Chapter 17- Tessa Blanchard
The List-Tessa Blanchard
You waited in the parking lot nervously outside the venue as four days ago you had gotten a message to meet someone here. You didn't know why you did, far as you knew it was a set up, or a wrong number. The actual idea of that was low but still. When you had gotten back to Cathy's you made love to her and then told her about everything. Which you didn't want to do at first but felt compelled too. She was a little disappointed that you slept with Britt, she did not like her at all, but she was thrilled that Aubrey got quote en quote "that good shit" which makes her laugh as you just shook your head. The next few days went on and the thought of who this number belonged to just couldn't leave your brain. So you sent some feelers out and were surprised to get a response that Immediately had a name. And you decided the second you saw that name that you were going to have to go see it if it was true for yourself.
You drove out the day before and got yourself a hotel, the ride there was long but maybe it was going to be worth it? You called Cathy and Io and had a good talk with each and ended up with a pretty funny text from Rhea showing a passed out Tegan Nox on her bed and Rhea holding up a strap-on that had the caption "Better then you" which admittedly made you chuckle. You set up for the night once you got to the hotel and decided it would just be best to sleep and see where tomorrow took you. And that was why you were still sitting outside the venue in your car. You texted the number and said "I'm here", and it was about fifteen minutes or so before it responded back with "Give your name at the ticket window, and wait". And with that you got out and headed toward the venue and waited in line with some others. You weren't exactly sure how Impact was still going as a wrestling promotion but it was nice to see wrestling was still a vibrant form of entertainment. You gave your name and the lady pulled out a VIP pass and said to go down the left hallway and down the stairs and they'll show him where to go. You do just that and a security guard checks your pass and confirms your name before showing you into a private locker room. You took a seat on the bench and got on your phone for at least half an hour before someone came inside finally. And low and behold it was the name you had been told it was. The impact world heavyweight champion herself, Tessa Blanchard. She was already in her ring gear and taking her sunglasses off she gave you a skeptical look before shrugging as she walked by you and went into her locker. "I've never been broken. By anyone man or woman. Don't plan on it being that way tonight either. But I'm always up for a challenge. And I hear you're the new popular play thing over there at Vince's kingdom. So... let's see if you're even…" she had turned and you had already taken the initiative and had pulled your cock out, letting it swing out as it was slowly getting erect on its own as the thought of trying to fuck tame this woman has really made you drive three states over on a four day notice. She perked up a smile as she came over and began to run her hand along it. "Oh it is quite nice to look at that's for sure...tell me...that bitch Charlotte flair have a go on this yet?" You say no which surprises her. "Damn, can't believe I'mma have a dick before that slut... well, just means I gotta break you before she gets her mutts on you" and with that she dropped to a one knee squat and took your cock into her mouth, bobbing it in and out for a few moments before she swallowed you whole, your entire body shaking as she had your entire cock down her throat, her lips and teeth pressing against your mind as drool came coating down your balls as she gagged as she slowly took you out of her mouth, her eyes watering as she stroked you and watched your face to seen how you were reacting. There were times you thought Tessa was as feminine looking as she could be, and then there were times when you thought she was completely underrated. This was a mix of both of those times. Her facial features were a little on the masculine side, but seeing teary eyes and your cock down her throat as she watched you was all incredibly fucking hot, and as she sucked you like the goddamn pro she clearly was you knew this was going to be a sore experience as she began to jerk and suck and deepthrost and alternate between the three so well that you didn't have time to muster any words as your balls just exploded, cum careening out your tip with a velocity you hadn't really experience much before. A few spurts hits her face, along her right eye and down her chin and over her lips and she quickly put you down her throat and let the rest fire off and into her stomach, Tessa moaning as she sucked you clean and let your dick slowly plop out of her mouth as she shook her, wiping her eye clean as she looked at her wrestling top. "You're so fucking lucky this didn't get on my top" and grabbing you she threw you down onto the bench between the set of lockers, Tessa taking her unlaced boats off before stepping out of her wrestling trunks, her frame was smaller then you would expect and so as she lined her self over your cock her toes were barely in the floor before she began to sink her surprising tight pussy onto your just orgasmed shaft, but you were thankfully still hard and it didn't take much time after that before she was slamming herself down on a completely hardened dick.
