
Chapter 4

Kim opened her eyes and it seems all her memory has been wiped off. She couldn't remember a thing. She got attacked by a headache and she held her head to show her pain.

"Can you keep off those shows and get your irritating self here? " Liza shouted.

That familiar and angry voice made Kim recover her senses. She then knew that she was back at the Lion's den she called home. She couldn't remember how she got that into the house. The last thing she remembered was her being shoved at the wall. She quickly checked herself for any injury knowing no one would do the checking for her. She noticed she was fine. No bruise was visible despite the harsh way she hit the wall.

"Have you gone deaf?" Liza's voice rang again.

Kim didn't even notice that she was right in front of her until she looked up. She quickly stood up and met the familiar angry and disgusted face.

"Good morning ma" she bowed.

Liza didn't see it dimmed fit to reply.

"Follow me" she ordered and left.

Kim followed without hesitation. She wasn't even feeling the earlier headache anymore. Not because of her usual fear of Liza but because her mind was occupied with what happened yesterday and the person she saw.

The vision started becoming clearer and clearer, as she began to remember the face she saw right from the restaurant to when she was walking home. She wondered who brought her home and what was told to her family that happened to her. What surprised her most was that she wasn't thinking of what was about to happen to her but the guy she saw.

She didn't even know they'd gotten to the living room until Mani spoke.

"Who exactly was that guy that brought you home?"

His voice was calm when he asked but Kim wasn't fooled by it. They were all birds of equal feathers and none liked her.

"Which guy?" she asked naively.

She knew it would be even better to keep her mouth shut than to reply to any of their questions but she also needed to clarify things. She wasn't intending to tell them any of this. It wasn't her secret to tell. In fact they are people who do not believe whatever she says. So it is just better for her to keep her thing to herself.

"Have you suddenly gotten deaf?" Liza snapped.

Tasha was seated with her phone smiling at it as if she never cared.

"I don't know any guy," Kim replied with a low voice.

"Liar!" Liza shouted.

She gave her a slap because she was right beside her.

" How would you know after he brought you home and you smelled of heavy alcohol" she asserted with an angry and wicked look.

Kim was shocked at what Liza said. She began to wonder if the guy came to lie to her family or her family is the one lying here. She couldn't believe he would do that to her. She never tasted alcohol in her entire life. She also didn't trust Liza because she couldn't count how many lies she had lied just to put her in trouble. She felt, wasn't it enough that she shoved her to the wall? Now he lied against her again. So she was between twixt and didn't know who to put the blame on. Whether it is the mysterious guy she saw or Liza.

"I've never tasted alcohol in my life" She said quickly.

Liza slapped her again. Kim didn't even bother to touch her already red cheek. She has gotten used to the slap. It was as if their hands were made for her cheek.

" Did you just insinuate that I lied?" she was almost screaming.

" Mum you are shouting" Tasha said with a disgusted look.

She looked at Kim and eyed her.

"So sorry darling, this child of a bastard is annoying me" she apologised sweetly to her daughter.

Kim has started to cry because she knew that Liza just found more chances to make her life a living hell.

"You've started to sleep with men right?" Mani asked with a very cold voice.

"No sir I wouldn't do that" she defended herself quickly.

The looks on Mani didn't tell that she believed.

"Didn't I tell you how she throws herself at men all around? You all thought I was exaggerating."

That was Tasha. She wore a grim look.

To Kim, Tasha was talking exactly how she does behave. She is always with a guy or the order and now she is saying that to her. Kim didn't even wince at the lie.

"I thought she was a good kid" Mani said as if he was so sad to hear what she did.

Kim knew all was just a facade. Although Mani barely pays her any attention, he never even tries to see the truth whenever his wife or child come up with their lies. All he just does is to discipline her.

"How am I to follow men when I'm not even given enough sleeping time....... "

Liza cuts in.....

"Did you just say that we are making you suffer?" she yowled.

Kim wondered how she got into this mess. This made her curse the guy who made this happen to her. Even though her life was never peaceful, she hasn't been tagged a prostitute. She has been called so many things aside from a prostitute.

"Never meant that ma'am. I'm only trying to explain....... "

She heard another sound. At first she didn't know she was the one who got slapped because her cheek went numb for a few seconds before the pain rang in her head. She staggered back holding her cheek with her two hands.

"You ingrate!" she spitted out. "We took you when nobody wanted you and what you could use to repay? Is to call us wicked!" she said with a furious look.

Kim didn't know when she said all that she's been accused of.

"I didn't mean it that way," Kim pleaded. She was really fighting the pain that grew in her chest. It was really hard to endure

She knew if they decide to throw her out she has nowhere to go. She quickly went on her knees to apologise.

"What a devious little thing" Tasha hissed.

She took her phone and started to do a video of Kim crying. She then started to tell all sorts of lies about why she's crying and what she has done. Her parents paused looking at her. Liza was smiling while Mani frowned.

Kim couldn't bear all the lies that were said but then what could she do other than to cry. Kim knew she was going to post it on her instagram page as usual.

This is not the first time she's doing this. Tasha has a very large following on instagram, tiktok and Facebook. Where she posts all her lies and flaunting. All of her followers mock her and praise Tasha for being a nice boss to the maid.

Mani cleared his throat and they all looked at him. Tasha ended her video and smiled.

"For your punishment young lady....."

Kim prayed in her heart that the punishment won't be channelled to her school. Since they know that's her only weak point. She would go through anything just to go to school.

"..... You won't go to school till you prove to be a child worthy of education" he said.

Kim felt like fainting. She knew this would be where it would head. She fell to the floor and cried. She couldn't control the tears anymore.

"Please sir don't do this. I'm begging you" she pleaded in tears.

"That's not all" Mani ignored her.

"You will receive 11 strokes of cane every morning till you learn not to take alcohol in my house again" he added.

Kim didn't know why she had to receive so much punishment as if their daughter's habit isn't to come home drunk every night. She was scared of the cane but not as much as not going to school.

Tasha volunteered to be the one beating her every morning which she was granted. This really made Tasha happy because she loves to see Kim cry.

After Kim received a thorough beating from Tasha, she vowed that the moment she set her eyes on the guy who just ruined her horrible life which thought had hope, she would have a revenge even though she didn't know what to do. Kim wept sadly as she made the vow.

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