
9. Retribution and Liberation


"I demand retribution." I announced as I strode in the Throne Room.

It was night time and Ava was asleep but this was when vampires held the court. And I was not going to wait another minute before those who were responsible for this 'accident' weren't punished.

Orlando was sitting on his throne with his subjects of the Vampire High Council sitting on their thrones.

"King Nikolai. You're here. It's good to know that Queen Avalyn is doing well." He gave me a fake ass smile.

"Cut the act, Orlando. I know the earlier visit was nothing but a formality. And both of us know you don't give two shits." There were gasps around us. Surely, a King wouldn't talk an Elder this way, right? Wrong! I'll talk to him like this and more rudely if I wish. He fucking deserves that and every thing I dish out.

He cracked a smile, "you can take a rogue out of the rogue pack but you cannot take the rogue pack out of a rogue."

"I'm not here to listen to your bullshit," I growled. "I neither have the time nor the patience for it. I'm not the same teenage boy whom you can smother with rules, philosophies and your games anymore."

"Yes," he nodded, "you've grown into quite an impressive young man."

"I said, I demand retribution." I growled, coming back to the topic. Both of us knew that I wasn't going to let it go. And he was going to pay dearly. I was going to play by his rules and enjoy seeing him loose too.

His face turned serious. "You already managed to kill Queen Zakyra and her associates. We are investigating among the people of her Kingdom but those are simple citizens who had come here to enjoy the festivities. Those at fault are already dead, Nikolai."

"It's King Nikolai to you." I snarled and relished in the way he recoiled a little. "And yes, they are dead. But it is your responsibility to ensure safety of everyone on your land. An attack on the Queen and Princess was made inside your palace walls. So, I will hold you responsible."

He chuckled disbelievingly. "I'm not sure if you understand the implications of your statement, King Nikolai. And even if you do, your allegations are completely misplaced." He said, sardonically.

"I fully understand the implication of my every word. You keep extorting taxes from every pack, every kingdom, every coven in the name of peace, safety and to fund the enforcer army. But you don't do shit. Where was the Enforcer army when Adrik kept attacking smaller packs and killing wolves left and right to obtain more land? Where was the enforcer army when Emmanuel and Emilio were violating fundamental rights of the people and threatening every female in Montana Pack, huh? Where was the army when my mate almost died yesterday evening?" My voice rose.

The sweat on his forehead grew and so did his apprehension, "King Nikolai, those are problems you should take up with the Werewolf High Council, we-we don't—"

"Fine. You want to talk about Vampires? Let's talk. I'm sure you are quite aware of King Xillian's debt trap policy. What have you done about it to protect other countries? Last night, King Ciro was about to be subjected to it. If Avalyn wouldn't have stepped in, so many females would have to be snatched away from their homes, including a princess. You did not say a single word." I was fucking furious.

"I cannot step in between when a contract is invol—"

"Don't you fucking bullshit me. You have the habit of inserting yourself in unwanted places, Orlando. You very well interfered the last time I was here to talk about my werewolf pack. Don't even dare go there." I hissed. "You use our taxes to maintain your lifestyle," I motioned towards the grand palace, "to procure slaves and whores for your personal pleasure, to make sure that you always have some kind of 'amusement'. I also I know why you won't ever say anything to Xillian. Because you get a little extra cash from him to accommodate his illegal dealings." His eyes widened a fraction before they narrowed.

"Are you accusing me of being corrupt?" He thundered.

"Yes," I growled. "You. All of you are corrupt!" I motioned towards all his council members. They seemed greatly offended.

'Calm down, Nikolai.' Vladimir said. And I had to calm my wolf. Vladimir can he adversely affected by this. 'Let me deal with this.'

"Elder Orlando," Vladimir gained his attention. "I'm sure that you will take into consideration the points that are highlighted by King Nikolai. And make your future decisions with them in mind." Vladimir was one of the best diplomats I had ever known. "But right now, we demand retribution for the attack on our Queen's, Princess's and my unborn daughter's life."

Orlando looked a little more composed now. "State your demands." I knew that if said I wanted him punished, I would walk out of here empty handed. So I asked for something I knew he would allow but will be as painful to him as sticking a foot in his ass. The one thing he loved dearly was his over glorified and in my opinion, incompetent army.

