

“What the hell was that, huh? Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” Paul exclaimed while walking phase and fort.

“What? You told me that I was summoned to your time, or to your world with a sole task, that is to replace you in participating in the war, am I wrong?” Zion said while sitting with cross legs on the divan.

“What are you taking me for? Dumb? You haven’t been here for at least twelve hours, and you’re telling me that you’re willing to risk your life for that?”

Zion shrugs his shoulder, “We only have three weeks right? Might as well teach me what I need to learn so I can still go back to my world, who about that?”

Paul gave him a suspicious look, “Don’t play—“

“Jeez, you know, in my world, I didn’t have to explain nor repeat myself twice, people will line up just to be able to set an appointment with me, and here I am, trying to convince this whoever you are to just teach me what I need to learn,”

“Fine, make sure to prepare yourself for tomorrow, since we have a little time, it will be tough training, looking at you—“ Paul gave him a sullen look, “You haven’t tried to wield a sword,”

“Well, I don’t need to wield a sword, I have a gun and a twenty-four-hours guarded house and vicinity,”


They finished supper, Zion is somewhat sleepy right after he felt the soft texture of the bed; He fell into a deep slumber.

“Zion, you can’t just wield a sword like that, it’s either you will hurt yourself or make yourself a bottle of teasing, come on, I taught you that!” Taliya chuckled.


“But Master—“ He stopped when Taliya raised her brow, “I mean Taliya, I can’t wield it so good, it’s heavy for my body!” said a twelve-year-old Zion.


“What did I tell you? Wield it like you’re wielding a paper,” they are in an open field near the lake, it was Zion’s favorite place, he somehow found peace when he was there.


“There is no paper as heavy as this,” he pouts, “Okay, I’ll try,”


Taliya let a soft smile and held Zion’s hair, “I will help you until I can, Zion. You will advantageous in the future once you master how to fight by not just using a sword, but by using your heart,”


“But isn’t this too much? I mean, I only see knights using swords, but aren’t we in the 21st century, where everything is possible, without using this sword in fighting?” he curiously asked, while holding a black sword. The blade itself is engraved, seemingly strange markings are carved into the blade, a sheathed sword has a hidden blade and a sword in use will be dirty and bloody, so only the hilt needs decorations. It was made by a former swordsmith from the West; a man who had an undeniable talent for making swords.


Taliya sat on Zion’s level, “Zion, someday, you will use this, things may get ugly, rough, and whatever you want to name it, but you will find some people that will be going to help you, some will even go to their extent of life, all you have to do is act as if it’s the last time you can do this for them, so you have to learn to wield the sword as early as now, because when that time comes, you have no choice but to wield it,”


“Wield it, Zion,”


“Hah! Hah!” Zion was running out of breath when he woke up. He immediately roams his adjusting eyes, and all he can see is an unfamiliar room, he can hear his heart beating so loud, that he almost got it out of his chest.

“Zion?” that’s when he realized he was not dreaming about what happened yesterday—no, had a weird dream after twenty years, “Are you all right? You’re sweating all over,”

Zion looked at Anya’s worried face, she was now wearing a long sleeve dress, and her hair is in braided, she looked like someone he knew.

“I-I’m all right,” he tried to say without stuttering, he is still in shock, “What are you doing here, anyway? You shouldn’t enter a man’s room,”

“Mom told me to wake you up, you should have your breakfast before you leave,” Anya handed Zion a robe, “The table is ready, Dad has to go somewhere, he said he will meet you in an hour,”

Zion nodded while tying up his robe, “Okay,” the delicious scent of the curry filled Zion’s nostrils, and his stomach starts to grumble. Anya sat in front of him, and Concepcion put a hot coffee beside Zion.

“Eat before you leave, Paul must be on his way back home, if you didn’t want to get scolded, go and eat,” Zion didn’t hesitate and started to devour the food in front of him.

As Concepcion said, Paul arrived in the middle of their breakfast, Zion had to finish his meal early and prepare himself, Concepcion prepared a packed lunch for them since they will be going to town.

“Where are we going?” Zion asked while they are walking, Paul has been quiet since they came from the house.

“We will buy a weapon that you can use,” Paul said, “We will be using a portal since it’s a black market, and most people don’t know the existence of this,”

“Hasn’t the kingdom in charge of giving all the utilities—I mean weapons for the war? After all, they are the ones who are sending us to that chaotic war,”

“No—get inside that, we will be transferred to the market entrance,” in front of Zion was a huge black hole-colored portal, the moment he entered the portal he felt nauseous, “You will get used to it, let’s go,”

Zion was in awe when he saw how beautiful the market was, he is expecting something dark, and disgusting, however; it is the complete opposite of his expectation. The town is lovely, with different trees, and flowers everywhere, kids are running freely; it was lively and lovely.

“It’s been ages since I saw this kind of market, I was too busy raising an empire,” Zion mumbled to himself. He followed Paul while filling his eyes.

“Hey, kid. Go and pick what you think will help you survive,” Zion immediately look at Paul and realized they are in a weaponry shop.

“Wow,” he mumbled, he starts to look around; the variety of weapons made his heart jump. Swords, bow and arrow, shuriken, crossbow, polearm, sling, axes, dagger, and many more, but he stopped when his eyes land on a weapon that seems and oddly familiar to him.

“Hey, why are you crying?! It’s just a sword!”

A black engraved sword.

“What is this feeling? Why does if feels like—like home?”

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