

I stare at Hailey for a few seconds before returning my focus to the dough I'm kneading. "Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not. It's you who would be crazy to reject the chairwoman's offer."

"What the hell are you even talking about, Hailey? I've never even met the woman's son."

"What does it matter?"

"What doesn't it?"

Before Hailey can respond, Alfredo, the head chef with a temper issue directs a string of Italian gibberish my way while flailing his hands. I know he's talking to me about hurrying up with the dough but I intentionally ignore him. Hailey walks to the sink to wash her hands and help me cut the dough into small sizes. Usually, there are three assistant chefs in the kitchen but Callum called in sick this morning and yet another employee who couldn't stand Alfredo's terrible temper quit yesterday. If Alfredo wasn't such a great chef, I'd probably hate him too but in truth, I am actually fond of him. As we cut the dough into pizza sizes, Hailey picks up the conversation.

"Natalie, think of all that you'd get from this marriage! As a Martinez, you'd have more than enough money on your hands. You'd be married to a wealthy Greek god and you'd be able to go anywhere in the world that you want!"

"Hailey, you know that man is way out of my league."

"Well, his mother asked you, didn't she? Tell me why you don't want to accept her offer."

"It's hardly an offer when I'm not getting anything out of it."

"Girl! You're going to be a Martinez. That is everything!"

"That's exactly my point. I'm not sure I can handle all of the glamour that comes with being a Martinez. Moreover, I don't understand why the chairwoman would choose me out of every girl in Seattle." I say quietly.

"Then ask her when she comes tomorrow." Hailey stops what she's doing to hold my hands fervently. "Nat, you know that I would support you in anything that you do. I just want you to think this through before you turn it down. Whatever you decide, I'm with you every step of the way."

With my eyes on hers, I thank the heavens for bringing Hailey my way. Sometimes, I don't think I deserve her. Hailey is soft as a kitten when I need her to be and stern as a tigress when defending me.

"Thank you, Hailey. You know I love you."

"I love you too, Nat," she says and pulls me in for a hug. The next second, Alfredo throws a mixing pan our way and it bounces neatly off of Hailey's head. She releases a string of curses his way while I laugh uncontrollably.

When the chairwoman shows up at Giancarlo the next morning, I am ready to go with her. However, this morning saw me weighing several options in my head, from quitting my job at Giancarlo to running in front of a train. In the end, I decided to go with Hailey's advice and see if this prospect is anything worth chasing.

With a big smile on her face, the chairwoman barely responds to the greetings that fly around and walks me towards her car outside. It suddenly occurs to me that this is what class truly is. The ability to snob people with such a kind smile plastered on one's face. I make the mistake of looking back before the restaurant door closes and catch Mariah's death stare. God knows that that woman would kill me if she got the chance.

Outside, a bodyguard opens the car door for me and bows as I sit. The driver also bows and greets me with respect. I am not used to this type of treatment and for a minute, it unnerves me but the chairwoman places a hand on mine to steady me. This gesture makes me wonder why everyone is so scared of Rebecca Martinez. She has been nothing but kind to me since we first met.

The Martinez mansion is unlike anything I've seen. It is a stately mansion that exudes elegance and charm. There are gorgeous marble towers along the way and a fountain right in front of the mansion. It is surrounded by a beautiful garden of flowers that make the heart sing. When we step out of the car, it takes all of my willpower not to gawk. Inside the living room is a crackling fireplace that screams elegance. The walls are adorned with family portraits and obviously expensive paintings.

A maid comes out to greet the chairwoman and she asks her to bring some wine and get Brandon, then offers me a seat next to her. God! Even the sofa screams money! When Brandon walks into the living room, I feel my heart do a double flip. Well, well, pictures certainly do not do him justice.

He bends down to kiss his mother's cheeks and as he takes a seat across from us, I catch his assessing gaze on me. All my life, I've been told that I am very pretty but under Brandon's scrutiny, I suddenly feel plain and unattractive. He soon returns his gaze to his mother.

"I can see you have a guest, Mom"

"Oh! She's not my guest. She's yours. Natalie, meet Brandon. Brandon, meet Natalie; the woman you will be getting married to!" The chairwoman says casually with a glass of wine between her fingers. Lightning fast, Brandon jumps to his feet.

"What the hell do you mean the woman I am getting married to?" He yells.

"Brandon, we talked about this yesterday," she says casually again.

"And I told you immediately that I wasn't interested"

"I told you, Brandon. You do not have a choice."

Brandon looks at me with contempt on his face and says the most degrading thing anyone has ever said to my face without batting an eyelid. "Listen to me, mom. I said this before, and I'm saying it again. I don't plan to ever get married. But if I were to consider it, I would rather die than settle for this... this underdressed, ugly swan!"

With this, he walks out of the house, and for the hundredth time in the past 48 hours, my mouth is hanging open with my jaw ready to hit the floor.

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