


Staring at the paycheck I gripped so tightly with shaky hands, I let out a heavy sigh because I knew that just like every other paycheck before this one, I was going to be sacrificing it to pay off my father’s debt.

His death wasn’t so sudden considering how he’s been sick for months but I was just too wimpy to pull the plug on him despite how terrible he’s been to me until his death a week ago.

My world felt like it had crumbled down to my feet when along with the medical debt, I found out that my father was owing some other loan sharks and in order for them to not kill me, I had to take up extra jobs most of which had lesser pay just so I could meet up with the payments.

‘Is this really how you’re going to live your life, Maeve?’ I asked myself as I rested my back against the wall, waiting for the heavy downpour to stop.

Tears welled up in my eyes but crying over something I can’t control is a luxury I didn’t have. Even after losing my father, I had no time to cry over him like other daughters would, I had no time to grieve because of everything he had left me with.

I checked the time on my phone and realized that it was almost midnight and I had to be at the club where I worked as a bartender in two hours.

I had no roof over my head, my landlord had sent me out of the house and thanks to my best friend and boyfriend, Theodore, things haven’t been so overwhelming.

Both of them were my rainbow on a gloomy day and thanks to them, I’m able to go through each day without any suicidal thoughts. I texted my boyfriend for the fifth time tonight and just like the last four times, there was no reply.

My best friend, Scarlett, was at her job and wouldn’t be able to pick me up. Her house was farther too and having no other choice, I ran under the rain as fast as my legs could carry me.

Theo has been busy too lately so I wasn’t mad at him for not replying when I needed him to. In the absence of cabs, I ran to his apartment which was the closest and buzzed myself in as usual.

My muscles felt sore and I shivered as I made my way to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee when something caught my eyes.

Stopping in my tracks, I saw Theo’s shoes in different places and not just that, there were two jackets, one feminine and another masculine, there was a bag too.

Did his sister come visiting?

Making my way up the stairs, a sixth sense kept telling me that something was wrong. I could feel it deep within me with each foot I put in front of the other but I shook the thoughts off.

The sound of a feminine moan halted my steps for a moment and my eyes widened as I continued walking and with each step I took closer to his room, the sound got louder.

I felt weak as I got closer and the voice became clearer, I didn’t want to continue walking, I wanted to turn back and leave. Anger knotted inside me but my legs seemed to have a mind of their own as they kept urging me forward.

“You’re being such a good girl for daddy,” Theodore’s voice got to me and I froze, I couldn’t believe it. I’m not naive, with the sounds, I already had an idea what was going on.

“Pounce on that dick, who’s daddy’s baby girl?” He asked and my shock quickly yielded to fury as I walked even faster.

“I’m daddy’s baby girl,” the feminine voice responded to his earlier question, “Harder, daddy, please. I want you to tear this pussy up.” She added and I was disgusted.

My fist clenched in anger as my teeth gritted and my heart pounded like a drumbeat. Now would’ve been the right time to turn around and leave but I couldn’t, I was in too much denial to turn on my heels.

Theodore would never. He would never do this to me.

“Your pussy is so tight,” Theo groaned and my heart stopped, I could also hear the creaking noise of the bed, “and so fucking warm, I think I’m gonna cum.” He added just as I got to his room.

“Cum inside me, I want you to fill me up.” The girl responded, her head thrown back with her eyes closed as she pounced on Theodore’s cock like her life depended on it.

Theodore groaned again and I just couldn’t believe the sight in front of me as I watched both of them get engulfed in the waves of ecstasy they were both wrapped in and my nostrils flared.

Shock and misery rocked me as I stood in front of the half-open door as my boyfriend held a strange, blonde woman’s waist while she took control of him.

She rode his cock with desperation and like nothing was wrong with what they were doing, they switched positions with Theo taking control this time, ramming into her cunt hard and desperately.

My chest tightened, I felt pain rock me until my vision became blurry as a slight sob escaped my parted lips and my eyes burnt with tears as I watched them enjoy themselves.

Biting my lower lip until it pulsated like my own heartbeat, I clutched my stomach as hot tears trickled down my cheeks.

