Part 3
It felt like a coconut was being hammered in my head. Opening my eyes felt like a chore, not to mention, my whole body felt as if it had been run over by an eighteen wheeler.
When I finally accomplished the task of opening my eyes, the first thing I noticed was my room. I was lying on my bed, in my room, in my apartment. The comforter was thrown over me, keeping me warm and comfortable.
I tried to get up, but my limbs felt like lead. I tried to move my arms but they refused to comply. After a few heavily struggling minutes, I gave up and slumped back on the mattress, instead, focusing on the details of my room.
My room looked like a teddy bear land. There were teddy bears of all different shapes and sizes placed in every corner of my room. There was not a single spot that didn’t have a cute, stuffed teddy bear sitting on it. Maril said that my room gave her the creeps. Oh Maril, how much I missed her right now. I wish she was here. She always knew what to do in difficult situations, she was so smart.
The door of my bedroom opened and in walked the man who I thought I would never see again. And suddenly, everything hit me with the force of a tidal wave. Severon kidnapping me and Maril. Me running from Severon. Severon tackling me and drugging me, anger visible on his face. And now he was here, sauntering towards me, a victorious smile on his lips.
“Hello dragonfly, I didn’t expect you to wake up so early, how do you feel?” Severon asked, placing a pack of something on the nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Go away. Don’t you know not to come into someone’s home without their permission?” I croaked.
“Oh, I don’t need permission to come into someone’s home, dragonfly,” Severon stated.
His words only resulted in a major question exploding in my mind, like a mushroom. I tried to get up but my limbs wouldn’t cooperate. Oh God, what was wrong with me. Panic bloomed in my stomach, making it difficult for me to breathe as I stared at the beautiful monster in front of me.
“H—How did you know wh—where I live?” I asked.
Severon gave me a dark chuckle. “You should get one thing straight.” He bent lower until his lips were just a few centimeters from mine. “I know everything, sweetie. There is nothing in this world that I do not know,” he stated.
“That’s not true. There are a lot of things that you don’t know,” I said, feeling happy that my voice was back to normal.
“Oh really?” Severon arched an eyebrow. “Ask me anything and I’ll give you the answer,” he said.
I quickly begun racking my brain, trying to find something that Severon would not know. After two minutes, I knew what to ask him.
“What is my blood type?” I asked, feeling proud of coming up with a difficult question.
“That’s easy, B negative,” he answered with a smug smile.
My eyes widened at hearing his answer. “How did you know that?” I demanded to know.
Severon in response held out a syringe that was filled with crimson liquid. “Is—Is that my blood?” I asked aghast.
“Yes it is,” he answered, before pocketing the syringe.
“Are you insane?! Why would you do that?” This man was one of those psycho scientists that were villians in horror movies.
“Let’s just say, when I see something interesting, I tend to find out everything about it,” he replied.
“You’re disgusting. What are you gonna do with my blood? Are you a vampire?” I queried, trying in vain to get up.
Severon laughed for a couple of minutes before giving me a smile. “No, I’m most certainly not a vampire. I’m a doctor,” he said.
My eyes widened. “No way! You, a doctor? Impossible!” There was no way he could be a doctor, he was too evil for that.
“Oh, and why can’t I be a doctor, dragonfly?” Severon questioned.
“Because you’re evil. You are a criminal. And criminals don’t save people’s lives, they end them,” I answered.
“Why do you think I’m a criminal?” Severon enquired, removing a stethoscope from a black bag which was sitting on one of the arm chairs but I failed to notice.
“Oh I don’t know. Maybe the fact that you had a gun pointed at me through most of our meeting. And oh, the fact that you nearly killed me by tackling me to the ground, like a godforsaken football player!” I shouted the last part.
“Lower your voice,” Severon commanded in a deadly voice.
“No. You don’t get to tell me how to speak,” I responded.
“I liked you better when you were unconscious,” Severon muttered.
“And I like you better if you were dead,” I replied.
“You need another dose, dragonfly,” Severon said, before rummaging in his black bag.
“No, what I need is for you to get lost. Hopefully a car will run you over,” I stated.
