
Chapter 2

Lauren was looking at Kim's beaten face with her nose raised in disgust. She was really angry at what happened.

"I don't know why you love doing this to yourself Kim!" Lauren, who was nicknamed Renny, asked Kim.

She never liked the way Kim allowed herself to be treated. She had once confronted Tasha about her bad attitude. Tasha then would deny everything so as to look good to Renny. After she went to tell her mother about it.

Kim suffered much, so she had to beg Renny not to say anything to Tasha again. This made Renny hate Tasha so much.

Renny is one of the school's intelligent and beautiful ladies. She rarely speaks with people and it was said of her that she was so proud. Kim was really shocked when Renny came to sit with her at the school cafeteria and sat with her.

Renny had seen Tasha maltreat Kim a few times and she does wonder who Kim is to Tasha. Anytime she sees the way Tasha treats Kim, she would remember her mother's story of her childhood.

Her mother had been maltreated by her stepmother and this had cost her mother many psychological issues. She would even beg Renny not to maltreat anyone because of the damage that would be done.

This was what made Renny move closer to Kim. She knew that she can't stop the ill treatment but then she can soothe it.

Everyone around couldn't hide their shock when they saw Renny sit with the maid in school. That was what Tasha told them and they nicknamed her that.

Renny is from a well to do home, but she never liked friends. Being friends with the most poor but brilliant girl in their school was a real blast to everyone.

Tasha, who always made the students think so low of Kim by telling them she is her personal maid, was also shocked. She had told her friends that the reason Kim was sent to school was for her to be able to run errands for her. These words made everyone despise Kim. No one wants to mingle with a maid.

Renny also heard all these stories and she felt pity for the poor girl who seemed not to have more than two dresses. She wondered what she would be going through. This also was part of what made her move closer to the lady since everyone hated her.

"I don't have a choice here, Renny," Kim replied sadly.

" Of Course you do," She disagreed.

" What do you want me to do? Not like I have anyone to help me out. If I go against Tasha, I would get into a whole lot of trouble. I'm not ready for their extra problem" Kim explained.

Renny really pitied the poor girl. She had pleaded with her parents to let Kim stay with them but her parents said they don't want to be in any trouble with her people.

All she had in her power was to provide necessaries for her but Kim was a very stubborn young lady who said she doesn't want to be treated as a charity case. She won't accept anything from anyone.

Renny has gotten used to her always refusing things but at times she would force it on her. Why she even relented was because at times anything she gives to her, Tasha would end up being the user and this always annoys her.

"Leave their house," Renny suggested.

She didn't mind going to get an apartment for Kim. She had once told her to go get a part- time job but Kim refused as usual.

"I can't. The contract stated that I can't leave until I find a suitor. I'm stocked. Who will want to associate with poor me not to talk of marrying me. I doubt any guy would" pain flickering in her green eyes as she spoke.

" Agreed but you have the beauty to attract any guy of your choice" Renny said with enthusiasm.

Being that it was only Renny that did tell her that she is beautiful, she counts it as a cheer up from a friend. She never for once takes the word seriously.

Kim never had the time to look into the mirror for fun or for admiring herself. The only time she took the knowledge to, is when she's been beaten up and all her face is swollen. So no day has she seen herself to have a good look. She even thought an old crone is better off for her.

"Thanks for the compliment but I don't need it" she said with a stiff smile.

" I'm not complimenting you. I'm telling the truth" Renny said with a stern look.

Kim had no chance to take care of herself even half of how others do take care of themself. Not that she didn't wish to or she was lazy, she just didn't have the money or the time. She had to work with her foster mother in her big restaurant and also do all the house chores alone. She barely gets time to sleep. She knew her life was in a mess and she was hoping to fix it one day.

Renny didn't say more when she saw that her friend didn't. She just wished she could help but there's nothing she can do. As they walked home, Renny looked down to her shoes and realised that her laces were loose. She then bent to tie them. As she did, Kim saw something passed like lightning and she jacked.

Renny stood up back and saw Kim stiffened.


She tapped Kim looking at the horrified look on her face.

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