


Aware of her annoyance, I couldn’t help the smile that curled my lips as I whistled and it was only a matter of seconds before the door opened, revealing two maids with a new cloth.

Yvette understood every of my unspoken words, she had positioned them by the door, ordering them to bring a new cloth for my new slut and she’d also told them when exactly they were to enter.

The maids held Maeve’s hands open right in front of me, giving me more visual access to parts of her body that I hadn’t paid attention to before and that was when I saw more scars that made my blood boil.

I wanted to know who did those things to her so I could kill them and if they’re already dead, I wouldn’t mind making a deal with the devil so that I could torture them in their afterlife.

“You’re going to have your personal room in my house but I can’t guarantee your privacy,” I started after feeding my eyes with her body and her lips puckered with annoyance.

“Just one rule, mama, do everything I ask without questions.” I added as I looked at the eyes that glared at me, frowning with her brows drawn together and I just knew that if she was given a gun to shoot me down right now, she would take that shot without hesitation.

Her stare drilled into me as the maids tried to dress her up but the fight she was putting up was making it hard for them.

“I’m not a fucking mannequin, I can dress myself up!” She snarled, trying her hardest to wriggle out of their hold but they held her in place.

The sound of two incessant gunshots brought her back to order, her eyes widened, sweat immediately breaking out of her forehead as she gasped, realizing a shiver of panic.

Fear, stark and vivid, glittered in her eyes. She’s still pretty shaken up from the two men I’d shot because their dead bodies were still in the room with us as they laid in their own pool of blood.

“You stay still and let them dress you up.” I said in a low tone with a smile that I knew irritated her so much. I watched as her throat bobbed when she swallowed.

Nodding her head, she remained still as the maids dressed her up and even though she was scared, physically shaken, I could feel the contempt directed towards me.

“Y— Yes, Sir.” She responded in a small, frightened voice as she finally looked away from me, fully submitting while I watched as the maids put her panties on for her.

My stomach tightened at the sight and it was as though something was tearing at my insides. I wanted to pull those panties right back off with my teeth, there are tons of impure things that I desperately want to do with her.

Focus, Enzo, focus.

Shaking my head as if doing that will make the thoughts pour right out of it. I waited until the maids were done and it didn’t take long for them to finish.

“It’s all done, Sir.” One of them announced with their heads low and I nodded in approval as I looked Maeve over.

Her lower lip was trapped between her teeth and she had stopped glaring at me, her fingers intertwined with the other restlessly and it felt like she wanted to leave my presence.

“Take her to the room beside mine, it’s hers now.” I ordered and almost smacked myself when Maeve flinched at the tone of my voice.

Without saying another word so as not to scare her, the maids held her on both sides. When they left, I whistled again and another two of my men came in.

“Clean up this mess.” I ordered, referring to the dead bodies before making my way out of the room and to my study with nothing but Maeve on my mind.

I’ve had my eyes on her for so many years and that was why when her father had come to me for a loan, I couldn’t stop myself from giving it to him.

Seeing ‘Hawthorn’ as his last name was like the push I needed to grant him the loan and my happiness knew no bounds when I realized that Lucas Hawthorn was Maeve’s father.

Five years ago, I’d made a promise to myself to give it whatever it took to have Maeve Hawthorn to myself and for those five years I’ve been waiting for the right moment to take her.

The first time I met her was under an unfortunate circumstance, I was on a mission that went awfully sour and she was a waitress even though she looked really young.

Sighing, I played that moment back in my head over again. I’d gotten shot more than once and the hospital was farther from where I was, my car had been wrecked by the rival gang and I had no phone to call my best friend for help.

An awfully young waitress had come out of the cafe to throw away trash when I bumped into her, my legs could barely carry me and my eyes were barely opened.

“Oh my god! Are you okay?! You’re bleeding! You’re hurt!” She had shrieked that night and I had no other choice but to cover her mouth and press the gun I was holding to her head.

She was shivering and despite the fear and shaky hands, she had managed to help me pull out the bullet, disinfect my wound and stitch it up.

She looked too young to have such experience but I could tell that she knew what she was doing and without having to ask, she answered my question.

“My father gets into trouble a lot and I always had to deal with it,” she had said and it was the very first time I ever thought I wanted to keep hearing the same voice over and over again.

“I’m Maeve,” she introduced with a smiled after tending to my injury, “Maeve Hawthorn, what did you do to end up this wounded and—"

I couldn’t keep staying with her, I didn’t want to put her in any form of danger and that was why I slammed some cash on her table and left before she could keep asking questions.

Maeve Hawthorn.

The name never left my head since that night and although it’s been five years since then not a single detail of hers had left my head but she hadn’t recognized me when I attended her father’s funeral and when she bumped into me last night.

I still couldn’t believe it’s been that long since I’ve been fixating on a girl. I have never been interested in a woman longer than a night before after the last woman I thought I was going to spend forever with blew it.

The sound of the door opening jolted me out of my thoughts and I lifted my head to see Levi, my best friend and second in command.

“What are you doing?” He questioned before I could ask him what he had come to see me for because I know Levi and whenever he shows up unannounced it means something is really wrong.

“What are you talking about?” I answered his question with one of my own as I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to answer my question.

“The girl, Enzo, what are you doing with her? Why is she here?” He asked, his mouth was saying one thing but his eyes were saying another, he stared at me like he knew exactly why I brought Maeve.

“She’s the same girl right? The girl from the riot with Blackflashes?” He asked and I nodded with a sigh, I never would’ve thought Levi would remember the girl from that night.

How could he not? I think about her all the time and talk about her just as much.

“Yes, she’s the same girl,” I responded, “but well, her father owes me some money and she was his collateral so until she can afford to pay me back what her father owes, I thought she’d be a good object to be added to one of my collections.” I lied.

“Really, Enzo?” Levi probed but I only shrugged as I focused on the gun I was cleaning.

“What?” I snapped back, looking into my best friend's eyes before letting out a groan of defeat, “fine, I forced her to stay here by contract because I wanted her and she said it herself that she’s going to be my slut so I’m not doing anything wrong.” I paused.

“She’s nothing but an object of satisfaction, whatever is going to go on between us would be nothing more than that, she’s merely my cocksleeve.” I finished.

“You can’t fool me, Enzo, I know it’s way beyond that,” Levi said, disagreeing with everything I’d said, “for the past five years you’ve been thinking about this girl.”

“You’ve done nothing but talk about how you want her, you think your little cocksleeve story is going to be believable to me?” He continued.

“Levi, I—”

“It’s dangerous, Enzo,” Levi cut in before I could finish talking, “the world we live in is a dangerous one and dragging an innocent girl into it is just you being selfish.” He added.

He’s right, bringing Maeve into my world is just me being selfish but what can I do when I want her so much?

“Don’t worry, Levi,” I assured my best friend with a smile, “nothing is going to happen to her.” I added and Levi groaned, obviously tired of my stubbornness.

“You don’t know that.” He countered but I only smirked.

“I do,” I responded with conviction, “because I’m going to be there to protect her and as long as I’m around no one and I mean no one would dare to hurt her.”

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