

After a minute of staring at the wedding invitation card, Alex tossed it into the backseat and turned to face his friend, whose gaze was fixed on the steering wheel and the road ahead.

"Amazing, isn't it?" John exclaimed as he steered the car into a different route..." James is getting married... at last, he'll be free of his bachelorhood...."

"Congratulations to him..." Alex was quick to answer... "Can you tell me when you're getting married...?"John inquired, jokingly. Alex laughed out loud.... "Look at the snail outrunning the mouse..., when are you getting married...?"

"It's true that you're older than I am...""With a month..." he said.

According to Alex... "Which isn't even close to being anything..." John was giggling..."Alex, you really need to slow down..

(John knew that this uncontrollable urge of Alex over women will land him in trouble one day).

How many girls have you had something with...?" John asked

"Mmm.... I don’t think I can remember the statistics, ." Alex said laughing at his statement.

"I'm starting to wonder if you'll ever settle down..."John said,

"I will after you must have settled down first." Alex responded

" literally taught me everything I know..." Alex muttered

"And then you became a badass nigga, with your Natasha, Jane, Rose, Nana, and our dearest sugar mama," John replied.

"Let's talk about Rose..." "She paid me an unexpected visit this afternoon," Alex interjected. "I know you had an eye for her, did you give her my address..."

"You know I'd never do something like that." John responded.

"Well, she found out in some way...""That girl is lovely; I'm surprised you had to abandon her..., I was hoping she'd be the one...the one you finally settle for..."

"Not since Nana came into the picture...," Alex said. "So the choosen one is Nana...?" John guffawed...

"I don't know..., do you think I have slept with her?.., that girl is stingy with what she has in between her legs..., she said she's saving it for her husband...," Alex said."

Ewo...!, wahala," . "E choke oo, I swear...""Show her your playboy skills," John said.

"Nothing seems to work on this girl... she won't accept my gifts, so buying her with money is out..." Alex reacted.

"So, what does she want...?" John asked. "I don't know, man... she's the first girl who has resisted my advances so far..., I respect that.." Alex said and smiled.

"It appears that you're already falling..." John sneered. "She might be the one." Alex looked at him and burst out laughing, then he looked away and suddenly he saw someone who captivated his eyes.

"Stop the car!" he yelled immediately. Unaware of whom he was seeing, John quickly applied the brakes, and Alex quickly stepped out of the car.

He dashed towards the lady he had noticed from the car... "Hello, lovely one..." He said to her right away...

To his surprise, she didn't stop, and he didn't give up either, sprinting back towards her... "Hello, lovely..."

He wowed at her beauty and took a step back when she stood up to look at him.... Her crescent shaped brows dipped slightly as she noticed him staring at her, and he yelped as he realized he'd been caught.

Her velvet-black languid eyelashes blinked once slowly, as if to invite him in... Her luminous, heavenly-white teeth flashed as she pawed at him with her film star nails as he leaned closer to her.

Her virility-brown eyes set his heart a-thumping, and her hair was a glorious tumble of star beam-gold.

Her oxbow lips were drooling with delight....

“Jesus....” Alex dazzled....

"Are you an angel...?" he said.

Alex' heart jolted like an electric current as she broke into a smile... “No..” She utters a sharp response.

“You’re stunning..." He said, as his gaze was fixed on her lustfully.

"Thank you very much." She quickly turned to walk away after saying this. “Please hold on..." "Alex yelled as he chased her down..."We can take you wherever you want to go..."

"I'm not in need of a ride." "She grinned..."I can't leave an angel like you walking in this sweltering heat..., so please let us give you a ride..."

"I appreciate it.." She said this as she stepped forward to walk away... “Wait...” Alex stated that he was chasing her down once more..."Can I have your phone number...., I'd like to hang out with you on occasion..."

"I'm sorry, but I don't have a phone number..." Alex eyes glowed with rage...."Come on, even Jesus had a phone number."

"Did he...?" she quickly reacted. He laughed... "I am just joking ..."

“Alright...” She smiled and began walking away from him.

“Hey..” "Tell me your name, and don't tell me you don't have one," Alex said quickly as he followed her.

“Trust me," she said, "you don't want to know my name..."

"Believe me, I'd like to know...please...""Will you leave me alone if I tell you my name...?"

"I'm going to..." “Fine...” "My name is Mamila," she said. She walked past him as the words came out of her mouth...

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