
Why Is She Like That

[Trent’s POV]

"Do I know you?"

The words begin to race around my mind as I stare into Gabby's eyes. Her expression gives no hint toward what she is feeling, but even I knew that pain had to be somewhere.

Remaining silent, I just stare, trying to think of what to say. What could I say at this point to make everything okay?

Nothing. That was the answer.

When I decided to come to my ten-year reunion, there was only one reason, and that was to see Gabrielle. Although I knew that things like that weren’t her scene back when we were kids, there was the smallest chance that she would be there, and after years of waiting for a chance to see her, I couldn’t not take it. However, the look of rage that she gave me and how desperately she wanted to get away from me were not part of my plan, and despite wanting to chase after her as she escapes from me, I stay rooted in place until Rachelle returns with a look of amusement on her face.

“Good job, lover boy,” she giggles, sliding in beside me and handing me a drink. “That was a smooth attempt at trying to break the hard shell of ice that you put around her.”

Remaining silent, I look in the direction that Gabby disappeared in.

Dammit! This was frustrating. I waited ten years to see her again, and she just ran away from me while I watched like a fucking idiot! I should have followed! Should have made her listen! I should have…

“Earth to lover boy,” Rachelle announces, waving a hand in front of my face snapping me out of my spiral. “She’s gone; no amount of staring is going to bring her back.”

Slowly, I begin to snap out of my daze and give Rachelle a questioning look.

“She hates me, right?” I sigh, grabbing her offering. “I really fucked up back then.”

“You did,” she agrees, her eyes sparkling with amusement. “But if you still hold a torch for her, what are you going to do to win her back?”

What was I going to do? What could I do? After this, the chances of me seeing her again were pretty slim, unless I wanted to come across as a stalker.

As I continue to let her question imprint itself in my mind, I realize that Rachelle is testing me. Just from the neutral expression on her face, it was obvious.

“Not give up like I did back then,” I say slowly.

Maybe I didn't go about things properly back then by asking her to wait for me, but this time I planned on making things right.

“Is it too much to ask for your help?” I say slowly, fixing my gaze with Rachelle's.

“My help,” she repeats, taking a sip of her drink. “And what makes you think that I’m willing to help you? Gabby is my most precious friend, and you crushed her. Why would I help you win her over?”

Why? That was a good question, but there was something that wasn’t making sense to me. Why was she saying that I crushed Gabby when I was the one crushed?

“You wouldn’t be asking me any of this if you didn’t want me to,” I point out, deciding that for now I would save my questions for Gabby herself. There was no reason for Rachelle to tell me what she was talking about anyway.

“Hm, I guess you’re not dumb,” Rachelle smirks. “And if it wasn’t for all the other failed attempts by other men..." She continues, causing my heart to squeeze painfully. “I wouldn’t be asking you, but someone needs to thaw her heart before she ends up alone forever.”

“So she isn’t serious about anyone?” I ask as a sense of satisfaction rushes through me. “That’s…”

“Not good." Rachelle finishes for me. “She’s just drifting from relationship to relationship, leaving a trail of broken hearts along the way. It's like she is on autopilot.”

As she speaks, I can easily hear the worry in her voice for Gabby, and that just strengthens my resolve even more.

“Then it seems that we both want the same thing for her,” I say slowly. “Shall we come up with a plan?”

Growing quiet, I wait as Rachelle considers my question, and when she finally nods, I feel my hope beginning to rise.

“I'll play along,” she says slowly. “But if you so much as step out of line, I'll pummel you myself, and if I were you, I would avoid bringing up what happened back then. Are we clear?”


“Great, then this is what we will do.” She claps happily. “I've got a date with my fiance tomorrow, and maybe just maybe you will..."

“Tomorrow?” I repeat, stopping her. “I have a business meeting tomorrow.”

This meeting was important, and if I fucked it up, I would lose a big deal I have been fighting for for months.

“Another time, then,” Rachelle sighs, eyeing me. “I see that part of you hasn't changed.”

Flinching, I try to ignore the stab I feel over her comnent. I could argue, but what was the point when she didn't quite understand why I worked as hard as I did?

“Still keeping your secrets?” She chirps, raising a brow. “Didn't you learn your lesson last time?”

“It isn't the right time,” I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

Ten years later, I still wasn't where I wanted to be, and because of that, I still couldn't reveal everything to Gabby.

“What does that even mean?” Rachelle asks, leaning forward. “What is our dear lover boy keeping from everyone?”

A lot. I think inwardly.

“Nothing much,” I reply outwardly. “You're thinking too much.”

“Uh huh.”

Giving a smirk, I start to get up and dig out some cash, then pass it to Rachelle.

“For the drinks,” I announce when she gives me a curious look. “And keep in touch, partner in crime.”

Finished speaking, I turn and begin to make my way through the crowd of my old classmates who are living their best lives, completely oblivious to the pain that is radiating inside of me.

When I step out onto the street, I look around, half expecting Gabby to still be around, but when I come up empty, I'm not surprised.

"I'm sorry for hurting you so much," I sigh, pulling out my phone and dialing Alton's number.

"Boss? He announces the minute he answers. "Is something wrong?"

"We need to move up that meeting and do everything in our power to snag it immediately."

"What's the hurry?" He asks, his voice full of confusion. "I thought you said we couldn't be too forceful."

"Things have changed," I respond. "I expect you to have a convincing bid come tomorrow."

"But I..."

"You want to turn in your resignation?" I finish for him in annoyance. "And here I thought that you would get employee of the month. Didn't you want that big bonus to take your future wife on the perfect honeymoon?"

"No!" Alton gasps. "I'll have the bid ready come tomorrow."

"Great," I smirk, hailing a cab. "Then I'll see you tomorrow."

Hanging up, I wait until one pulls up and then get inside. Once I'm buckled, I lean back and close my eyes while every fucking emotion I'm feeling crashes into me.

"Just a bit more," I murmur. "Then I can confess everything."

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