
Chapter 4

Bounce's POV

" You had a wolf since you were born but the time for me to appear is not now" Derek explained.

" Papa said my wolf will be visible when I turn eighteen which is in ten years time. How are you here?"

I was confused. What I heard was that, it is until you shift before your wolf would be able to communicate with you and see your wolf. What is so baffling now is that I can't even see the voice that claimed to be my wolf.

"Do you think if I didn't show up prematurely you would be alive?" He asked.

" You saved me?" I asked, surprised remembering the hit I took.

"Yes I did".

I pouted. "But I can't see you".

" That's because it is not time for me to appear".

I don't know what to say.

" Listen bounce, I'll just be here for a little while. I'll have to leave soon because if I'm here it would be dangerous for you. You have to grow up and stop being a child. You know you need to look after yourself. There is a very rough and dangerous way ahead of you and if you really want to survive and conquer, you have to grow up and be tough".

" But I don't know what to do," I said with a shaky voice.

I didn't want to cry so that he wouldn't scold me again.

"Neither do I but I know you will scale through if you want to. Bye Bounce" he said.

There was no need for someone to tell me Derek is gone because I felt this emptiness in me which was caused by his absence.

I didn't have time to think about Derek's disappearance because I heard a growl. At first I thought it was a wolf but looking in the direction, I saw that it was a leopard. It was glaring at me.

"Oh God what would I do?" I said to myself.

The leopard rushed at me and I took to my heel. I ran as fast as I could and I discovered that I was very fast but then my lucky charm ended because I got to a cliff. I was so scared because I could see that the leopard had a triumphant look on his face. He stopped and looked at me. Then dashed at me. Me having the will to survive I also ran at him. We struggled for a while. He clawed me but I didn't give up. I made sure I climbed on his back. I've seen my father battle a wild animal in a hunt before and I've seen him climb on them and snapped their necks. I remember this and climbed on the leopard, then took his head in my little hands. He was twisting trying to get me but I used all my strength to hold him. To my surprise, I was able to snap its neck. I was so joyful. My joy was in two. One I killed the animal that wants me as food. But now he is my food.

I dragged him to the water I saw earlier. I began to think of a way to eat the animal. I was so hungry. I don't even know how long I have been out before I finally wake up. It was as if I had a genie who was watching over me. I saw a blunt knife that I can use to cut the animal. I took two stones and made fires with the stick I gathered. That was how I was able to prepare my first meal alone. I looked at where the leopard clawed me but it was gone due to my wolf healing. I laid with the animal skin that still smelled of fresh blood. At least it will be better than sleeping on the floor. The Leopard served me for days before I ran out of food. That was what made me move away from my destination.

"Alpha, you have a visitor," one of my men told me.

I was lost in my training that morning because of my thinking. I know it is high time I start my revenge. I knew now is the time I needed to make this hard for those who destroyed my family and made me go through hardship.

I looked at the guy who called me. He didn't move in anyway closer because they know how angry I can get if they interrupt my training.

"Who is that?" I asked, taking the towel I was offered by a maid who's been standing beside me since I started training.

"I don't really know alpha. He just requested to see our alpha before he could say anything" he replied.

I then start to walk to my room. Even with me being a brute, I love to appear good.

Later I came out in my long white jacket feeling refreshed. I was so hungry but I wanted to see the one who insisted on seeing me. When I got to the pack house where my seat is located. I didn't see the stranger I ought to see.

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