"Punishment of death of all the guards who weren't on their correct posts. Punishment of silver collar to your Army General for thirty days— ten days for each life put at risk because of men under his command. Also, he should be provided blood only at intervals of seven days." As I spoke, my gaze fell on General Jonathan. His face remained emotion less and his emotions were in control, like any well trained supernatural. But I wasn't an Alpha King just in name. I could smell it. He was as scared as he was angry. He knew that all of these punishments were well within reason.

He took a moment to think it through before he asked his council. "Would anyone like to say anything?"

No one said a word. No one had the audacity utter a word to after everything I had just said. If they weren't aware of the politics going on in the High Council, they were now. This was going to cause a good amount of...uncertainty.

Orlando looked like he had eaten my shit and was about to hurl. "Your demands of retribution shall be fulfilled."

"Right this second. I plan on leaving after I see to it," I let him know.

We moved to an open area inside the compounds of the palace. There was a stage and multiple posts that had chains and handcuffs. It was clearly the area where punishments were delivered.

Eight guards were called forward. Apparently, Zakyra had tricked them all into leaving their spots.

"Kneel." Orlando announced in a flat voice. I know he was absolutely hating this but there was nothing he could do about it.

The guards, knowing what was to come, kneeled down. Jonathan stepped forward with a dagger in his hand and then one by one, he slit their throats.

After he was done, he went forward and kneeled next to another post. A guard stepped forward with leather gloves on and a silver collar in his hand.

Jonathan's eyes met mine.

"I'd like to do the honours myself." I said as I walked towards them. The guard removed the gloves and handed them to me before he stepped back.

I wore the gloves and picked up the thick silver collar. Jonathan looked up at me.

"Last words before your vocal chords are injured for the next few years?" I asked.

"It is your right to do this, King Nikolai. I apologise for the hurt that Queen Avalyn has been caused." His mouth spoke sweet words but his eyes were filled with defiance. He couldn't tarnish his reputation by saying what he truly wanted to say.

But me? I didn't give two shits. "The last time we met, I told you I will have you on your knees before me. This isn't how I planned for it to happen. I will come again, Jonathan. I am not satisfied with this retribution. Not one bit," I said low enough for only him to hear. I unlocked the collar and put it around his neck. His skin sizzled and the burning stench hit my nose. His skin burnt instantly, exposing the flesh underneath but Jonathan made no sound, just endured it. "Next time I'm here, know that I'm here to kill you all. All the three High Council Heads—as a retribution for everything," I hissed and locked the collar.

His eyes snapped to mine and I simply smiled and pocketed the key. "Come collect the key on the thirtieth day from me. I also demand a picture of his state every day. I don't trust you all to go through with the punishment."


"May I come in?" Sofiya asked from the door.

I had directly woken up early in the morning to find Nik gone. The doors of the bedroom were guarded by Mikhail and Marc and they were given strict orders to not let me leave the bedroom, or the bed, for that matter. Even yesterday, Nik had refused to let me get out of bed. He said that I had lost a lot of blood and I needed to recuperate, even though I felt perfectly fine.

And he claimed that to make sure that I was resting, he would not move from my side. And he didn't. Not that I minded him. It wasn't everyday that I got to spend an entire day with him. He always had something or the other to do. But yesterday, he had 'absolutely nothing to do'. And I know that the real reason for him to stay with me—it was because he couldn't bare to let me out of his sight again.

He was scared.

And to be honest, I was scared too. It was only after I woke up today without Nik, terrified that something had happened to him and I had slept through it, that I realised the seriousness of the situation.

I had been attacked. It was the question of national security. I'm not just a normal person now, I'm a Queen. Strict measures were taken, according to what little I heard.

Everyone kept the business out of the room. But Andrei told me a couple of things when I pestered him. Nik had left to demand retribution, to punish the ones because of whom Sof and I were in danger in the first place.

Max, Nat and Andrei had left to go to Kingdom Poziarne to re-establish peace. They would be back after they made sure everything was up and running once again. New rules and regulations were to be made.

"Please." I smiled at Sofiya.