Severon didn’t respond. Instead, he took out a brand new syringe and a small bottle containing some kind of a transparent liquid. He filled up the syringe with the clear liquid, while I just laid there, staring at the syringe in horror.
“You are not going to drug me,” I stated.
“And who’s going to stop me?” Severon discarded the now empty bottle.
“Severon, I swear, I will kill you,” I said, trying to sound threatening.
“Just try, sweetie, just try,” he replied, while taking a firm hold of my arm. Before I could say anything more, Severon pierced my skin with the needle. In two seconds, he had transferred the liquid from the syringe in my body.
“What did you give me?” I asked angrily, as Severon discarded the now empty syringe.
“Muscle relaxers,” he answered.
“Why?” I queried.
“Because your body is bruised and I’m sure you are in a lot of pain. This will help your body heal faster,” Severon replied.
“I feel sleepy,” I murmured. And it was the truth; my were starting to feel heavy and reality was fading fast.
“Good, it means they are working,” he responded.
“Severon?” I called out to him.
“Yes dragonfly?”
“Will you stay here?” I asked.
“Of course, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here when you wake up,” he said.
“Okay, then can you do something for me?” I questioned.
“What is it?” He asked.
And just as darkness took over, I told him what I wanted. “Can you do my laundry?”
The next time I woke up, it was dark outside. The moon was shining brightly and there was not a single puff of cloud. The window was open and a light breeze ruffled the curtains. I tried moving my arms and thankfully my limbs chose to cooperate with me. Within seconds I was out of my bed and hurried in the bathroom.
After spending a few minutes in the bathroom, I opened the bathroom door to see Severon standing, looking around. His back to me, his navy shirt stretched over his muscles perfectly.
I opened my mouth to say something but everything Severon did flooded my mind. And suddenly I felt the strongest urge to run away, away from him. So without thinking I sprinted out of my room and towards the kitchen. Maybe I could hide there.
But my apartment was small, easy for Severon to find me. And when I heard Severon’s footsteps behind me, I knew I had to do something fast. As soon as I entered the kitchen, I made a beeline for the knives but a strong arm clamped on my shoulder and pulled me out of the kitchen.
“Let go! Let go!” I screamed at the top of lungs, hoping the neighbors would hear me.
“Shut up and I will,” Severon replied, tugging me along to the living room, where he dropped me on the couch like a rag doll.
“Look what you did, you dislocated my shoulder,” I shouted, moving my shoulder in a circular motion. The truth was, Severon didn’t dislocate my shoulder.
“No I didn’t, and stop screaming, you’ll damage my ears,” Severon ordered.
“I wish I could damage your penis, it would be my gift to this world and to the female population,” I uttered, glaring at his crotch.
Suddenly Severon’s face was only inches from mine, fury sparking in the golden eyes. “I am going to use this very penis that you just talked about damaging and show you exactly how you’ll be doing anything but a favor to this world,” he seethed.
“What are you gonna do, water the plants with it?” I enquired with raised eyebrows.
“Anche meglio, Io volontà fare tu urlo,” he replied. (Even better, I will make you scream)
“You know you shouldn’t speak to people in a language they do not know, it’s rude.” I told him.
“And you shouldn’t annoy them,” he responded.
“But I am annoying, it’s the only thing that’s unique about me,” I argued.
“Really? What about that ultimate teddy bear collection,” Severon said.
“Oh that, I like teddy bears.” I shrugged.
“Wow really, I didn’t notice,” he shot back sarcastically.
“Well Mr. I-Know-Everything, if you’re so smart, you should know that you owe me a teddy bear,” I said.
“And why do I owe you a teddy bear?” Severon queried.
“Because you caused me pain, lots of it. So you owe me a teddy bear,” I answered.
“You provoked me!” Severon threw his hands up in the air.
“Well, why did you let me provoke you? And why did you get provoked? If you ask me, it is your fault,” I replied.
“The hell! You’re telling me that it’s my fault that I got angry and tackled you when it was you who tried to run away?!” Severon looked like he wanted to strangle me.
“Well yes. I am just an innocent human being whose sister got kidnapped. I was only trying to save myself and my sister when you came along and drugged me, so yes. It is your fault, but don’t worry, you can redeem yourself by giving me a teddy bear,” I said.
