
We're Through

[Gabrielle's POV]

“Oh fuck, Gregory, that's it!”

I thrust my hips faster, building up my high as I feel a powerful orgasm beginning to build.

Beneath me, Gregory digs his fingers into my thighs while his hips move in motion with mine, pushing us both closer and closer to our release and right when im about to cum, he stops me.

“Gabby,” he groans. “There's… something I want to say.”

Frowning, I look down at his flushed, sweaty face with tufts of dark, shaggy hair sticking to it. And his eyes which hold promise of something I already know I'm not going to like.

“Now?” I ask in confusion. “Is it really the time?”

Who in their right mind decides that having a conversation during sex is a good idea? Especially one about something so serious.

“I can't hold it in any longer,” he continues, sliding his hands up my thighs and then around my waist. “I…”

“No,” I hiss, covering his mouth with my hand. “Don't go any further. Just stop right there.”

Dammit, was he really willing to ruin a good thing by breaking my one rule? I always made it clear when I started to date someone that there was only one thing I asked of them, and that one thing was to never fall in love.

Up until now, no one managed to follow that rule, which was why our relationship was over. But Gregory and I had been together for a little over a year, and things were great. The sex was fantastic, the chemistry divine, and when we were together, we had a great time. It would be a shame to have to end it, but if he finished his words, then he would have to go just like the rest.

“Gab,” he sighs, gently removing my hand. “Can't you just take a chance on me? Do you really have to stick to your ridiculous rule?”

Sighing, I begin to climb off of Gregory and then take a seat at the side of his bed.

RIP that amazing monster I just dismounted, I sigh inwardly.

“It's over.” I say, giving it one last look while wishing I had at least gotten my release. “Let's break up.”

The words leave my lips as I bend forward to start collecting my clothes.

“Over?” He hisses, jumping up and touching my shoulder. “What? Why?”

“You know the rules,” I respond, shaking him off.

“The rules,” he growls, his voice dripping with anger. “Fuck those rules! Gab, can't you just forget about that and actually give me a chance? You know as well as I do that we're great together. How can you just..."

“You may think that,” I begin, cutting him off. “But you're just one of many men out there.”

I was being harsh; I knew it, and somewhere deep down, I truly felt the sting of regret over what I was doing to him, but I wouldn't just throw my resolve to the wind.

“We're done, Gregory,” I announce, pulling my clothes on. “It was great while it lasted.”

“Done,” he repeats, his gaze narrowing. “Are you fucking serious?”

“I am.”

“You're a fucking coward! You're too fucking scared to let anyone in because you're afraid!”

Each word is like a dagger stabbing into my heart, but I keep my expression neutral.

“Maybe,” I smirk, turning and making my way out of the room.

“Coward!” Gregory booms after me. “You'll always be alone because you're too fucking scared to let anyone in!”

“You're right,” I whisper when I reach the front door of his house. “But I'd rather be alone than crushed again.”

Reaching out, I pull the door open and step outside, just as bright lightning streaks across the sky.

“Fitting,” I sigh while a clap of thunder shakes the ground beneath my feet. “The perfect weather to match my mood.”

Pulling my jacket closer around me, I head to my car, and once I'm in, I collapse against my steering wheel while that annoying sting from early begins again.

“Dammit,” I hiss, lifting my face. “You really almost fucked up there.”

Sitting up, I shove my key into the ignition and then rev the car to life, and after giving Gregory's brightly lit house one last look, I hit the gas and speed off.

When I arrive home, I beeline for the kitchen, where my roommate, Rachelle, is sitting on the kitchen counter munching on some chips.

She's dressed in a camisole and shorts with her curly black hair pulled in a bun on top of her head.

For a moment, she examines me as I head to the fridge and grab a beer, then pop it open and bring it to my lips.

“He said it, huh?” She asks when I begin to chug. “I figured it was coming.”

Her voice is light, but I know that she is sparing my feelings. Like everyone else, she also thought that my rule was ridiculous, but she gave up on arguing with me about it long ago.

“R I.P to that monster in his pants,” I sigh, grabbing another beer and then making my way to the kitchen table and taking a seat. “And that body.”

Out of all the men I dated, Gregory definitely had the biggest dick, and that thing knew how to please a woman. And that body—he was like a Greek god—was all muscle and no fat. Every. Fucking. Inch. Of. Him.

“Then why not stay with him?” Rachelle asks slowly. “You two were so perfect together.”

“He was going to say it,” I sigh.

Growing quiet, I wait as Rachelle's honey brown eyes take me in.

“And would that be such a bad thing? You're not getting any younger, you know, and if you keep up with your rules and fear of love, you're going to end up old and lonely.

Flinching, I try to ignore the pang of pain that shoots through me as my eyes come to rest on the golden ring that sits on Rachelle's left ring finger.

Soon, she would be leaving to go live with her fiance Hanson, and when that happened, I would be alone since she was my only constant. I understood we would still see each other and our friendship would continue, but she wouldn't be living with me anymore, and I would be alone in this house.

“There's lots of men to keep me company,” I try, taking another swig of my beer. “I'll be fine.”

Remaining silent, Rachelle gives me a look of exasperation before hopping down from the counter.

“I'm saying this for your own good,” she sighs, giving me a gentle smile. “It's about time you let go of the past and actually try to look toward the future. I understand you were hurt, but not all men are like him.”

“I don't want to talk about the past,” I warn, feeling those emotions from that time begin to bubble. “It's long gone, and I have moved on.”

“Sure you have, sweetie,” Rachelle murmurs, beginning to head out of the kitchen. “Maybe you can convince others of that, but I know better. However,” she continues, shooting me a look over her shoulder. “You'll have the chance to prove that in a few days at our ten-year reunion. Now, I'm heading to bed. I'm house hunting with Hanson tomorrow and need my beauty sleep. Don't stay up too late pouting, alright?”

“Yeah,” I respond, finishing my drink. “Goodnight.”

Rachelle doesn't say anymore as she disappears, and only when I'm alone do I slump in my seat.

"Ten-year reunion,” I murmur. “I wonder if he will be there.”

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