"Can I talk to you? Alone?" She eyed Jessica, Tessa and Eliyah who were keeping me company. Eliyah hadn't talked to me or anyone else at all but had pretty much refused to leave when he came to know that Nikolai wasn't here.

"Sure." I nodded and taking that as a sign, the three of them left, closing the door before they did.

More meekly than I had ever seen Sofiya do anything in her life, she entered the bedroom and took a seat besides me.

She remained quiet for a while, looking down at her fiddling fingers.

I took her hands in mine to stop her fidgeting. "What is it?" I know something is bothering her.

And then suddenly, her chin started quivering before a tear dropped down her cheek and then another and then another, followed by many, many more.

"Hey, hey!" I squeezed her hands to call her attention. "Why are you crying?"

That caused her to sob and cry more.

I tried to wipe her tears but she just pulled me into a hug and started sobbing into my shoulder. "I'm sorry!"

"I'm so, so, so sorry, Avalyn!" She sobbed.

"It's not your fault, Sofiya." I coaxed. "I wouldn't have let her hurt your baby. I'll do it all over again if I have to."

That caused her to cry more.

I was freaking out now. Why is she crying? She had to know that it wasn't her fault right?

"Goddess I've been such a bitch!"

I rubbed her back. "Why are you saying that?" I frowned.

"Hey Sof? Sofie? Sofiya!" I needed her to talk to me. And not cry.

I didn't want to cause her any stress. It's not good for her or the baby.

"Yes?" She released me and looked at me through her tearful green eyes.

"Talk to me." I gave her an encouraging smile.

She chewed her lips.

Sofiya isn't the one to worry about what other people will say about her.

"It's me, Sof. We're bestfriends slash sisters, right? Like you told me when we first met." I guess that was the wrong thing to say because she teared up more. "You can tell me anything."

I'm worried now.

Is everything okay?

"The reason I didn't talk to you much wasn't because I was busy. Or moody. Or tired." She said softly, her eyes lowering.

"Then what was it? I know I must have done something and I'm very so—"

"No, Avalyn." She cut me off and her eyes snapped to mine.

There was a glint in them. Like she finally gathered the courage to talk to me. "The reason I didn't talk to you was because I was jealous."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Mozog was Vladimir's birthright. It was supposed to be our daughter's birthright." She said softly and then realisation hit me.

"I'll talk to Nikolai. We don't need to have it Sof." I would happily give it up if it made her happy.

"It's not just that, Avalyn." She shook her head, her blond curls bobbing with it.

"Then what is it?"

"I'm jealous of you because you have everything. You have Nikolai who is literally the greatest leader to walk this earth. You have the Rogue Pack, the Montana Pack and everyone there clearly loves the both of you. They literally worship the ground you walk on. You have a loving father— a father who is a much better man than all of our fathers combined. You have powers. You are half faye and most probably the only heir of the Faye Kingdom."

I didn't know what to say to that.

"You have a palace that is the best palace in the entire world—human and supernatural. You are a natural Queen, Avalyn. People are naturally attracted to you and you give off the power that makes them want to submit to you. Irrespective of who their Alpha or King is. It's the same with Nikolai. And you know what's the worse? Both of you don't even realise it! You don't even have to try!" Her face was scrunched up as she shook her head. "And I try so hard. Vladimir tries so hard. But it's just not the same."


"I know it's not your fault, Avalyn. You are the most compassionate, loving, humble and selfless person. Ever. You didn't even wish for any of it." A humourless chuckle left her. "And it makes me feel so much more shitty because while I love you with all my heart, Avalyn, I'm so very jealous of you."

My mouth was dry.

This was the reason she hadn't been talking to me properly these past couple of months. This is the reason I had been worrying myself. I thought I had done something wrong.

Her thinking like this hurt. I didn't know what to say.

It seemed to petty to me. But it must have been bothering her a great deal if she had been behaving this way all thus while...

"And even after I was such a bitch to you for months, you protected me and my daughter. Without a second thought. Without thinking about yourself." Her hands fell on her belly and she caressed it. "You did it all for her."

"I'm sor—" Yes, I was hurting but she was hurting too.

"Stop Avalyn. Just stop!" I was taken aback by her tone. "For once in your life stop apologising. It's not your fault. I should be the one to apologise. Not you. This isn't your fault!"

