
Chapter Two

Scar groaned, "Ugh," as her eyes fluttered open, greeted by the blinding brightness of an unfamiliar room.

Wait... a room?!

she actually awakened from that bizarre nightmare where guards in black forcibly took her away while her parents stood by.

Startled, she sat up on the plush bed, quickly scanning her surroundings. It didn't take long for her to realize that she was in a hotel room. But why would she wake up from the nightmare only to find herself in a hotel room?

This could only mean one thing...

"Damn! It wasn't a dream!" Scar cursed, frustration evident in her voice as she ran a hand through her blonde hair.

Looking down at her hands, she noticed the faint hues of blue and purple. "These hands," she muttered, realizing that the bruises were likely caused by the black clothes.

"That oaf of a bodyguard!" Scar exclaimed, her anger boiling over. "Stupid bastard son of a biscuit!"

But then, a wave of confusion washed over her.

Why had they brought her to a hotel room instead of her husband's house? "Goddammit, shut the f*ck up!" she scolded herself. "He is not your husband!"

'Alright, calm down, Take a deep breath and gather yourself. You‘ve got this!' Scar chanted inwardly, trying to calm her racing heart. But damn, she was so close to losing it.

Her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to burst out of her ribcage. Or maybe it already had.

She groaned, wishing she had a phone. If only she could get her hands on one, she could call Natalie.

Phone... Yes! The hotel should have a telecom. With renewed determination, Scar jumped off the bed and hurried to the other side, searching for the telecom that was usually left for customers on the bedside table.

To her disappointment, no telecom was to be found. These people had planned ahead, huh? Ha! What did she expect from professional criminals?!

"God, for once, please help me," Scar murmured, feeling the weight of her predicament. She began to contemplate her next move. Jumping out of the window seemed too risky, so that was definitely a no-no mission. She wasn't about to risk her life like that.

But what options are there?

But Damn, those hotel staff!

Couldn't they see she was being kidnapped? They should've called the police!

Or maybe they thought they were shooting a movie?

Those bastards might've used that lame excuse. Shooting a movie, seriously?

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, the hotel room door swung open, causing her to jump and quickly sit back on the bed.

A group of about four women dressed as maids entered the room, each carrying makeup and dress equipment.

She gave them a skeptical look, wondering if they had the wrong room. But her doubts vanished when she heard their next words.

"Good morning, young miss. We're here to get you ready for your wedding."

"Wait, what?!" She shrieked and yelled like a banshee at their words.


What bullshit wedding?!

She shook her head, "You’ve really got the wrong room."

The leader’s brow creased.

How is is that possible?

She then asked, "Aren’t you Miss Oslon?"

Scar exhaled and nodded unwillingly.

"Then we’re in the right room, it’s your wedding day Miss Oslon" the leader spoke again with a smile. "Congratulations Miss Oslon" as if on cue, the others also congratulated her.

Scar winced at the absurdity of the situation. If this had really being the wedding of her dreams, she definitely would have smiled back and openly accepted their congratulations.

But no, this wasn’t that wedding she always dreamed of.

This was a nightmare wedding.

God! wasn’t weddings supposed to be the happiest days of every girl’s life.

Why did she feel like she was the unluckiest person alive?

She felt miserable. Double reasons for her not to get married!

She’d be more miserable!

Without a second thought, the maids tried to touch her, but she yelled out, "Don't touch me!"

Seeing her sudden outburst, they gave each other a skeptical look.

"You all should leave this minute!"

She added.

"But Miss Oslon_"

"Don’t Oslon me and get the hell out!" She yelled and threw a pillow at the poor girls.

The maids scurried away like scared mice, away from this mad woman.

Scar let out a loud groan of frustration. "It's morning already? And the dreaded day?!"

God please no!

As Scar fell onto the bed and reached for a pillow to hide her face, the door swung open once more.

The girls entered with a newfound determination.

Scar's eyebrow raised in surprise as they approached and forcefully lifted her up.

"Let go of me you bimbos!" She fought back, screaming and even cursing her own powerlessness against her fellow women.

They successfully dragged her into the bathroom and tossed her into the bathtub.

"Time for some pre-wedding pampering Miss Oslon" the leader announced with a coy smile.

Time for revenge for shouting at us.

With mischievous grins, she whipped out a container of wax and said, "Ready for a smooth and silky transformation?"

Scar's eyes widened in horror as she realized what they had in mind. "Wait, wait! I don't think waxing is part of the normal pre-wedding routine!" she protested, trying to wriggle free.

But her pleas fell on deaf ears as they gleefully applied the wax, turning her into a human candle.

Scar fake sobbed at these bimbos' wicked attitudes. They didn't spare any part of her body and scrubbed till she turned as red as a tomato.

She couldn't help but wonder if this was the standard wedding day torture for all brides-to-be.

They tossed and turned her like a rag until they were satisfied, leaving her skin twinkling like a star. In that moment, Scarlett cursed her parents in her heart for subjecting her to this hilarious yet agonizing ordeal.

But as the pain subsided and Scar looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't deny the results. Her skin was smoother than ever before, and she had to admit, it did have a certain glow to it. Maybe those bimbos knew what they were doing after all.

To hell what was she saying?!

These bimbos were heartless.

They all glanced at her now glowing skin and nodded in unison.

Then pulled her into the room and in front of the mirror.

She glared at them, marking all their faces at the back of her mind.

She’d surely pay them back the favor.

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