument week ago had both of us stressed. I would usually saw her in morning when I would be getting ready for work. At nights, she was rarely home. And Sam I was hella worried for that man.

As I entered the hospital parking lot I checked my phone if the man tried to contact me again and my heart skipped a beat when I saw a text from unknown number.

'She's out of control.'

Oh! Olivia!

Slipping the phone back into my bag I hired a taxi. With all the med loans and dad's medical bills I couldn't afford a car. I told the address to the driver as we reached there in less than 10 minutes. Taking a steady breath I walked inside the club, standing tall and elegant with lights booming inside.

Determined to get Olivia out of that club, I entered the club. I looked around as stinky smell of alcohol and sex filled my nostrils. What the hell?

I turned around as my eyes landed on couple making out on couches placed rectangularly on one corner. I shook my head looking around.

Where is she?

I pulled out my phone before calling Olivia's number. After two rings, someone picked it up.

"Olivia?" I asked.

"No. Micah. The one who called earlier." The man grumbled.

"Oh, sorry. Where is she? I'm here." I said looking around hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

"Take stairs of left. Last room." The phone hung up. And for a second I kept looking at it with a frown.


"Where are stairs?" I murmured to myself. Pushing past the sweaty bodies I took the stairs and astonishingly no one stopped me. With determination I walked down the long empty hallway. The blasting sound of music was now pressed down.

Passing the hallway I glanced to my side. A large glass mirror like wall was doing nothing to hide the interior which was looking like some kind of meeting hall with tables and chairs and a large white light at center.

I moved further like I was told. Wooden brown door came into view at end of the hallway and I sighed in relief.


With slightly shaking hands I pushed opened the door. Now all I had to do was take Olivia out of this room and get her home. And in morning I would ask her what the hell was she thinking.


My words died. All the things I was going to say washed with astonishment. Holding back a scream I gasped loudly as shocked face of Olivia greeted me back.

"Sadie." Her soft and terrified voice entered my ears but I was too disappointed to hear anything. I didn't listened to what she had to say instead my eyes moved over her shoulder towards the man barely covered by a shirt though his pants were on.

I didn't cared who the hell he was. It happened in blur. My feet carried me towards him as I slapped him hard. The sensation left behind as my hand ached.

"What are you doing?!" Olivia screamed as she pulled her dress up and rushed towards me.

"Shut up! This is what you had been doing behind Sam's back? Do you have any idea what this will led to? How he would feel? How I would feel?" I snarled angrily. I was angry. I never imagined to saw my little sister like this. Naked in front of stranger.

"I don't care how you feel?! Just let me do what I love for once! Stop controlling me!" She yelled at me. And her words left aching emotions inside me.

"ENOUGH!" A voice boomed in the room and I almost jumped if it wasn't for the anger I was feeling. I nearly lost my balance when I looked at entrance of door. And then I realized the man I had slapped was still here. My eyes slowly darted to him. His lips turned up in a small smirk that I failed to notice earlier.

And then I slowly looked up to the man who was standing near door with his hands in his dark pants pockets of his expensive looking suit.

His face glistened in front of me. At first I didn't paid attention to him but now that he was looking at me, I sensed the terror. His handsome face was devoid of any emotion. Despite the scar that bisects his left eyebrow, he looked lethal. High, slanted cheekbones, steel grey eyes hidden by black lashes, a strong jaw darkened by five o clock shadow. His hairs were thick and slightly covering his forehead. Not an old man, not a teenager either-he was man in his prime.

And this manly face was wearing a darkened look. His features set in a hard, firm line.

"Mr. Sa-"

"Shut up." Olivia was rudely interrupted when his deep voice rumble through his broad chest. He was sight to sore eyes but with scary and terrifying aura surrounding his intimidating persona.

"What is going on here?" His hard sculpted mouth said. His stare didn't left my face and I feared the worse. Olivia was right beside me and the slight shake in her hands told me how much his presence was affecting her.

"Some misunderstanding, sir." The man who I had just slapped said. And urge to kick him in his balls intensified.

"There's no misunderstanding, you asshole! You fucking piece of narcissistic shit!" I growled as I balled my fists and took a step towards this bastard.

Before I could grab him by his collar I was yanked back by hands on my arm.

"Sadie, please." Olivia pleaded and I was hella sure she was drunk to her ass.