I kept quiet. She needed to vent all of this out.

"I feel an even bigger bitch now." She covered her face with her hands. "When did things get so messed up? We used to be so close!"

"We are close, Sofiya. In my heart, you hold the same place. At the end of the day, all of these things are materialisti. The only thing that matters to me is my family and my people. If they are happy, then I am happy. And I just want you to be happy, Sofiya. I'll talk to Nikolai. You can have Mozog."

"No." She whispered, shaking her head. "It's your's. By right."

"Doesn't matter." I shrugged. I just want her to be back to being the Sofiya I had first met.

"Exactly, it doesn't. What matters is that all of us are safe and healthy." Her hand caressed her belly again. "This whole incident finally put everything into perspective. I know what is actually important." She soft smile covered her face. "And you are important to me, Avalyn. Very much. I'm sorry. I'm truly, genuinely, deeply sorry. Will you forgive me?"

A smile developed on my face too. I threw my arms around her neck. "Of course I forgive you, Sof." I kissed her cheek. "You're my sister."

A sense of relief radiated from her.

"Thank you." She whispered and I could feel the gratitude.

"You are always welcome." I smiled. "And it's okay if you don't like it here, you can always come and stay at Soare-Luna with us again. It's okay if Mozog doesn't feel home to you. I'm sure Vladimir will understand. The men know the meaning of family. And home is where the family is. We would all be very happy to have you."

"I mean I like Mozog. It's not bad at all. The people are nice. But it's not home. It isn't the same. Vampires are different than us werewolves. My wolf craves to be in a pack again. And I constantly feel like I'm missing out on everything. I miss spending time with you and Natalia. And pranking Mikhail and shopping with Dimitri and training with Andrei and annoying Nikolai. Hell, I miss Adrian and Vanessa too. So ya, Mozog is nice but it's not home. And I want my daughter to grow up around a big family with all her aunts and uncles and people who love her like her parents."

"Talk to Vladimir, I'm sure he will understand." I told her, already excited at the thought of living with Sofiya again.

"Yes, I'll talk to him." She smiled warmly.

"Goo—" the door swung open and Nik walked in.

"Hi." I grinned at him. He grinned and walked over to me, leaned over the bed and kissed me. "Hi."

"Ahem." Sofiya coughed.

"Hello to you too." Nikolai chuckled.

"What about her?" Sofiya pointed to her belly.

"Hey, baby." Nikolai touched her belly.

Sof winced slightly and Nikolai grinned."Damn that was a hard kick."

"She just likes me too much." He winked as he took his hand away.

"Like mother, like daughter." Sofiya winked back. "I should get going." And with that, she left.

"She apologised?" Nik asked.

"Yes, sh— how did you know?" He knew? He knew all this time I spent worrying about what was wrong?

"I know everything." He smirked arrogantly.

"Careful there Nik, your head might not fit through the doorway." I chuckled.

"The only head that needs to fit somewhere fits perfectly." He winked and heat flared across my cheeks.

I swatted his arm in a lame attempt to reprimand him. He simply laughed at that.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded.

"I figured it out two days ago. But it wasn't my place to tell. And she needed to come clean on her own." He replied and then a scowl set on his lips. "And it fucking pissed me off. You have been through so much and now that you are finally getting what you deserve, she is being a bitch."

"Nikolai!" I reprimanded.

"It's true." His eyes turned dark. "It took you risking your life for her to realise her mistake. Forgive me if I'm not too thrilled about that."

I sighed. "Can you let it go, please? I forgave her."

"Of course you did." He snorted. "You would forgive Emilio if he asked for it." And the second he said it, guilt clouded his face. "I'm sorry, that was a wrong thing to say." He said softly.

"But it was true." I shrugged. "I had forgiven him. I only killed him like I did because he pissed me off with his stupid reason."

"You can't forgive someone who isn't sorry, Avalyn."

"Yes you can, Nikolai." I interjected softly. "Forgiving is just as liberating to you as it is to other people. You should try it sometime."

"The world is too harsh, Love. It doesn't work on forgiveness. You have to face the consequences of what you did."

"I hope that one day," I told him, "it does."

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