
Chapter 4

'Pain was my constant companion, and I could only wish for one thing: that it would end. Nothing in the world compared to the suffering I endured. The agony was relentless, and in the face of such torment, there were no heroes, only helpless victims.

I was heartbroken, terrified, and overwhelmed with anxiety. I felt utterly powerless and lost, but I knew I had to find the strength to escape this nightmare. I closed my eyes and took a blind leap of faith, hoping for a way out.' 



Ava’s POV

I awoke groaning, still shackled by chains. The memory of Mr. Drake’s torment from the night before haunted me. I felt like a mere possession, stripped of my identity and dignity. My life had become a living nightmare, and I detested the existence forced upon me.

A mocking voice interrupted my thoughts. “Oh, you’re finally awake.”

“Yes,” was all I could manage.

The exhaustion from resisting him was overwhelming. Mr. Drake was beyond cruel—worse than anything I could imagine. 

“I should reward you, but you’re still just a miserable slave,” he said with disdain.

“Get away from me!” I shouted, my voice hoarse. 

Mr. Drake’s rage was palpable. “When will you learn to be a good slave? Accept your new life and be content. Or do you need me to make it even worse for you?” 

Terror gripped me as he glared at me with a look of pure hatred. I trembled, fearing for my life.  


Before I could finish, he yanked my hair, causing me to cry out in pain. “I’m sorry!” I pleaded. 


“A-Argh! I apologize!”

“You can beg all you want,” he sneered. “But you’re nothing but a slave to be punished.” 

He began to lash me with a whip, each strike bringing excruciating pain until I lost consciousness once more.  


My entire body was in extreme pain. It felt like death. I tried to move, but my body was covered in scrapes. Blood oozed from them, and it stung like hell. I gradually opened my eyes, and they came in contact with Mr. Drake’s terrifying gaze.


“Awake again, are we?” he taunted.

The abuse seemed unending, and the more I suffered, the more he seemed to revel in it. My screams echoed through the room, but he showed no mercy. 

“Stop! Please, I can’t take any more!” I cried weakly. 

His enjoyment of my pain was clear. I begged for relief, but he only seemed to derive pleasure from my suffering. His actions were relentless, and his cruelty knew no bounds.  

“This is my retaliation and punishment for you, slave. This is what you get when you dare to resist me. I despise it when you defy my orders and intentionally cause me trouble,” he explained, whacking me harder. 

“Someone save me!” I shouted desperately.

“No one can save you here,” he said coldly. “Give up your obstinate and become a good girl, or the torment will only continue.” 

As if I’d do whatever he wanted.

I tried to placate him with false promises. “I’ll be a good girl, I swear. Please forgive me!” 

How was I supposed to give up on myself and my body? I had to make him believe in me because I knew I’d be able to get out of this hell one day.


“Oh, really?” he questioned, his face beaming.


He stopped whacking me with the whip and clenched me in the face.

His response was chilling. “If you disobey again, there will be hell to pay.”

Without warning, he pressed his lips to mine, his tongue invasive and repulsive. I remained as still as possible, trying to hide my revulsion.  

“Hmmm,” he moaned. “You have such exquisite taste.”


He nibbled my earlobe. I never resisted and remained as silent as a rock. I pretended to be immobile as if I were a statue. He paused for a second and glanced at me.

“Why aren’t you reacting?” he demanded. “Smile and show me you’re obedient. I need a reaction from you! Remember your promise to obey me. That’s why I put a stop to your punishment, stupid slave!” he growled, becoming enraged.


“I’m sorry, Mr. Drake.”


“Call me master,” he corrected, his anger showing. 

He grabbed my neck so tightly that I couldn’t breathe. I gasped for air.

I gasped for air, tears streaming down my face. “Please… master.” 

I don’t want to die. I must not die before I kill and hang my enemies…


“I am so sorry. Please forgive me, master.”


Yes, I addressed him by the title he had demanded that I use. His grip loosened, and I coughed, clutching my chest. He seemed pleased by my submission.

“Good girl,” he said, patting my head. “Now, I’m going to reward you.” 

I forced a sour smile as I looked up at him. “Master…”


“Now, your master is going to award you,” he said, his hand caressing my torso.

His touch was vile, and I fought to hide my revulsion as his hands roamed over my body. I had to endure it, knowing that my survival depended on deceiving him. His hand moved all over me, touching me and grabbing my boobs. He pinched my nipples so hard.


“Do you like it?” he asked, glancing at me with his sickening perverted eyes.


I nodded. “Yes, master. I love it.”




He was pleased with my response. His tongue licked all over my body like a dog, and the sight of the scene made me want to puke my lungs out.


He’s garbage, trash, a beast, and a devil from hell. He was only created to destroy me, just like my good father. I reflected on it with a bitter smile.


I was compelled out of my thoughts when he pressed himself against me, penetrating me without warning, tears welled up in my eyes. The pain was intense, but I forced myself to remain silent, hiding my true feelings.


He hunched over me, both his hands clenched around my waist, a nasty moan coming from his mouth. I was deserted. Emptiness filled me.


“Ugh, baby!” he gave out a moan as he was enjoying himself. “Fuck! Are you enjoying it, sweetheart?”


I could only nod because I was crying, and he must not have noticed or caught a glimpse of my tears. I don’t want to die. My enemies must be hanged before I forgive them.


“Damn it, baby! You taste so delicious. I wonder how your cunt is going to taste,” he muttered.


His dirty words made my blood boil. I wanted to kill him to end all my misery right away, but I’ve changed my mind. I want to kill him slowly. I want him to feel every bit of my anguish.

 I want him to despise himself as much as I despise mine. I want him to beg for mercy without receiving any. He will be denied the mercy he asked for. I want him to cry until he has no more tears. I want him to compensate for his actions.

Inside, I was consumed by a desire for revenge. I wanted him to suffer as I had, to feel every bit of the anguish he had inflicted on me. I yearned for justice, for him to pay for his cruelty.

As for my father, I vowed to make him pay for everything he had done. I wanted retribution, not just for myself but for the pain he had caused me. Both of them were monsters, devoid of humanity, and I would not rest until they faced the consequences of their actions.


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