
Heartbreak And Secret

Oh em gee, REALLY? Brielle’s jaw hung open in shock. She pulled Margaret close and whispered excitedly, “Didn’t you say that Alpha Knight wasn’t interested in women? Sounds like he might have a secret love! And she’s the future head of our firm!?” Margaret patted Brielle’s hand with a smile.

“You really should try to be more informed about these things, Brielle. How can you work here and not know all this hot gossip? Our jobs literally revolve around pack politics.” “Well, come on, hurry and tell me now. I’m all ears!” Brielle said, tugging at Margaret’s sleeve. Margaret lowered her voice.

“Alpha Knight and Elder Thorin’s daughter were childhood sweethearts. Rumor has it, Alpha asked her to be his Luna five years ago. But she turned him down to focus on her studies, said she didn’t want the responsibility of that, so they split up. They haven’t spoken since.

But as soon as Ms. Thorin returned to the country, Alpha Knight personally went to the airport to pick her up. That’s enough to prove that he still has strong feelings for her.” Brielle covered her mouth, her big, round eyes wide.

“Oh my god! It’s like the perfect romance!” My heart spasmed, and misery spread through me. So, the truth was that Griffon had terminated our contract early because his long-lost love-his real love-had come back.

But if he was already in love with someone, why did he force me to sign a contract to continue our “relationship” after sleeping with me only once?

And whenever he touched me, he went so crazy that he couldn’t control his wolf. He was unable to keep his hands off me, and we’d spend hours and hours in bed.

Those weren’t the actions of a man who didn’t want someone.

Just as I was about to ask Margaret where she’d heard this, the elevator opened with a ding.

The executive assistant to the head of the firm, Lila, and several department managers walked out first. Right after, a man with a face and body carved and chiseled by the goddess herself walked out. He seemed almost unreal, like he’d stepped out of an oil painting, a mix of power, refinement, and indifference, always keeping a distance from others.

Unlike other Alphas who were warm and friendly while maintaining their position of authority, this Alpha was aloof, Stoic…unattainable. I would recognize him anywhere. Lila gestured to the shifters who’d stepped off the elevator. Alpha Knight, Ms. Thorin, this way, please.” Why is he here? I thought, watching Griffon turn and offer his hand to someone in the elevator. Then, a delicate, fair hand was placed in his, and a woman stepped out. The moment I saw her face, I understood why Griffon bought me for the night and drew up that contract five years ago. Except for a few minor differences, I had almost the same face as Griffon’s former lover, the woman he’d wanted to make. His Luna. I used to think Griffon would return my feelings one day and love me for who I was, although I had no wolf and could never truly be his Luna, but now I knew…

I was only a temporary substitute.

My chest tightened almost to the point I couldn’t breathe, and pain swept through my body, turning my face pale even despite the makeup I wore.

Brielle immediately asked with concern, “Taya? What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick? I shook my head, and before Brielle could say anything else, Lila led Griffon and Ms. Thorin over.

I quickly lowered my eyes and didn’t dare look Griffon or the woman in the eye. I couldn’t stop my hands from trembling on. The keyboard, as Lila introduced them.

The assistants here are available to help you with anything you need, Ms. Thorin.”

Ms. Thorin nodded, looked at us, and said softly, “Good Morning, everyone. My name is Tara Thorin. Starting today, I’ll be the new CEO of the Midwest Packs Association.” Tara… I couldn’t seem to get enough air into my lungs, and I felt lightheaded.

Memories started flooding back of me and Griffon, our bodies writhing and entwined in bed.

Every time, he’d softly call out my name. So softly I could barely hear it.

Only now did I realize that he wasn’t calling out to me, but to Tara… I clenched my fists. My long nails dug into my flesh, but I felt no pain. Suffocating feelings of humiliation and abandonment overwhelmed me, and I couldn’t fight back the tears.

I was so stupid to have fallen in love with Griffon, the wolf who would never love me back. After exchanging pleasantries, Tara took Griffon’s arm and followed Lila to the CEO’s office.

Brielle craned her neck and looked at their backs with envy. “Alpha Knight personally picked her up and escorted her into the office on her first day of work? That HAS to mean he still loves her!”

Margaret patted her shoulder and said, “It’s not just that. She’s only just returned to the country, and she’s already taking over as CEO. The rest of the elderly may not be completely convinced she’s up to the task.

By personally escorting her on her first day, Alpha Knight is warning everyone that she has the backing of the Knight Pack.”

“He’s so quick to show his love and support for her. Alpha Knight really is the perfect mate.” Brielle sighed. Margaret’s eyes were also full of jealousy. “If she weren’t Elder Thorin’s daughter, she wouldn’t have been chosen by the most powerful Alpha in the Midwest Packs,” she said.

Brielle shook her head disapprovingly. “I don’t think so. Ms. Thorin is accomplished, too. She’s highly educated and refined, and she's obviously beautiful. She’ll make a perfect Luna for him. Speaking of her looks…” Brielle looked at me. “Taya… don’t you think you look kind of similar to our new CEO?” Margaret came over to take a closer look. “Goddess. You do look a bit like her, Taya. But honestly, I think you’re way prettier!”“Don’t be ridiculous, I said abruptly, and then I got up and went to the bathroom. I heard Brielle behind me. “What’s up with her?”

Margaret chimed in. “Maybe she’s jealous because she thinks Tara is so much luckier than her, even though they practically have the same face. After all, Tara is a true she-wolf.”

Mortification washed over me at her words, and I walked faster.

I entered the bathroom and quickly took out my heart medication, turning on the faucet and scooping up a handful of water to swallow it down.

After calming down for a few long moments, I splashed my face with cold water and looked up at my reflection. It was clear that illness was ravaging my body; my cheeks were sunken, my skin dull.

But Tara… While I was in a daze, the bathroom door opened, and in came Tara, her high heels clicking with each step. Her face was soft and delicate, with a rosy glow, and she exuded an effortless elegance.It was like Brielle said. She wasn’t just beautiful. She was Educated, classy, successful… The perfect she-wolf who would make the perfect Luna.

Everything that I wasn’t. When her eyes met mine, inferiority pierced through me. I quickly lowered my head, pulled out a tissue, and turned to leave.

“Wait a minute,” Tara called out.

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