
Chapter TWO.


I was just laying down on my bed, not wanting to get up, and trying to avoid thinking of last night's incident. But it was not working. It was time for me, to get up and prepare for the day, but I still stayed down on the bed, lazing around.

Just then, I heard a knock on my door, and instantly got up, wondering who it was. 'My mum was in the hospital, and I had no friends any longer, so who was knocking rashly at the moment?' I wondered, moving out of my room towards my front door.

' Probably it was the landlady, or one of the neighbors' I thought, but when I opened the door, I got the shock of my life. The three, triplet, brothers, were standing Infront of me, grinning evilly. I felt my voice chord disappearing, as I tried to speak.

We all stood there silently, I was still stunned. The three demons were at my door step, staring at me. I did not know what to say.

'what did they come for, did I perhaps offend them?' I wondered and gasped within.

I bumped into Reese yesterday night, while trying to flee from the embarrassment scene. Whatever he was holding, fell to the floor and shattered.

' Oh! no' I thought in panic. ' Were they perhaps here to sue me for it?' I wondered, my heart now pounding fast. I stared at their angelic faces for any sign of anger, but they all just had a grin on, well, not all actually. Ethan, the eldest amongst them, just stood, looking at me with a stoic expression.

" Aren't you going to let us in?" Reese, the one, who I bumped into yesterday asked and I could feel myself shivering, despite the hot weather. I made my way for them to come into my tiny, presentable apartment. I turned to look at their expressions, and saw their brows furrowing in disgust.

Well, I was not surprised, their father was pretty rich and they were all living in extravagant mansions, coming into a tiny apartment like this, would look like a dump to them.

" Please have a sit" I told them, gesturing to the little couch, which looked like, it would not contain their huge physique. They had no choice but to manage that, if they wanted to sit, for that was the only sit available in this my tiny living room.

" How do you expect that tiny thing, to contain three huge guys" Kaden, the playboy amongst them, I guess, asked with pride evident in his voice.

" This is the only sit available" I answered gently and he snort, before arrogantly sitting on the couch. Reese followed suit, but Ethan remained standing, and I wondered why. I battled within, wondering if I should ask him, or just mind my business.

But thankfully, Kaden asked Ethan, what I wanted to know.

" Why are you standing, Ethan?".

" You said it yourself, that couch cannot contain the three of us" Ethan replied, reminding Kaden of his question, few seconds ago.

" Well, it's our host fault for not hosting us we'll" Reese commented sarcastically, and I gulped. I don't feel comfortable around them, and just wanted them to leave as soon as possible, before their whole lady fans found out they are here, and come to rip me into pieces. I thought with panic, wondering how I could ask them to leave politely.

' Why were they even here?' I wondered,my eyes drifting to the floor.

" Eyes up, lady" Ethan said and I raised my head up slowly to look at them.

" I am pretty sure, you know why we are here" Reese began, his playful grin gone and now replaced with a serious expression. I found myself unable to speak, playing with my fingers timidly, while wondering, if I should lie or not.

" Did last night incident make you mute?" Kaden asked mockingly, and I felt a painful pang in my heart. He just reminded me of the incident, I was trying all night to forget. The memories, which kept me awake till morning.

" I I I I.. I d. do" I stuttered, not able to form a word more so, a sentence. I saw the three triplets, throw me a confused look, probably wondering what I was trying to say. Funny thing, was, I had no idea, what I wanted to say either.

" Let's just get straight to the point" Ethan told them coldly, before turning to me, with a blank expression. Despite, no emotions evident on his face, I was still feeling shivery, and scared, I had this bad premonition, I was getting into trouble, but how? was the question.

" You bumped into my brother yesterday, and broke the icon with him" He said and I found myself nodding, but suddenly stopped.

" Icon?" I asked in shock and he nodded. ' Wasn't it a glass cup?' I wondered, then remembered, when whatever Reese was holding then, shattered into pieces, I saw no liquid.

' Oh! No, I am guessing I broke a really expensive artifact' I thought, fear evident on my expression.

" I was holding one of my father's greatest treasure, the Catherine, the great icon" Reese told me.

" And then, when you bumped into me, it fell to the ground and shattered into pieces, my father is off on a business trip, so now, I am safe, but what do you expect me to tell him, when he returns, and one of his collections are missing?" Reese asked. I was numb at the moment, speechless also. What could I say?

" We need to replace that icon before his arrival" Kaden commented, and the three brothers all nodded, before turning to look at me.

" I will pay" I found myself saying and Kaden grinned dangerously.

." How much is it?" I asked, to know, how much,I should start saving down, from now.

" A hundred, million, dollars" Reese replied me, with a smirk. I felt the strength in my legs leaving me, and I collapsed to the floor.

' Did I just hear right?' I wondered.A hundred, million, dollars. ' Where was I suppose to get such huge amount of money?' I wondered. I have never, even seen such money, with my two eyes before.

Even if I worked for 20 years, all my salaries together, during that period of time, can never be up to such amount, so me thinking of buying the icon back, was out of options. I tried to get up, despite feeling so weak. I was aware of their eyes on me, but I did not care and just moved forward, towards Ethan, and fell to my knees Infront of him.

He seemed like the reasonable one amongst them, or should I say more mature one amongst them?

" Please" I pleased, cupping my two palms Infront of him, with a teary expression.

" Mercy please, I cannot afford to replace the icon" I told Ethan, who just stood there, staring at me, with the blank expression of his. I doubt, he was even moved by my pleas.

I heard Kaden and Reese bust into laughter, making fun of my situation.

' Why does bad luck seem to follow me everywhere?' I wondered.

" Pleading cannot save you" Reese said, still laughing.

" Well, since you cannot pay for the icon, there is another option" Ethan told me, and I felt relieved instantly, knowing there was still hope.

" What is it?" I asked eagerly,but what I heard next, put me on the edge.

" Become our Slave" Ethan replied, and I froze.

" What?".

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