I wanted to say something, I wanted to stop them but my vocal cords betrayed me and I could barely let a single word out.

None of them noticed me.

My hands fell to my side, my throat ached and my vision blurred and darkened with the pain of seeing my boyfriend having sex with another woman.

My teeth rattled and my body shivered as I stood there like a lifeless doll staring at the both of them until they both came down from the orgasm that had gripped them and it wasn’t until then that they noticed me.

“Weren’t you ever taught to knock!” Theodore barked, his voice jolting me out of the haze I was in and with my teary eyes and blurred vision, I lifted my gaze as he got out of the bed all sweaty and stark naked while the girl remained on the bed.

My mouth was like an extremely old paper, dry and dusty as my lips trembled. My heart ached and I wanted to say something but only my mouth opened, there was no word. I looked into his eyes and there was no single hint of remorse in those dark eyes.

“H— How could you? Why?” I managed to force out but instead of a response all I got was a really loud laughter and a contemptuous look from my boyfriend.

“Why? Because you’re nothing but a boring, ugly hag,” he spat without hesitation, “did you really think I was in love with you?” He questioned and I felt my knees getting weaker.

“I was never, I could never love you even in a million years, Maeve, you’re not just ugly, you’re also very fucking boring in bed and I can’t live the rest of my life like that.”

“My keys,” he continued, laying out his palm, my hand shook, there are tons of things I wanted to do to him right now. I wanted to pick up the vase by his bedside and bash it into his head.

“And after handing them over, I want you out of my apartment and my life, as you can see, I’m better off without someone like you leeching off of me!” He hissed.

Leech off? How could he say that? I barely even ask him for things.

Rage flowed through me like Lava and my teeth gritted, “I’ve been waiting for this moment but I thought you deserved another chance,” I lied through my teeth as I laughed.

“It’s over between us, Theodore!” I yelled, throwing his keys at his face and without as little as a second thought, I scurried off.

Rushing downstairs, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the apartment without minding the heavy downpour of water from the sky and my eyes.

My breathing got shorter, my chest heaved and my heart was in my throat as I ran without looking back. I had no idea how far I’d gone under the rain, my clothes were drenched and I finally stopped to catch my breath.

My eyes bordered with tears that I hadn’t let drop even when my father had died, I felt the betrayal deep in my heart, tearing into every fibre of my being as I hiccuped.

Just how pathetic am I to think that Theo really loved me?

I should’ve known, I saw the sign but I was too blinded by the crazy love I had for him to want to find any fault in his actions.

Lost in my own thoughts, I continued walking with no idea where I was going until I bumped into something that caused me to slip. My eyes shut tightly as I waited for the moment I was going to hit the ground but that moment never came.

My eyes opened slowly and right in front of me, just a few inches away from my face were the most beautiful pair of green eyes peering into mine.

My breath caught in my throat as I took a whiff of his cologne and at that moment, my pussy throbbed so hard that I could feel the wetness of my underwear.

His hand was rough, hard and it gave me a weird sense of protection, his firm mouth curled and his green eyes moved as he helped me back to my feet. I could feel my heart racing as I stared at him, he was also wet from the rain.

“Are you okay? Did you sprain your ankle?” He asked, his voice so deep that I felt chills running down my spine.

“N— No— I— I’m fine.” I stuttered, fumbling my words as I stared up at him, trying to make out his face but only his green eyes, beards and his mouth were all I managed to see under the moonlit sky.

Colliding with his powerful body had put a halt to not just my thoughts but the hurt I was feeling right before I bumped into him. He had totally captured my attention and—

“You should take a picture, that would last longer.” His voice pulled me out of my trance as he smiled at me before disappearing into the darkness. I didn't even get to apologize to him.

Speechless and totally embarrassed for letting myself fantasize about another man when I’d just gotten hurt by seeing my boyfriend fucking another woman, I turned to continue my walk.

As I walked down the lonely road, I felt a large palm on my shoulder, pulling me really hard before covering my nose with a handkerchief.

My head suddenly felt light, I couldn’t make sense of what was going on before my eyes suddenly began giving up on me and everything became dark and silent.

What just happened?

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