

CHAPTER 3 – Zara’s POV

He continued to blame me for everything. I felt bad for my family because of how Lucas ignored them. I also felt bad for myself because when we got home, Lucas threw a maid's uniform at me!

As he kept blaming me, I started to believe that it was my fault. I blamed myself for getting drunk that night, for letting him have me. I had been paying for that mistake for six years.

Every day, he blamed me.

It had been six years since our secret wedding. After enduring our unhappy marriage, I wanted to free myself. He couldn't keep me as his secret forever! How could he keep me but not love me properly? I felt bad for our son who never felt love from his father.

It had been six years, but I still remembered how harsh he was on our wedding night. He knew I was pregnant, but he claimed my body again and again. He didn't let me sleep that night.

Since then, he treated me terribly.

For six years, he was always cruel. He constantly blamed me for ruining his life, and he mistreated me and our son. I put up with his behavior because I hoped he would change. I didn't want my son to grow up in a broken family.

For six years, he was hostile towards me. He was always unkind and constantly reminded me of how I ruined his life.

At first, I thought I could handle it, but his mistreatment extended to our son, Enrique. I endured his anger and resentment, hoping that he would let go of his grudges.

I didn't want my son to experience a broken family, so I stayed in my miserable life with Lucas Blackwood.

Each time our gazes locked, I was met with a frosty stare. Despite this, I bore it all for six long years. I was willing to endure everything, for the sake of giving my son a complete family.

But what was my reward for this sacrifice?

Heartache, deception, and betrayal. Time and time again, he shattered our vows, he trampled on my trust! How could I have been so naive to stay in a situation where I was destined to be hurt every single day?

One day, when our son Enrique misbehaved, Lucas insisted that I discipline him. I couldn't fault Enrique for his occasional stubbornness; he had inherited it from his father. I knew the reason behind his behavior.

Enrique craved his father's attention, but all he received was Lucas' cold indifference. I had been contemplating this for several days. By staying with Lucas, I was sabotaging my son's happiness. Lucas had destroyed my happiness as well!

“Zara, aren't you going to do anything? Tell your son to behave!” Lucas' words sliced through the silence, his voice heavy with impatience.

“Our son, Lucas! He is our son! How can you be so indifferent to him? We can argue all we want, but not in front of Enrique,” I retorted, my voice tinged with desperation. It was a plea for him to show some consideration for our son.

“Really, Zara? I see a bit of the old you. You seem to have found your strength to stand up to me,” he observed. “Enrique, behave!” he barked at our son.

“We can argue all we want, Lucas, but not in front of Enrique,” I implored, holding his gaze. I hoped he would comprehend the necessity of protecting our son from the bitterness that had grown between us.

“You seem to have found your strength to stand up to me,” he commented.

My heart surged at his words. It was a small victory to have him recognize my efforts to stand up for what was right, for what our son needed.

“Enrique, behave!” Lucas suddenly yelled at our son.

I shot Lucas a glare for yelling at Enrique, then took the boy's hand and pulled him into a hug. I squeezed his small hands, trying to reassure him that everything would be alright. He was on the verge of tears, but I told him he could cry later, after I had dealt with his father.

Indeed, Lucas was the worst of the worst. For six grueling years, no one knew he was married. The world was unaware that he had a wife, and that wife was me. His colleagues and employees were oblivious to our marriage. He wanted to maintain his bachelor CEO status, which made him popular among women.

To him, we were nothing more than a nuisance that spoiled his perfect life. He often told me that if I hadn't seduced him that night, he would be happily married to his fiancée. I couldn't understand why he clung to the idea that if it hadn't been for that fateful night, he would be living a blissful married life with his fiancée.

“Where are you going, Lucas? Apologize to Enrique!” I demanded, but he just scoffed and walked away.

Looking at my little boy, I saw his eyes welling up with tears. For several days, he had been excited about a school activity. He hoped that Lucas would attend, but when I brought it up, Lucas flatly refused.

“Mom, he doesn't love me,” Enrique lamented.

“Hush now, don't speak like that. Let's just ignore him for now, sweetheart. Let's have breakfast and then I'll take you to school, alright?”

“Alright,” Enrique agreed.

Honestly, Lucas had a knack for spoiling my appetite whenever he was present. But for Enrique's sake, I forced myself to eat, to pretend to enjoy the meal even when I had no desire to.

Minutes later, we finished our meal. I cleared the table, placed the dishes in the sink, and pulled the car out of the garage. This routine had become my life.

Trapped in a cycle of fear and hope, my days were shrouded in uncertainty. I clung to a faint hope that maybe, just maybe, Lucas would come to love his son. I wouldn't care if he only loved Enrique and not me. He could despise me for all eternity, and I wouldn't mind!

Before my ill-advised encounter with Lucas, I had a lucrative job. But after our clandestine wedding, Lucas insisted I quit and focus on my pregnancy. He claimed he could support us, but even if he didn't, I had savings from my previous job.

I longed for the day when Lucas would look at our son with softness, seeing the innocence and vulnerability in Enrique's eyes. It was wishful thinking, but I held on to it.

I had accepted that his feelings for me would never change, and oddly enough, I found myself at peace with this. If he could just love Enrique as I did, I could bear his resentment for another year.

Before that regrettable night with Lucas, I had a stable job. After our wedding, he demanded I leave it to focus on my pregnancy. It seemed sweet at first, like he cared for my well-being. But he was just afraid of our relationship being exposed.

He promised to provide for us, to take care of me and our child financially. I initially resisted, but he was persistent and domineering, and I eventually gave in.

After six years, I realized that a loveless relationship was not worth pursuing. It was damaging not just to me, but to my son as well. I wish I had realized this sooner, but I was naive and hopeful that Lucas would change.

Minutes later, we arrived at Enrique's private school. Enrique Delafontaine. From the beginning, Lucas refused to give our son his last name, a fact that broke my heart. I couldn't believe he could treat his own flesh and blood this way. But then again, he was Lucas Blackwood, Claybourne's most heartless man!

“Our paths have finally crossed!” a shrill voice exclaimed.

It was Antoinette, noticeably pregnant. I wanted to ask about it, but I held back and waited for her to speak.

“It's been a while, Zara. Is Lucas with you today?” she asked.

“No, just my bag and my handsome little boy,” I replied.

Then I looked at Enrique. He was a miniature Lucas Blackwood, with the only trait he inherited from me being his gentle eyes, unlike Lucas' fierce ones.

“I see. Well, see you around, Zara!”!”

“Of course,” I responded, then turned my attention back to my son. Seeing his bright smile and little white teeth, I couldn't help but return his smile. “Always remember, Ken, to be kind, good, and brave at all times,” I gently reminded him, smoothing his hair with my hand.

Enrique's smile widened, his enthusiasm shining through. “Yes, Mommy! I'll be good at school, but I want to be brave against Daddy. He's not a good man, Mom.”

“Someday,” I whispered.

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