To say she was trying to break you was an understatement. She was clenching her cunt so tightly, and thrusting herself down with such ferocity, that there was actually more pain then there was pleasure. But Tessa didn't seem to care much about this at all. She would cry out "this dick is is fucking mine!" Or "none of those soft bitches out there can ever handle a dick like I can", and with each word she would groan or moan and laugh and slam her cunt down. You tried to grab her thighs and she would also your hands away, she wanted no part in you touching her she only wanted you dick and so you let her have it, a few orgasms being the only thing that slowed her assault on your dick and even then she would talk herself back up and get right back to slamming down. She laid her hands on your chest and began to lean down as she told you she owns you, you don't say a word as she keeps the pressure up, cumming again before she starts to grunt angrily. "You better fucking cum in me…" she repeats this over and over and makes herself cum again as you had started to throb inside her as your balls reloaded and before long you grunted out loudly and bucked up as she slammed down and then slowly grinded as you began filling her cunt with your seed, thick ropes of jism flooding up her inner walls she rocked and just say there as she looked you over, wiping some sweat away as she smirked. "I guess you'll do. I gotta go get ready so stick around, watch the show. Meet me back here 30 mins after the show, got it?" You nod and she slowly lifts herself off of your dick and goes to put her trunks and boots back on as you just laid there, Tessa smacking your thigh as she headed out without another word.
The show was decent but you still had a good time regardless of the quality, you were not sure whether you wanted to go back or just hit the hotel, but you didn't want a pissed off Tessa coming after you. So you did as you were told and as you came in you had already seen the lower half nude, but now the top half was also filled exposed and she was drying herself off as she had just either showered or had gotten back a little before you had. She doesn't say anything and seeing you she fingers you to come over and you do, stepping out of your pants as your cock began to harden as she turned and assumed the position, sticking her ass out at you as you came and lined your cock up for her pussy but she stops you as she turns and says "the other one", and turns her head again, amd without a moments hesitation you begin to push your hard cock into Tessa Blanchard's assholem she makes a gasping noise almost like a hiss as she started to laugh as you were barely able to get more then five inches inside her colon, but that was okay by you as you began to fuck her ass the way you expected she would want it, Tessa giving her vocal approval as she then used the lockers to push back and buck against your ramming rod up her nicely toned ass. Your hands finally got to hold onto her hips and she merely moaned as she began to run her pussy with a free hand while slamming her ass into your thrusting cock. This hard and angry type of anal sex was all consuming as the sound of your cock pistoning her ass was all that could be heard as she had cried out a few times in the ten minutes of this hard fuck, you feeling a sense of pride as she had cum again and seemed despondent that she was cumming as much as she was which only made you want to fuck her harder, but the more you did the more she seemed to like it and after a while you felt your dick throb and your balls prepare another load. She turned her head and watched you as she demanded you cum in her asshole and that's exactly what happens moment's later as you flood her anal cavity with a large orgasm, your seed shooting deep inside her colon as she moaned and slowed her bucking before pulling away as she turned and gave you a kiss under your chin as she nods. "Yeah….yeah you're gonna do just fine. I'mma spread the word about you ", you ask to please not too, but she shakes her head. " Too late guy. You're one of mine, I've marked you. Whenever I want this dick, I expect to have it. So I expect to see you soon" she kisses you and begins to change into her street clothes as you put your pants back on and leave a few moments after she does, your thoughts racing as you were feeling dizzy. You get water and head back to the hotel as you took a shower and messaged Cathy. You really wanted to talk to anyone, and so you put messages out to Io and Aubrey. But got nothing. It was a restless sort of sleep. You didn't know what you had done but felt it was good. Tessa Blanchard was off the list. But at what cost.