
The CEO's Spoiled Wife

121.0K · Completed


Being born poor was the least of the things that bothered Olivia. She knew that she had no power to chose the family to be born into, so even though she was in university, she worked hard day and night to turn her life around for the better. But her gambling and drunkard dad could not allow that to happen. After messing with the wrong guys, and unable to pay off his debts, he decided to sell her daughter to a man so that she could be a surrogate. ... Olivia thought that her life was surely over. She never thought that of all the things, she would end up being just a breeding machine for the rich. But when the powerful and dominant CEO started spoiling her, and became excessively obsessive with her, Olivia could not resist his charm and slowly fell in love with him. From being regarded as a surrogate to being a spoiled wife, Olivia's life turned around for the better.

EmotionRomanceUrbanIndependentPregnantFemale leadPossessiveSweetCEOBillionairebxg

chapter 001

Chapter 1

Olivia dragged her tired body as she entered through the door of their humble home. Her father was a gambler and a drunkard and every time he messed with the bad guys, she would always be the one cleaning after him.

She was in her second year of university and apart from studying, she had to do all sorts of odd jobs in order to pay for tuition fee, help her father pay off the huge debts that he owes and have money to buy herself basic necessities.

“You are back?” a middle-aged voice asked Olivia the moment she entered the door.

She did not have the energy to entertain her father as she immediately hurried to her room.

Her father did not care about her attitude. He only looked at her with a cunning gaze, as something strange flitted through his eyes.

Olivia took a quick shower and just as she was about to start her school assignment, a knock came from the outside. She did not need to ask to know who was at the door.

“What do you want?” she asked in a tired but cold voice.

“I know that I have not been a great dad , but I have decided to change for the best. I promise you that I will start to work and you will not have to pay for my debts anymore.” Fred said.

Olivia did not respond as she stared at the with an apathetic gaze. She heard so much of those words over the years that her ears were starting to form calluses.

“Dad, just go on with your business, I have a lot of homework to do.” Olivia shouted towards the door.

“Olivia, baby, I am serious. Look, I have even prepared you a freshly squeezed mango juice, just the way you like it. Just drink it then and I won’t disturb you.” Fred said in an almost begging tone.

Olivia shook her head. She knew that if she did not open the door, her father would continue nagging and she would be too distracted to do anything.

Thus, she opened the door, took the glass of juice from Fred and gulped it in one go.

“Happy now?” she questioned as she stared at her irresponsible father.

“Yes, yes. Continue doing your assignments. I won’t disturb you anymore.” Fred nodded happily and immediately left.

Olivia woke up with a splitting headache. Her body was tied on a huge piano, rendering her immobile.

The only thing that could be moved was her legs. When she tried to move, a sharp pain shot through her lower body, making her to subconsciously scream.


She looked around the room and realized that it was a completely foreign place and she has never seen it before.

In her state of panic, she realized one thing; she was completely naked. There was not a single piece of clothe on her body.

Olivia moved her head to check her body and when she saw all the love bites from her chest to her thighs, she almost fainted.

“Ahhhhh.” she screamed even louder and her voice seemed to have attracted a few people in the the house.

Olivia was panic-stricken and her mind was in a daze. She was a university student and although she has never had a boyfriend before, she knew exactly what had happened.

She must have slept with a man? But how? The last thing she remember was her father giving her a glass of mango juice and after that, a few men in black suits with huge black shades, approached her.

She had thought that she was having a nightmare at that time, but looking at her current condition…

…could she have been abducted and then slept with her abductor? Although the plot seemed bizarre, that was the only explanation she could come up with in her current state.

As she was still pondering, with her heart beating out of proportion, a few servants, neatly dressed, approached her.

They untied her from the piano and covered her with a towel before leading her away.

Olivia tried to resist but her body was weak so, she could only allow herself to be dragged along.

After bathing her thoroughly, she was made to sit on the dressing table that seemed to have all kinds of makeup.

The servant had just lifted a brush to apply foundation on her face when Olivia caught her wrist. The servant was momentarily shocked but she did not say a word.

“Who are you guys and what is this place?” Olivia asked as she stared at the servant’s expressionless face.

The servant did not say anything. She did not even look at Olivia in the eye as started to do her makeup.

Olivia could only resign to her fate. This woman was like a robot and no matter how she asked, she did not open her mouth to say a thing.

The makeup was soon done and Olivia was dressed in a gorgeous long black dress.

She looked at herself in the mirror and was stunned by what she saw. Well, she has never known that she was such a beauty. She almost failed to recognize herself.

The servant helped her up and led her downstairs. The more they passed many corridors, the more Olivia was amazed at how huge this house was. There seemed to be no end and her heart tensed.

After walking like forever, they finally reached what seemed like the sitting room. In the living room, there were two people, one was sitting and had an incredible aura, while the other was standing on his side respectfully.

Olivia looked at them and wondered if these two people were the kidnappers and wondered what they wanted from her. Her gaze lingered a bit on the man who was seated. He had a handsome face that could defy the heavens and summon down the calamity.

He was probably the most handsome man she has ever seen in her life.

The man she was looking at was Ethan Reid, the youngest billionaire and the current president of Reid Corporation. He had taken over the company after his father’s retirement and under his leadership, it had expanded even to the international markets.

Well, as naive as Olivia was, she knew that she has never met this man and they did not have any connection, whatsoever. She just wanted to know why she was there and who she had slept with.

As if reading her mind, Ethan signaled his assistant. The assistant respectfully took out a stack of documents from the black leather suitcase he was holding and gave it to Olivia.

Olivia took it with a confused look and browsed through it. By the time she finished, her face was ashen and her lips were trembling lightly.

If the servant was not holding her from behind, she would have fallen.

“What… what… what is the meaning of this?” Olivia asked as she looked between Ethan and his assistant.

She was this man’s surrogate? But why don’t she remember meeting with this man or even signing this crappy contract? But her name was on it and what surprised her even more was her father’s name and signature.

“Miss, you have read the contract and everything that is in it is true.” the assistant spoke up.

“How?” Olivia asked. She felt like she was losing her mind.

“Your father sold you to our boss to be his surrogate. I guess you have seen the signature and the name on the paper.”

“Impossible. My dad would never do that to me.” Olivia instantly denied.

“You, what did you do to my dad? Did you make him gamble for you and when he lost, you tricked him into doing this?” Olivia asked angrily as she pointed her shaky finger at Ethan.

Ethan’s face that has been expressionless ever since they Olivia was brought over, darkened.

‘Is this woman kidding me? Why would I resort to such despicable means to get woman? Does she have any idea how many women want to have a look at me?’ Ethan thought angrily in his mind.

“I am calling the police. Not only did you kidnap me, you raped me and even threatened my dad to sign this contract. I am going to report you to the police. I am going to make sure that you rot in jail.” Olivia yelled. Although she knew that her father was a gambler and almost never listened to her, there was no way he could sell her.

She still had that little bit of faith in him.

Ethan felt that Olivia was too noisy so, he glared at his assistant.

The assistant knowingly took out a tablet and wordlessly handed it to Olivia. Olivia wanted to throw it away but when she saw the familiar figure appear on the screen, she paused.

In the video, the father who has never shown her any concern, the father that was always drunk and fighting, was happily discussing the contract terms.

He even explained how he was going to drug her and make her to suspect nothing.

So, it all began with the mango juice that her father had prepared for her.

Olivia was overwhelmed with despair. She could not believe that the father she had fought so much for, had actually sold her for some million dollars.

Ethan looked at the woman who was about to break down without any expression on his face. There was no fluctuating feelings and he was as stoic was ever.

“Woman, from today onwards, I am your master!”