"Micah, get dressed." The man with steel grey eyes said in his hard tone.

If it wasn't for anger I was feeling I would had just admitted how terrifyingly beautiful he was.

"Sí." Micah nodded his head as he buttoned up his shirt and walked past me with a sly smirk on his fucking face.

This day couldn't get any more hectic. I wanted to just get Olivia to home. And in morning I would straight her tail.

"Let's go." I grabbed her arm before dragging her towards the door, she didn't protested but we were blocked as the muscular man was still there.

What was his name again?

Oh! I didn't knew earlier either!

"Excuse me?" I raised my brow as he didn't seemed to budge any time soon.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked crossing hair arms over his musculed chest making the suit tight by his biceps. God! He was terrifyingly beautiful.

Where was I going? Oh! Yes!

"Get out of my way." I gritted with hidden annoyance and anger seeping through my harsh words.

And then unusual thing happened. He smirked lowering himself to my level, and intensity of his gaze made me believe that he was peering through my soul.

"Judging by the choice of words, you don't know who I am." He said huskily and the close proximity had me melted. I could literally feel his hot breath on my face. One more step and his lips would be touching mine.

I backed away at that thought.

"I don't care whoever the hell you are. Get out of my way." I said anger consuming me wholly. Olivia's gasps were doing nothing to calm me. She was clutching my hand so tightly that it almost felt like she was trying to warn ne about something I was unaware of.

"Silvio." All to familiar voice with little accent interrupted our glare competition. Silvio, the man who was blocking our way, I assume, didn't looked over this shoulder instead squared his shoulders before standing to his full height, towering over us.

Silvio. Why I had this feeling I had heard this name earlier?

"Not now, Dante." My ears stood erect at the mention of name. Dante. The man at the warehouse. The one who saved us.

I looked over Silvio's shoulder as I was greeted with tensed look on Dante's face. He was same as handsome as day I saw him at warehouse. His short hairs framing his head and his sharp jaw ready to slice my heart in pieces. He was tall, maybe as tall as Silvio but he looked less scarier than man blocking my way.

Dante's jaw twitched as his eyes landed on us. Or probably me? Something flashed in his caramel orbs as he looked at Silvio who was busy glaring daggers of annoyance in me.

What was he doing here? Did he knew this man? Is he involved dinner mafia shit too?

"Is there any trouble?" Dante asked pointing towards us.

Silvio grumbled something in his mouth before opening his mouth.

"No. They were just leaving." He gave me his all too dreaded look as he stepped sideways letting our way clean. I grabbed Olivia's hand again before marching past both men. I sighed. I wanted to thank Dante for that night.

"Sadie?" Olivia's slurred voice made me more angry.

"What?" I asked dragging her along hallways towards the stairs.

"Are you mad?" She asked with pout on her lips.

"Do I look like I'm mad?" God!

"I'm Sorry." She trialed grabbing my wrist stopping me in middle of stairs.

"Let's get you home first. We'll talk about this in morning." Talking to intoxicated person would led to nowhere. My anger was slowly dissipating into nothing. Now I was feeling guilty for feeling at her. I knew she was tensed and stressed but letting a man use her body wasn't a way to forget her worries. Men were worthless.

"Okay." She grinned. Alcohol was getting worst of her.

Reaching home I changed myself before tucking Olivia in bed. My anger was steamed down now. But disappointment was still there. Today couldn't be any more hectic. First that meeting, now Olivia and who the hell that asshole was?

Whatever, it was not like I would meet him again.

Pretty faces had worst hearts.

And I would like to stay and keep my sister away from all the trouble.


"Where's Micah?" Silvio's deep voice rumbled through his chest. His one arm rested roughly on couch he was sitting on and another hand gripped the stem of porcelain glass.

"A girl was causing trouble. Maybe he is taking care of her." Dante shrugged his shoulders standing beside Silvio's chair and looked around the club.

"Trouble? Where are they?" Silvio quipped sipping his expensive vodka.

"Second floor. I didn't saw her." Dante said casually.

Silvio hummed.

His eyes glanced around when he saw hurrying figure entering the club. He tilted his head to side assessing the frame. It was a woman wearing what she shouldn't had wore in a club. Her t-shirt dipped in dark gray color with graphics on it, was telling she hadn't came with intention to club. Her hip hugging jeans were showing her nice round ass as it jiggled as she rushed to other side. Her hairs seemed to be soft as fresh stands fell onto her face with tint of red glow rested on her cheeks.

