
He Wants His baby

“ Let’s hear who it is” She Inhaled deeply before answering it. “ Hello” She said and the other person Chuckled.

“ Emily, where is my child?” She recognized that voice and she quickly removed the phone from her ear. Her heart was pounding by just hearing his Angry voice. Emily has never seen him Angry ever since he was visiting her in the house he gave to her.

“ Don’t you dare cut the call!” He yelled over the phone. Emily put the phone back to her ear. “ I can’t” She said. “ You can’t what? You can’t bring back my baby?” He asked and she nodded her head.

“ I won’t bring him back. Why didn’t you explain to me that is how things are done?” She scolded him. “ It was all in the contract. I told you to read it but you said it was no used. Don’t you remember?” He asked her.

Emily remember she ignored what was written Inside the document she signed because she was desperately in need of they Money. She thought it might be a waste of time reading it.

“ You said you knew what a surrogate means. Why then did you ran away with my baby? Bring him back to me , Emily. Please I need my baby” He pleaded. “ I can’t let go of him” Emily disconnected the call and switched off her phone.

“ I can’t” She looked at the baby and sighed. “ My dear Jeff, I’ll raise you well” She touched his cheeks and he opened his eyes. “ Awn so cute” She stared at his eye balls and giggled. “ They are just like your Dad’s” She smiled.

“ If only… Nah, it’s impossible” She Shook her head and sighed deeply. “ We’ll need some new clothes. Belle would escort me for shopping tomorrow”


Two days later, Harry was sitting on the Sofa in his room when his mum came in. She was In her mid fifties but she looked younger than her age. Among her three children, Harry was the one that took after her. From his resemblance to the way he walks.

“ Didn’t I told you to get married?” She Sneered at him. “ Come on Mum, I thought we’ve gone through all this” He sighed. “ You can’t be serious. I told you to get married or find yourself a girlfriend that would give you kids but you ignored what I said and went ahead to hire a surrogate”

She sat on the bed and crossed her leg.

“ I remember you said that but…” She interrupted him. “ But what? Answer me. This is what you get for not listening to your own Mother. That girl loves kids, I told you to keep an eye on her if not she will run away with your child one day but you told me Emily won’t do such a thing.”

“ You saw the way she was playing with your Niece that day I went to see her. Didn’t you?” She asked him. “ I saw that” He answered sadly. “ Good. Then have you found her?” She asked again. “ No Mum, I don’t know where she ran to but I called her number yesterday. I told her to bring back my baby but she refused” Harry sighed.

“ Harry, all this wouldn’t have happened if you had listened to me” She shook her head. “ Then what do you want me to do now?” He asked his mum and she Chuckled. “ Who knows. I know you would not listen to me again even if I tell you what to do” She Said and he stood up from the sofa.

“ Mum, I’ll do whatever you asked me if I can get back My child” He said kneeling in front of her. “ I don’t trust you. Don’t forget I’m your Mum and I know you very well” She said “ Mum, I promise to do what you say”

“ Okay, I have a plan but first, You should track down where she lives. If you find her, I’ll tell you the next thing to do” She said and he nodded his head. “ I’ll do that. Don’t go back on your words later” He said and he Giggled. “ I won’t do that to my favorite son. You know Mum loves you right?” She touched his face.

“ I know but you go back on your words sometimes” He said and she Scoffed. “ Where’s your Assistant?” She asked him. “ He’s out there, still searching for Emily”

“ Call him back. You guys should start tracking down the number” She stood up from the bed. “ Her Phone is switched off” He said to her. “ Then you’ll have to keep trying until she Switch on her phone”

“ Alright Mum, I’ll do that.” He left the room with her. “ Have you eaten?” She asked him. “ How can I eat when my baby is out there?” He sighed. “ Harry, you have to eat. If you don’t eat, You won’t be healthy to even see your baby” She said to him and he sighed. “ I don’t want to eat” He Returned back to his room and locked the door.

“ What a spoilt child” She shook her head. “ Thank goodness you said that by yourself” She turned to the next room close to Harry’s and saw her own Mum leaning on the door. “ Mum” She Called.

“ Don’t Mum me. I’m glad you know Harry is a Spoilt brat. You spoiled him, I told you to stop pampering that Boy since he was still a child but you refused. Now, he doesn’t want to get married but he needs a child. How do you expect Emily not to run away with the child? If I was her, I would also run away with the baby but I’ll make sure I grab lots of Money from him first”

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