Severon turned his back to me and let out an animalistic growl. I, on the other hand, tried to inch backwards, towards the edge of the couch so I could run to the kitchen and grab a knife. Maybe if I kept him distracted long enough, I’d be able to escape.
I stopped moving when Severon turned back to me, his face red with anger. “You are the most infuriating woman I’ve ever met,” he snarled.
Putting a hand to my heart, as if his words touched me deeply, I looked at him. “Thank you. It’s an honor,” I said.
“Okay that’s it.” Severon took out his gun and pointed it at me. “I’m done being nice,” he said.
I frowned. “Wait, you were being nice?” I asked bewildered. If Severon was nice, then what about all the good people that helped someone in trouble or fed the dogs? Were they not nice? Did the definition of the word ‘nice’ changed and nobody told me?
Severon tried to lunge at me but I jumped and dashed in the direction of the kitchen. I needed a knife and I needed one fast. Severon was right behind me and I knew sooner or later he would catch up to me, I was surprised he hadn’t caught up to me already.
With adrenaline pumping through my blood streams, I entered the kitchen and quickly looked around for a knife; only there was no knife. What the hell, where had the knives gone, they were right here. I searched frantically for a knife but didn’t find any.
Sighing with disappointment, I settled myself for the alternative—a frying pan. I removed my slippers and slowly padded to the corner and waited for Severon to come. As soon as he would come, I would knock him out with the frying pan.
Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait to long. After five minutes, I heard Severon’s voice. “Dragonfly, stop hiding. I promise I won’t hurt you, just come out,” he said.
I didn’t reply, I just stayed in my spot and waited for him to enter the kitchen so I knock him out.
“Dio, questa ragazza è guai,” Severon muttered. (God, this girl is trouble)
As soon as he entered the kitchen I jumped out from my hiding place and smacked Severon’s face with the frying pan as hard as I could. In that moment, I felt like Rapunzel when she hit Flynn Ryder with a frying pan in Tangled.
Severon slumped to the ground without making a sound. I placed the frying pan on the counter and bent down to see whether he was dead or merely unconscious. I didn’t want him dead. I just wanted to hand him over to the police and if they decided to kill him, well that was their problem, I just wanted Maril back.
Placing my fingers on his neck, over his pulse point, I checked for a pulse. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found a steady rhythm. Taking a deep breath, I stood up. I needed to get Severon out of my apartment.
I went behind Severon and with some difficulty forced his unconscious body to a sitting position. Before Severon could fall back, I snaked my arms under his and locked my hands together on his chest. Then begun dragging Severon’s body out of my apartment, a task which felt like I was dragging a truck instead of a human.
After five minutes, I managed to drag Severon out of the kitchen, which was about five steps. Breathing heavily, I kept on going but Severon was like a dead weight; no, more like an unconscious weight.
After twenty more minutes of wheezing and dragging, I managed to drag Severon’s body to the front door. Placing him against the wall, I placed my hand on the door knob and took a moment to get myself together. This man clearly worked out, and it just proved that I needed to work out and eat more. Once Maril was back safe and sound, I would go to the gym and work out.
Opening the front door, I resumed my original position and begun dragging Severon outside. Everything in my body was screaming to put him down; all my muscles were aching due to the bruises I got earlier and right now, Severon did not help.
Another fifteen minutes passed before I reached the elevator. Placing Severon against the wall once again, I stabbed the call button repeatedly until the elevator doors slid open. I stepped inside and pressed a button to hold the elevator in place. When I stepped out, I glared at Severon.
You just had to be so heavy and muscular. Always making things difficult for me, and you call yourself a doctor.
I shifted my arms under his and dragged his body inside the elevator with great difficulty. I really wanted to stop and take a few minutes break but I knew Severon could wake up any moment, I need to get rid of him before then. So with limbs protesting and lungs screaming, I moved Severon inside the elevator.
Once Severon was inside, I pressed the button labelled G and stepped out of the elevator. At once the doors started to close, and I knew that now I had finally gotten rid of Severon Aresco for good. Just as the doors slid shut, I bid the crazy doctor goodbye.
“Bye bye Severon.”