"Look for Micah." Silvio grumbled gulping whole glass down his throat and stood up. Dante looked at him with raised brows.

Silvio's eyes looked over to him as he dared him to ask where he was going.

Dante nodded and walked away.

Silvio looked around for familiar hurried face. His steel grey eyes peered at the crowd before him. A small sinister grin curled up on his lips as he stalked towards figure going towards where stairs were located.

He followed after the figure as she turned left of hallway. It didn't took him long to see where she was going. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion as she opened the last door. It was private. Micah's.

His body went rigid as he saw her going inside. He was about to pull his gun out when he heard yelling from inside. "Sadie..."

He stepped forward as he was greeted by angry looking same woman and Micah sitting casually on the couch.

He held back a snicker as he watched her slapping Micah on the face. He stood at entrance of room watching her yelling and shouting at other woman.

He narrowed hair eyes when he saw Olivia's familiar face.

"ENOUGH!" He growled. And enjoyed the terrified look on he face.


He had already heard her name when Olivia shouted.

He could tell her entire body went tight with tension. But Silvio couldn't help but roam his eyes on her face taking details he had missed earlier.

She had sun kissed skin, almond shaped dark brown eyes that looked back at him with pure anger. A cute small button nose and the perfect sculpted small lips he had ever seen on a woman. Her light brown hairs fell on her shoulders as he continued to eat every detail her face had to offer.

"Mr. Sal-"

"Shut up." He growled. He didn't liked to be interrupted and Olivia was interrupting his examination of Sadie. His eyes then darted back to Micah who was smirking.

"What is going on here?" He demanded.

"Some misunderstanding, sir." Micah grinned and if looks could kill, Micah would be six feet down. Silvio held back his own grin.

"Micah, get dressed." Silvio said in his deep accented voice.

"Sí." Micah buttoned up his shirt before walking outside. Silvio's eyes again darted to woman with nice curvy body that he was dying to touch.

"Let's go." Sadie said grabbing Olivia before dragging her with her.

Silvio was standing in doorway. And letting her go without touching her was last thing on his list. His hands were aching to grab handful of her rear, to feel how much softer her body was.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked tried to act calm but the hardness in his tone did opposite. He felt her gaze on him and he knew the affect he could had on women.

"Get out of my way." Her words answered him. He was not familiar with disrespect. No one had ever talked to him rudely.

He raised his curious brown and leaned forward to her height. The proximity between them did nothing good. All he had to do was lean further and her soft lips would be touching his. He held back a groan.

"Judging by the choice of words, you don't know who I am." He said huskily. His voice deep with lust. It infuriated him further as she stepped back.

"I don't care whoever the hell you are. Get out of my way." Her words were angry. He heard Olivia i gasp behind her. Silvio was fighting the urge to tame her mouth.

"Silvio." Familiar voice of Dante snapped him back.

"Not now, Dante." He said looking hungrily at brown eyed beauty. Silvio didn't missed the familiarism in Sadie's eyes as she looked past his shoulder.

Was he missing something?

"Is there any trouble?" Dante asked carefully. Silvio tilted his head to side contemplating his thoughts before a si sinister though popped in his mind.

"No. They were just leaving." He said amusedly. He resist the need to pull her back as she dragged Olivia with her. He watched as he ass jiggled with everyone step she took before she disappear in corner.

"Do me a favor, Dante?" Silvio said watching at corner we where she went to.

Dante tensed.

"Prepare me a file on that girl." He said before walking where she went.


Name: Sadie Quintin.

Age: 27 years.

Father's name: Brian Quintin.

Mother's name: Alexa Blake.

Sister: Olivia Quintin.

Profession: Doctor.

Lives with her sister in apartment near Johansson street. Real father is dead. Raised by step father after real mother abandoned her. Step father is heart patience, admitted in city hospital.


Silvio read all the details present in back coloured folder. He skipped few lines which didn't interest him.

He was proud that Dante had fullfilled his request in less than an hour. He placed the filed back on table before leaning back against the chair.

"Sadie Quintin...."

The name felt delicious on his lips and now he wanted to taste how she really tasted like. He wanted to see how would she look like when would be writhing under him. His infatuation with her was intensifying with every thought. He wanted her. And it was irrational, absurd. But he didn't cared.

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